Page 53 - Studio International - October 1970
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Lerberghe, as yet reveals no well defined policy.   Messrs Dotremont, Urvater and Graindorge.   Galleries with a distinguished and permanent
           The programme for the following months    Now the most important works of the former   team of artists or with an important stock of
           illustrates the eclecticism of this management.   two collections are in foreign museums, e.g.   international works of art are not numerous.
           After 'Europalia', this year devoted to Dutch   in Rotterdam: Magritte, On the Threshold of   It is likely that, as a result of the cultural
           Art on the occasion of the twenty-fifth   Liberty (1929); De Chirico, Troubadour (1925);   autonomy, decentralization will lend new forces
           anniversary of the cultural agreement, follow:   Max Ernst, The Couple (1925); in Dusseldorf:   to centres like Antwerp, Ghent and Liege, and
           `Art of the Space Age' (Stuyvesant collection),   Kandinsky, Im Blau (1925); Miró, Personnages   that Belgian artistic life will get its vitality
           Monory, Michaux, 'West Coast Artists',    Rythmiques (1934); Dubuffet, Paysage d' Airain   from the diversity of different centres such as is
           Morellet, 'Situation Milan 1971', 'Belgian Art',   (1952); Schwitters, Young Earnest (1946);   the case in Switzerland for example.
           Horst Antes, and possibly Tinguely. This is a   Tapies, Grande Peinture Grise, etc.    Even today the most prominent achievements
           programme which remains at a safe distance   A real drain of masterpieces which our own   are neither exclusively to be found in Brussels
           from recent artistic developments.        museums nevertheless badly need! Numerous   nor are they the result of extremely favourable
             Apart from the Palais des Beaux Arts in   important collections have now been brought   circumstances. They are primarily due to
           Brussels there are no permanent centres for   together, some of which reflect the present-day   personalities who, sometimes grimly, strive
           exhibitions on that level. During the summer   international artistic movements.    against the stream. A striking example is the
           months the Belgian seaside resorts are      Even the banks feel this urge to collect; for   Wide White Space Gallery in Antwerp, which
           particularly active. The most important   example the Bank Lambert, with its interest in   in recent years has held exhibitions and staged
           manifestations are held in the Casino of   the international artistic investment fund   activities by Beuys, Panamarenko,
           Knokke— which this summer held a most     `Artemis', which purchases works of art as   Broodthaers, Arakawa, Christo, Graubner,
           interesting retrospective exhibition of Joan   investment of capital and pays dividends. The   Richter, Carl Andre, Lamelas, Palermo,
           Mire, —and the Kursaal in Ostend where an   Bank of Paris and the Netherlands exclusively   Ruthenbeck, Buren, de Maria, Sol LeWitt,
           international prize for painting attracts an   buys national works of art, old and   Bruce Nauman, James Lee Byars, and others ...
           increasing number of competitors every year.   contemporary, and publishes richly   This gallery was also present at Kassel during
             This summer the second Triennial of     illustrated books about them. It was in the   the Documenta, participated in the Berlin Art
           Belgian Art was held at Bruges, which gave a   presence of the King and Queen that a few   Market, and was selected at Lausanne for the
           survey of what the under-fifties are achieving : a   months ago the two recent acquisitions of the   third 'Salon International des Galeries Pilotes'.
           particularly varied programme ranging from   bank were inaugurated in the magnificently   Whoever wishes to know more about the
           social realism to conceptual art.         restored Osterrieth house which is the home of   Belgian galleries ought to go to Brussels, to
             In answer to his selection, Jef Geys, an   the bank in Antwerp : two remarkably fine   Antwerp and to Ghent.
           artist who belongs to the latter group, wrote a   sketches by Rubens, bought in London at the   Belgian art life, which for a long time was
           letter in which he asked the Organizing
           Committee to be allowed to sub-let the space
           assigned to him to artists in need, and he
           reckoned himself among them. The letter is
           published in the catalogue.
             During this Triennial a funny thing
           happened. R. Raveel, an artist who in recent
           years has dominated the art scene in our country,
           contributed to the exhibition outside the
           exhibition room, and created with the
           agreement of the organizers four wooden
           swans with square holes which he put on view
           on the canals of Bruges. For ages swans have
           been the symbol of this town, but these
           charming creatures had to be removed from the
           canals because they died in the polluted water.
           It is indeed so bad that people living along the
           beautiful canals have to keep their windows
           shut because of the horrible stench. The town
           council, afraid perhaps of the jokes which
           Raveel's swans gave rise to, had them removed.
           The County Council, however, which half
           finances and organizes the Triennial, had them
           put back after a few days; but the following
           day they were again taken away by the
           municipality. After a press-campaign the
           artist and the organizers met. The
           municipality decided to put the swans back
           after August 15, when most tourists have left   price of 42 million Belgian francs.   dependent upon Paris, has now come to be seen
           Bruges ...                                   One might think that with such a set-up art   as ideally located between London, Amsterdam,
             Among the promoters of contemporary art   galleries would be numerous and prosperous.   the Rhine and Paris; it is now evident that
           the collectors form an important group. Their   Yet this is not entirely so. There are many   Belgian art must become independent of
           number in Belgium has always been very large.   galleries indeed, not only in Brussels, but all   exclusive interests.
           This has among other things something to do   over the country. They operate, however,   The confused image Belgium offers today
           with the extrovert character of our people.   primarily by letting exhibition space, and for   has something to do with this change of
           Until a few years ago the best known      the greater part restrict themselves to national   outlook. q
           collections of modern art were those of    art.                                     K. J. GEIRLANDT
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