Page 21 - Studio International - September 1971
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Triad is the name of a new regional arts centre   The Circle Gallery has ceased trading from   Anatomy of an
         which is being developed in Bishop's Stortford.   Grosvenor Street. The proprietor, John Hunter,
         It involves the conversion of one of      will be continuing limited operations from 3,   anomaly
         Hertfordshire's last great complexes of   Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk, London SW3.
         malthouses. A large exhibition area has been                                        Technology and Art 28
         roughly cleared, and an exhibition of sculpture   The Alwin Gallery has just left Brook Street
         by Peter Hibbard has recently been held there.   and will be moving shortly to new West End
         An exhibition programme is being drawn up,   premises. The temporary address, for
         and eventually there will be studios and   correspondence only, is c/o Company Secretary,
         workshops available to artists.           4 Bryanston Mews West, London, WI.

         The Gallery 27 at Emporium Arcade,        Sotheby's Belgravia, a saleroom specializing
         Northampton, is a new and interesting one   in 19th-century works of art, housed behind the
         for two reasons : it is non-profit-making and it   famous colonnade in Motoomb Street, will hold
         might never have come into being but for the   its first sale in the autumn of 1971.
         anger of half of Northampton's population and
         of three artists, Paolo Serra, Sergio Lovato and   Centre National d'Art Contemporain,   A two day Colloquy on art and the computer was
         well-known sculptor Campolunghi. The anger   Paris, announces an exhibition of work by   held by the Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb,
         was evoked by the action of the town council in   Beuys from 23 October to 13 December, in the   Yugoslavia, at the end of June.
         pulling down some interesting old buildings   Rue Berryer Gallery. At the Grand Palais there
         near the market-place to make way for a new   is to be an exhibition of work by Francis Bacon,   The changing role of public galleries and
         bus-station. The outcry attracted 10,000   from 26 October to 10 January 1972.       museums has been much discussed. The Gallery
         signatures in protest and the new gallery, the                                       of Contemporary Art in Zagreb has pursued a
         primary function of which was to bring people   Pork, Andy Warhol's first play, had its world   policy whose logic should be noted. In 1961 it
         back into the arcade (which is Victorian) in such   premiere at the Round House on 2 August,   held the first exhibition of the New Tendencies
          numbers as to underline the general feeling that   produced by Ira Gale. After its run at the   movement. One of the chief principles shared
          the arcade must be preserved, also attracted                                        by the diverse artists involved was the negation
         well-known names such as John Nash, David   Round House, 'Pork' will move to the West   of unique, unrepeatable and static artworks.
                                                    End; later this year it will be opening in
          Tindle, etc.                              Amsterdam and it should reach Broadway in   Where does this leave the public gallery ? The
            The gallery, being better established now has                                     Zagreb Gallery decided to concentrate on the
          besides paintings and sculpture a new section   February or March 1972.             investigating of ideas resulting from New
          for modern jewellery with work by Kathleen                                          Tendencies, through colloquies, exhibitions,
          Mannheim, Shirley Frost, Jane Featherstone,   The National Gallery of Art, Washington,   publications and other events. The area it has
          Ann Buzzard.                              through two recent acquisitions of        settled on since 1968 is the relationship between
                                                    photographic materials, has brought to an   the computer and art; but its decision on its role
                                                    estimated 400,00o items the holdings of its
          Project 84 was installed in the Chalk Farm                                          is of wider revelance. Its lack of local nationalism
                                                    Photographic Archive. The Kress Foundation
          Creamery, Prince of Wales Crescent, NW3,                                            is also exemplary. The Gallery's policy has not
                                                    has made possible this acquisition of some
          during August, after a long search for premises,                                    always been popular locally, and testifies to
          and the centre should be operational by the   120,000 photographic negatives of works of art   considerable strength of purpose on the part of
          beginning of October. The initial premises will   sold at Parke-Bernet from the 193os to 1965.   the collective that runs it.
          consist of a library and meeting room, together   This negative file, purchased from Taylor and   This said, the notion of 'visual research'
          with the use of an adjoining lecture room   Dull, includes about ten per cent of paintings,   characteristic of New Tendencies and the
          capable of holding up to 8o people. The main   while the bulk focuses on the decorative arts,   GRAV must be looked at critically. In so far as
          role of the library will be : to collect and store   including silver, tapestries, rugs, china, books   `visual research' means experimental
          items of information covering aspects of the   and manuscripts as well as furniture. The other   psychology, this is potentially valuable in that it
          relationship between art and science not   major photographic acquisition is the Clarence   contributes to the understanding of human
          easily obtainable elsewhere; to fill the gaps that   Ward Mediaeval Archive, a collection of over   behaviour. But the theories offered by
          exist between areas covered by fragmented   1200 rare negatives of European architecture.   experimental psychologists—represented at the
          specialist libraries; to keep a record of those                                     colloquy by François Molnar from Paris—are
          places where useful information is stored and   Four Americans in Paris: The Collection   unusually modest in scope; nor are they
          accessible.                               of Gertrude Stein and her Family will be   confined to the study of visual perception, which
            Further details can be obtained from David   the major autumn exhibition at the San   is but one aspect of psychology. Two other
          Dickson, 10 Chalcott Square, NWI.         Francisco Museum of Art, opening on 9     `tendencies' could be distinguished at Zagreb.
                                                    September and continuing until the end of   First, there is 'information aesthetics',
          Prints Already Ltd, a new Fine Art Silk-  October. The collection is a record and a   represented by Abraham Moles and Herbert
          Screen process printers has started production   reminder of how, fifty years ago in Paris, these   Franke, and also by Frieder Nake, who was
          at 113 Upper Street, Islington, NI, tel: 226   four Americans helped to establish artists such   unable to be present (being now in Vancouver)
          o866. The studio is fully equipped and has a   as Picasso and Matisse. Also included in the   but sent a paper.' Secondly, there is what can be
          separate photographic dark room. The upper   exhibition are works by Cezanne, Delacroix,   described as scientific, or scientistic, art: the
          floors will be utilized for showing artists' work.   Juan Gris, Lipchitz, Picabia, Renoir and many   difference between this and the other two
          The studio is printing limited editions of art   others.                            `tendencies' being that its goal is not to offer
          work and involving the artist to the fullest                                        theories or hypotheses, subject to confirmation
          extent.                                   The Metropolitan Museum of Art. It has    or falsification, but artistic utterances—subject
                                                    been announced that Karl Katz, former Director   presumably to the same criteria of merit as any
          Grosvenor Gallery has moved from Davies   of the Jewish Museum, New York, has been   other art. This I think is how we must take the
          Street to 48-49 South Molton Street, London   named to the newly created position of Chairman   work of Vladimir Bonacic, head of cybernetics
           W1Y2JU.                                  for Special Exhibitions and Loans.        at a local research institute, who has made a large
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