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group until then devoted exclusively to   important not only on the Belgian level but also   to be found those by Lefrancq, Simon" and
     literature. Souris had met Nougé during a   on the international one. In February 1935,   Van de Spiegele. The war was to slow down the
     `Pro Arte' concert where Schonberg's Peter in   the group published a new magazine :   activities of the members. New worries were
     the Moon had its Brussels première. The   Mauvais Temps; it contained not only the   to bring desolation, unhappiness and barrenness.
     audience was very excited (it should be noted   group's manifesto but also illustrations by   The Hainaut Surrealist Group was immediately
     that a similar atmosphere reigned at Goemans's   Magritte. The Brussels Group on several   under suspicion; Dumont was threatened
     and Lecomte's first meeting with Nougé) and   occasions had shown its sympathy and   because of his ideological stand and arrested
     the two men met outside again to exchange a   agreement with the attitudes of the Hainaut   on 15 April 1942.'5   It was then Louis Van de
     few ideas. This was the beginning of a long   Group.                                 Spiegele's turn and that of many others as well.
     friendship. From then on, Souris was to      On 33 April 1935, Mesens attended a     Struck where it hurt most, the Surrealists were
     participate in the activities of Correspondance.   special meeting of the Rupture Group; then   to diminish their activities for a number of
     In it, he published two tracts?   which he   came Magritte, Colinet, Nougé, Scutenaire...    years.
     co-authored with Paul Hooreman, another   The Walloons, in fact, wanted to round up all
     musician.                                 those who were favourable to the surrealist   THE HAUTE NUIT GROUP
        In a final announcement dated to September   cause and Fernand Dumont, in a way, became   With the end of the war, a renewed strength
     1926 `Correspondance was to take leave of   their spokesman. He contacted Breton who   came to the Surrealists of Hainaut
     Correspondance'. The union between poets and   replied: 'It would be rather difficult for me not   province; the meetings resumed and on
     musicians had become very closely knit;   to be in complete agreement with all of your   19 February 1947, a new group called 'Haute
     there now remained only the task of establishing   friends. A magazine such as Mauvais Temps,   Nuit' was founded.
     a bond between this group and other artists.   really, in every way, answers my deepest   It brought together, not only, Chavée, Simon,
     This occurred with the founding by E. L. T.   wish ... '.10 Then he solicited André Souris :   Lefrancq, Van de Spiegele... who had been
     Mesens of the magazine Marie whose first   `As you can well imagine, we haven't stopped   members of the Rupture and Hainaut surrealist
     issue (1 June 1926) places Magritte's name   thinking of you and we would very much like   groups but also younger members : Holyman,
     next to that of Lecomte. The cohesion was to   you to accept working with us on this issue. To   Marlier, D'Hondt, Dieu, Franck, etc. The
      become still greater with the founding—   avoid any misunderstanding, I will tell you   group's stand was rapidly defined: 'Rejection
     according to Waldberg—of the 'Société du   frankly that as far as I am concerned, I   of every kind of dogmatism; opposition to
      mystère'  8   which grouped—around Magritte —   subordinate my co-operation to Breton's   conformism in art; faith in original and
      Mesens, Lecomte, Goemans, Nougé, Souris   approval ...'.11 'Your presence amongst us   avant-garde artistic events'.16 Seeking Breton's
      and Scutenaire. Colinet was to join them in   seems to me to be of the utmost importance   backing more than ever they were to break
      193o. The surrealist group of Brussels was thus   because for third parties it is a moral guarantee,   away from Magritte and their stand at the time of
      complete, ready to begin the creative activity   to which we are extremely sensitive'.12  Again   the 'Exposition Internationale de Surrealisme'17
      we have already mentioned, ready too to keep   it was the Rupture Group which, under the   is significant. 'Magritte, his friends and their
      up a steady relationship with France which   auspices of `tendances contemporaines'   Surrealism in full sunlight look very suspicious
      resulted in tracts, manifestos, memberships or   (contemporary trends) organised, from 13 to   to us. We would, therefore, be happy to prove
      excommunications that have become landmarks   27 October 1935, at La Louvière, the first   to Magritte that there are other Surrealists in
      in the history of the group.              `Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme en   Belgium than him and his herd. The
      b) The role of Wallonia in the surrealist   Belgique' which was also the second to be held   International Paris Art Show seems to us to be
      experience.                               anywhere in the world. At the time, this made   the dreamed of occasion to do so ... '.18  To
      This role came at a later date, but here as in   some say that 'Surrealism has two capitals :   this letter, Breton replied: 'I fervently hope that
      Brussels it was the poets who, from the very   Paris and La Louvière'. In the catalogue,   the Mons Surrealist Group be represented at
      first, set the style. There was Achille Chavée,   Belgium is represented by Colinet, Magritte,   the International Exhibition which will open
      who issued instructions from his home in La   Mesens and Servais whereas the foreign   its doors around the 20th of June ... Cordially
      Louvière; Fernand Dumont, who grouped the   participation brought together the works of   yours'.'`' At a meeting, a decision on the works
      artists of Mons around him, led them and gave   de Chirico, Dali, Ernst and Mire', to mention   to be sent to Paris was made: four drawings by
      them advice while simultaneously being    but the most important ones. This artistic   Simon for Les chants de Maldoror, two paintings
      involved in creative activity interrupted by an   event remains a landmark in the history of   by Van de Spiegele, two others by Lefrancq,
      untimely death. This prevents us from     Surrealism and in that of the Rupture Group   etc. What happened afterwards ? We do not
      evaluating his contribution at its true worth.   whose dismemberment was nevertheless to   know, but the catalogue of the show does not
                                                become inevitable and, in fact, earmarked the   mention any of these names.
      THE RUPTURE GROUP                         end of the year 1938.
      The Rupture Group, which was the first to                                           REVOLUTIONARY SURREALISM
      group the Walloon Surrealists, was founded in   THE HAINAUT SURREALIST GROUP        Much was to be written about Breton's show
      Haine St Paul on 29 March 1934 by         Those who, with Chavée, brought on the    which aroused reactions in the surrealist milieu,
      Achille Chavée, André Lorent, Marcel      dismemberment of the Rupture Group,       the most violent of which were those of the
      Parfondry and Albert Ludé in whose home the   gathered under the name: Surrealist Group in   Revolutionary Surrealist Group. This new
      meeting was held.                         Hainaut. In it, we find again Dumont, Simon,   movement can, truly, be considered as the
        The purpose of the group was to 'mould   Lefrancq, Van de Spiegele. The poet Lucien   negative response of some Surrealists when
      revolutionary minds, to participate in the   André was later to join the new group. The   confronted with the ideas Breton upheld in
      formation of a proletarian morality and to   artistic events and publications continued   1947. 'A quick critical study of the surrealist
      co-operate as closely as possible in the   despite the war which was dangerously near.   condition, of the surrealist state of mind in the
      development of the surrealist movement'.9    In 1940, a new magazine appeared : L'invention   present world—in which the "S" of the dollar
        Slowly new members were admitted into   collective13  of which Magritte, assisted by   sign has replaced the German SS —is enough to
      the group: René Lefebvre, Marcel Havrenne—  Raoul Ubac, was editor. The participation   show that Breton's movement has finally denied
      who was later to found Phantomas —the poet   in it of the Hainaut Group was highly active:   itself, placing—no one knows what childish idea
      Fernand Dumont and artists such as Lefrancq,   we find texts by Chavée, Dumont, next to those   of "outdoing oneself" ... what artificial
      Van de Spiegele or Simon. The activities of the   of Lecomte, Mariën or Scutenaire. Among the   generation at the height of Surrealism above
      Rupture Group were numerous and often     illustrations by Magritte and Delvaux were also    revolutionary needs, above revolutionary
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