Page 20 - Studio International - September 1971
P. 20
art magazine is not only considered context, it people in creative communication, then we must News and Notes
is by the repeated appearance of some the only decentralize the technology and encourage
context known. Ironic and anarchic self- the formation of new communication
assertion could be thought of as the clown matrices.
or court jester and the rebel respectively, the To this end, we would request any of your
one living off society and pitying it whilst the readers who have been using in or I in
other living from society and hating it. videotape recorders to write us a short note Eduardo Paolozzi. The first large exhibition
The 'pursuit and analysis of the implications about their video trips and equipment, in Britain of the work of Paolozzi will be at the
of the art work as such ("theory of art") in including name, address and telephone number. Tate Gallery during the autumn (22 September-
consciousness of the fact that those implications All those who write in will receive a compiled 31 October). While not a retrospective in the
may/will have relevance in the cultural/ list soon after, which will be kept up to date strict sense of the word the exhibition will
political context (Art-Language).' This is the from time to time. We hope the video exchange include sculptures, collages and prints of all
mode of behaviour that leads to 'art formed directory will bring to light interesting uses periods, with emphasis on the more recent work.
from art'. In its subtle way it is the most and users of VTR, and will facilitate tape At least ten major sculptures and approximately
dangerous and the most difficult to pinpoint, exchange and collaborative projects twenty smaller examples will be included:
for here symbol replaces symbol. The photo- between people with similar interests. among a representative selection of prints and
graph has become the symbol—equivalent MIKE GOLDBERG collages will be a series of collage proofs which
for landscape. The progenitors of such a 2023 East 1st, Vancouver 12, BC, Canada will demonstrate the processes and stages in
style, Constable and Turner translated the the production of collages. The exhibition will
English rustic countryside into symbolic June issue be arranged in groups which will cut across
language. The development of media has ever Just to put in typing/writing my genuine chronological, stylistic and media divisions but
since developed symbols to replace symbols. congratulations on the June issue of Studio will bring out the themes, obsessions and
In its first instance it was representative of a International which I thought was intelligible, technical processes which recur throughout
relationship with, and to the environment. In its important, interesting and international. Paolozzi's career.
second it replaces the former but does not Simultaneously provocative and sensible.
replace the special relationship that existed Certainly—in 'Gurgles round the Guggenheim'— The World of Islam Festival at the ICA,
between it and the source. In the third the revealing; and in 'Letter from Prague' which will run for a month, is to open on
magazine. The 'real' landscape is now viewed surprisingly informative. Each article was worth 12 November. An important part of it is an
with this 'cheaper' medium and small scale as considered attention by informed and exhibition planned for the ICA galleries.
part of the cognitive act, as our 'knowledge' uninformed readers ! Leading classical musicians from Turkey and the
appears to enlarge so our reverence for the MARINA VAIZEY Arab world are being invited to participate in the
departed decreases. London W4 Festival programme which will also include
The potential world wide art exhibition lectures and seminars on varying aspects of
organizer should note that 'his' wares are Wait for it! Islam—its religion, philosophy, architecture,
insufficiently represented both pictorially and as I) painting and the minor arts.
written information (assuming that there could A conceptual act of ritualistic communication, The climax of the academic programme is to
be more) in this issue to present a convincing executed and presented for the public. be a four-day symposium on 'The Islamic City
picture. That psychological punning leaves Tomorrow I will post the second letter to you, and its Role in Art', conducted with leading
flimsy foundations, and that 'the rashness of read it and be prepared for the third. These scholars in the field of Moslem studies. Six
judgements based upon "new looks" ... ' is a letters are for publication, as a triptych in lectures devoted to the main linguistic areas will
maxim that Mr Harrison himself might make your magazine. Pussy Smash the State, the cover the major poetic traditions of Islam.
use of. Servo-Mechanism, is contacting you. Mahmud Mirza, the well-known classical
BARRY MARTIN sitarist, has been invited to organize the musical
London SW3 2) programme for the Festival. The concerts and
As demanded by the principles of a servo- recitals will be held in the Purcell Room, at the
May issue mechanism, I am communicating with you, Royal Festival Hall, and at St John's, Smith
To correct any (justifiable) misapprehension, as you communicate with me through your Square, as well as at the ICA.
the appearance of my drawing in the May magazine. In order to maintain the servo- The exhibition will use complex audio-visual
issue of Studio International was far from as mechanical cycle, the letter I wrote yesterday, equipment to evoke the very spirit of Islam,
intended. The marks should have been of the letter I am writing at the moment and the exploring the minaret and the dome, its carpets,
identical size and visibility (as far as was letter I will write tomorrow must be printed in gardens and bazaars, its textures and treasures,
possible) and the plates for the two pages the next edition of Studio International. in a way never previously attempted.
printed precisely opposite one another.
(Plate on page 234 is in higher than page 235.) 3) The Campaign against Museum Admission
COLIN CRUMPLIN The final scene in this act of communication Charges is going to hold a public meeting,
London has arrived in your hands. My previous two probably in September, to discuss future action.
letters have explained the nature of a servo- The Campaign organizers say that the
Video linkup mechanism, the inescapable involvement of government's plans are still unclear. Lord Eccles
Video artists have been amongst the privileged Pussy Smash the State, the importance of this has recently stated that the government do not
minority that has used small-format VTR ritualistic communication, and have explained intend to impose charges, but merely ensure that
from the start. We are the avant garde of the the energy and revelation that has been Trustees can legally levy them, thereby shifting
new TV, creating new visual languages and given to conceptual art and post-concrete the burden of responsibility away from the
expanding the parameters of television as we poetry. So, at last, we realize the vast new Government. Clarification of this is urgent—is it
now know it. But video is inherently more than horizons that are heralded in, as modern art has the Government or not who are demanding
that, for as a time-mirror, it is not exclusive. found its new direction. charges ? The Campaign organizers intend to
We are all artists; we are all soldiers in Vietnam. ROBERT BOOTH present their petition (over 200,000 signatures)
If we are to exploit its potential to involve Frimley, Surrey before the debate on the paper.