Page 56 - Studio International - April 1972
P. 56

outsider. He was something of a mystic, and his   furniture leading out through the highway   and verbal understanding, about the figure-
    work was not at all what people wanted. In the   system as far as one chooses to go, both literally   ground relationship in the perceived world,
    early 'sixties it could not be said that there was   and metaphorically.            and about the contemplative art-experience
    any strong consensus about how sculpture     This street has been brought, almost literally   and the active architecture-experience.
    ought to look; but to the extent that a zeitgeist   and certainly metaphorically through the house   Arguably, it is all too much. To comprehend
    roamed (using names like 'organic semi-   to the art behind it by the physical means of a   the affair fully would outstrip the patience if not
    abstraction') Meadmore kept out of its way.   strung frame that plunges inexorably on through   the other relevant resources of an ordinary art-
    This is why I connect him with Michael    walls and obstructive furniture and courtyard,   audience. The question 'how does it grab you ?',
    Nicholson, who is also in search of a reality   stopping at nothing. And around this frame is   recently fashionable here, gets no purchase. It
    behind appearance, and who is comparably   built and arranged a series of contrasting   doesn't grab you at all, and it is most unlikely
    respected and ignored for seeming to have the   (rational/absurd) exercises and enterprises   to find a place in those scandalously partial
    wrong preoccupations. His work has always   deriving from an insight of information theory   documents that masquerade as modern art-
    been just a little like what was currently popular,   that the artist puts, in one of his characteristic   history books. But arguably, on the contrary, if
    but a crucial degree oblique to it : too   stream-of-consciousness monologues to a Fuller   all genuine creativity is as (roughly) Koestler
    `intellectual', too 'cold' and somehow neither   filing card, as follows :          claims, a matter of putting things together that
    international mainstream nor Australian   The more surprising the news event        didn't previously seem to belong, then Michael
    sentimental. Also, his mysticism is angular and   the greater its news value        Nicholson is surely one of the most prolifically
    difficult. Clement Meadmore says warm round   that which most surprises is that     creative artists now working in Australia.
    things that everyone understands (even when   which was least predicted                Just one more outsider deserves to be
    they are nonsense) such as 'I hope to generate a   that which is most unpredictable   mentioned because of his ingenuity in vanishing
    sense of metaphysical presence thus       is the ABSURD                             without ever having convincingly appeared, and
    perpetuating the Pygmalion myth in non-      A comprehensive account of all the items   thereby scoring a palpable manifestation. I
    anthropomorphic terms,' while Michael     and of their relation to each other would    recently received, as a few other people did, a

    Nicholson says gnomic things put together out   probably be very boring, and certainly it would   letter saying:
    of Marcuse and Fuller and information theory   be inordinately long. I shall mention just one or   I hereby let it be officially known that I
    and Wittgenstein, that nobody understands —  two things, to try to convey a sense of their   have stopped all artistic activity. I wish
     even when they are very sensible indeed.   characteristic ordering, while emphasizing that   no longer to be regarded as an artist.
       Mainly, he is interested in a sort of synthesis   the connections, at several levels of appreciation,   Thank you.
     or holism, and would like to integrate art, ideas   are so extended that one reaches to alchemy or     Neil Evans.
     and all of life into a structure with clear   astrology for a comparable system. It is not   Neil Evans is so far outside that his very
     connections. It is recognizably the pale   a work of art, or an exhibition of art in the usual   existence may be doubted. But if he does not
     metaphysical fire, whether one is warmed by   sense, but rather a life-size model of the art-  exist, then he cannot resign; and if he does
     it or not. And to the unsympathetic eye the   activity, held in temporary suspension for the   exist, and if he is (was ?) an artist, then his
     result seems not to reduce complexity but to   benefit of visitors.                 letter may be a work of mail art, in which case
     enhance it. Certainly it doesn't look like a nice,   There is, for example, in the courtyard   it cannot be regarded as a substantive
     strong, simple, art-historical winning pattern.   between house and studio, a forest of street   resignation. Doesn't he know that art critics
       Michael Nicholson's recent exhibition was   markings, barriers and lights borrowed from   are apprehensive enough these days, without
     called 'The Rational Hyphen Absurd Burnt   the Department of Main Roads, that does a   having the paradoxes of self-reference turned
     Sienna Live-in Sculpture'. It was in, and in a   number of things. For one, it brings the   on them like riot hoses ?
     sense about, a house with a workshop-studio   mundane world into an actual (and by extension   Why won't he go overseas and bother
     behind it. The house is typical of Sydney   metaphorical) space between the home beautiful   somebody else ? Have our Australian outsiders
     terraces, done up with burnt sienna paint and   and the artist's workshop. For another, it shows   no ambition ? q
     treated timber and built-in amenities to suit the   an art-artefact interrelation in the obvious formal
     middle-income, middle-executive, well-   similarity of street signs and some recent
     designed life. Behind it is the artist's studio,   painting. Lastly, if not finally, it allows the
     containing works in several now superseded   artist to illustrate and perhaps to test some
     manners. In front is the street with its usual    theories he has about perception, about visual
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