Page 32 - Studio International - December 1972
P. 32

Beuys thinks about a good lawyer.         Beuys in middle of a crowd, signing
      The BeuysAffair                             Rau holds press conference.             registration papers, answering questions, talking
                                                                                          to specific students, reaffirming intentions — he
                                                  Beuys and students remain in Academy
                                                throughout the night.                      will remain — with or without payment — cannot
                                                12-10-72 There is wide coverage of events in   make concessions — if he did would no longer be
       Calendar of events                       morning newspapers. Coverage includes      Joseph Beuys — a new Academy ? — no, place is
                                                sarcastic speculation on Beuys's actual artistic,   here — past three days have proved that — must
      30-6-72 to 8-10-72 Beuys spent ioo days at   educational and political motivations.   continue teaching.
      Documenta demonstrating his                 He remains animated by situation.          2.00 pm. The meeting.
      art-political-social theories.              Possibly the most relevant educational     Beuys holds tutorials in a corner of the studio.
      6-10-72 Wissenschaftminister Johannes Rau   situation he has ever fathered.            Press arrive with microphones and cameras.
      (minister of science, education and culture for   Students plan a campaign:            Last year's class speaker is informal chairman.
       Westphalia) sent letter to Beuys warning him   Immediate reinstatement of Beuys.      Discuss proposals outlined on Wednesday.
       not to insist upon obligatory free entry to   Registration of 54 illegal students.    Time has allowed development of personal
      Academy.                                     Academy to function normally. All seminars   arguments. Decisions are difficult.
      10-10-72 First day of Term.                with other staff to be attended.            Each student has a concept of himself as an
         54 of 125 rejected students arrive at Academy   Organization of internal and external support.   individual. This is Beuys's teaching.
       to register with Professor Beuys.           6.00 pm. Beuys leaves Academy for         His reinstatement is their common ground.
         Administrative staff refuse to register them.   consultation with lawyer.         LYNDA MORRIS
         Beuys and students occupy offices.      13.10.72, Beuys has not arrived.
         Beuys receives Rau's warning letter.      Students realize meaning of past three days,
         Occupation continues throughout night.   no excitement just bland awareness of problems.  Not just a few are
       H-10-72                                     Administration in confusion.
         6.45 am. Police called in by Kricke, acting   New students want advice — lodgings ? —   called, but everyone
       Director; Beuys and students cleared from   grants?
       offices.                                    Need Beuys to sign registration papers — will   Joseph Beuys in discussion
         Reporters and photographers arrive, so do   his signature be accepted?            with Georg Jappe
       plain clothes political police.             Students from many countries, including
         Amidst activity Beuys continues discussing   Britain and America — they came to work with   BEUYS: I won't make a statement. I do often
       his aims.                                 Beuys — why stay if he is dismissed?      talk at great length, but basically I don't speak
         Messenger arrives from Rau with letter    Huge roll of newsprint for more posters rolled   in monologues — I answer questions that are
       containing Beuys's instant dismissal.     through Academy.                          put to me.
         Beuys states he will continue teaching, with or   Poster appears announcing meeting that   Gj: That is the principle of your teaching, isn't
       without pay.                              afternoon.                                it ? Tell me how a day goes on at the Academy.
         Stunned disbelief that Beuys has actually   Others define political dissension between   JB: I go to the Academy every day, on
       been dismissed.                           students. Some Maoist, some International   Saturdays as well, and in the vacations if I
         Posters and banners erected inside and   Marxist or Anarchist, some just support Beuys.   haven't pressing work to do elsewhere, like at
       outside Academy.                            Division between united action, individual   the 'Documenta' last summer. I haven't had a
                                                 action or both.                           holiday for years. Work is particularly fruitful
         Rau refuses to visit Academy stating 'I cannot                                    during the vacations because all the keenest
       and will not allow myself to become a possible   11.45 am. Police arrive.           students come then. And going in daily is
       art object'. A deputy is sent in his place.   Two students, boy and girl, come down from   important so that one can talk to every one of
         Meeting of students votes unanimously   administrative offices. Had held demonstration   them. Continuous work from morning to
       against Beuys's dismissal.                covered in red and white paint playing a guitar   evening is important, too.
         Students' council sends representatives to see   and singing.                       Things start with answers to questions;
       Kricke, demanding immediate reinstatement of   They walk towards entrance, see police, run   I can tell you, many of them are already
       Beuys.                                    back into building.                       at the gates waiting. But since there have
         200 students march through streets of     Police chase them down a long corridor.   been these large classes I don't carry on
       Düsseldorf.                                 More students follow police.            individual conversations — in a desperate
         Meanwhile Beuys attends meeting of        Ugly scuffle.                           situation like that private conversations aren't
       Professors.                                 Police hemmed in by a screen of objects   so effective — so everyone can learn something
         Eight of the 30 Professors vote for Beuys,   hastily erected by other students.   from every correction. That way each student
       several remain uncommitted, leaving majority in   Boy and girl on the floor, police attempt to   learns from others' problems as well as his own.
       favour of dismissal.                      move them, other students divert the police.   Gj : Is that a sort of group therapy?
         Kricke thinks about replacement for Beuys.   Beuys arrives. No arrests.           B : Yes. Private problems, too, — with some
                                                   Police retreat, but hang around for an hour.   exceptions — are publicly discussed. It is part
                                                                                           of group therapy that people should put their
                                                                                           private hang-ups into words, and the questions
                                                                                           that have mounted up and whatever anyone has
                                                                                           on their mind. Sometimes it is really like a
                                                                                           special school for the handicapped, developing
                                                                                           the most primitive forms; the students bring
                                                                                           up the most diverse things, out of the sculpture,
                                                                                           painting and drawing fields. I have no fixed
                                                                                           teaching plan. Everyone must build upon the
                                                                                           basis of his own aim and then express it in a
                                                                                           question so that something is cleared up.
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