Page 34 - Studio International - December 1972
P. 34
students could also attend the free classes, and
did so in increasing numbers, and
compartmentalized thinking ceased. In 1969
it became obvious that looking through a
portfolio is no way of judging talent. To start
with I and Dieter Rot stood alone: I will take age of individuation, away from collective
anyone who wants to come. His ability will be groupings, self-determination is the central
assessed over two trial semesters — three in concept. But one should not lose sight of actual The Beuys example
difficult cases. In the old-style academy one practice, daily coming into being under one's
had to draw ears for three terms on end; in those hands. My pedagogic and political categories
days that was a short time, but today it is time result from 'Fluxis'. To impose forms on the At the start of the 1972/73 winter semester
enough to show the beginnings of a personal world around us is the beginning of a process Joseph Beuys, for eleven years Professor of
development. Assessment is carried out on that continues into the political field. Plastic Arts at the Düsseldorf Kunstakademie
the job, but the students also assess themselves Discussion used to centre on the participation and by far the most popular art teacher in
by reference to the ability of others, and 90% of the public and it became apparent that Germany, was dismissed without notice; soon
of those who give up do so voluntarily —40 left actionism as a sort of joint play was not enough; afterwards he was even forbidden to teach. The
of their own accord last semester. Only in a the participant must also have something to State wanted to make an example. To find out
few cases do I have to give someone firm contribute from the resources of his own what sort of example involves a short look
advice and say, 'in my opinion you won't thought. A total work of art is only possible in around the political scene.
succeed at it'. He can then see if a colleague the context of the whole of society. Everyone The whole field of education and culture in
will take him on, otherwise he leaves the will be a necessary co-creator of a social Germany is the responsibility of the Länder.
Academy. This is not an underhand way of architecture, and, so long as anyone cannot Each of the eleven Länder that make up the
getting round the numerus clausus. participate, the ideal form of democracy has not Federal Republic has a minister to deal with
Gj: What are your criteria for dismissing been reached. 'Whether people are artists, cultural matters — many of them have two: a
someone after two semesters? assemblers of machines or nurses, it is a matter minister of culture and a minister of education —
ji3: Colour sense if someone is painting. Art of participating in the whole. Art looks while the competence of the central Federal
can be learned, though a certain talent is a more towards a field where sensitivity is Ministry for Science is very restricted. Some
prerequisite, but hard work is part of the developed into an organ of cognition and hence of the Länder are ruled by the SPD, others by
process. Art comes from intelligence, one must explores areas quite different from formal logic. the CDU. Although the number of students
have something to say, but on the other side, I have to admit that only quite a small minority to be expected in 1970 was known as long ago
that of capability, one must be able to express is still in a position to understand pictures. The as 1962 the Länder were unable to agree on
it. And then sense of proportion, of mass, of times educate people to think in terms of common action; the result has been
form, and feel for symmetry. Of course this is abstract concepts. At Documenta I overflowing lecture-halls, too few teaching
subjective, but no judgements can possibly be found that most people think they have to appointments and an ever increasing numerus
made outside the terms of reference of the comprehend art in intellectual terms — in many clausus (quota system) of students unable to
subject. Scientific objectivity cannot stretch people the organs of sensory and emotional follow the course of their choice. After the
to objective judgements about art. Objective experience have atrophied. Concepts must be world-wide student upheavals of 1968 Willy
judgements on art are not directly elaborated which relate to this state of Brandt's new government promised extensive
rationalizable, but they are expressible; for consciousness, so as to express quite different educational reform. However, the Federal
example, it may be that in a work overloaded associations of force. Many people spoke of authorities were unable to overcome the
with content no overall formal coherence mysticism. Basically, though, I am interested resistance of the CDU-ruled Länder to the
emerges. The pouring into form of streams of in getting as far as talking of a picture of man unitary higher education law they proposed,
emotion that has not been thought out, the that cannot be constrained by the prevailing and the Federal Minister for Science had
psychedelic belches that well up without being scientific concepts. For this, man needs the to back down.
reflected upon and without being touched by the Aesthetic Education. The isolated concept of Most of the Länder — including Nordrhein-
polarizing influence of form, these are a form of art education must be done away with, and Westfalen, of which Düsseldorf is the capital —
illness, a sort of cancerous psychical tumour. the artistic element must be embodied in every issued their own higher education laws instead.
Then one goes on to the therapy: don't take subject, whether it is our mother tongue, But on the one hand the largely conservative
what boils up inside you so seriously, grasp geography, mathematics or gymnastics. I am teaching staffs showed themselves unwilling
something real outside, so that everything pleading for a gradual realization that there is no unilaterally to carry out reforms which would
doesn't stick in a state of chaos. Or this other way except that people should be undermine their professorial privileges; on
widespread infinity symbol, you can make that artistically educated. This artistic education the other the demands of the students were
snake-like thing as long as a street and it will alone provides a sound base for an efficient too radical for the taste of the ministeries of the
never be a finished thing with a specific society. The achievements of our society are Länder, leading to the fear that large numbers
expressive meaning. If such faulty attitudes channeled and determined by power of professors might depart elsewhere. The
do not change then I must resign myself to relationships. But it is not just a few who are ministry of education therefore stepped in as
having been wrong in that particular case, but called to determine how the world will be mediator. This meant in practice that the State
in the great majority of cases it is clear that I changed — but everyone. In a true democracy now had a say in the affairs of universities
cannot take the responsibility that the person there are no other differences than capability; which had been autonomous since the
involved should fritter away his life any longer. democracy can only develop freely when all Romantic period. Initially this seemed to
Gj: Why do you turn almost all your energy restrictive mechanisms are gone. One of the provide a remedy for the staff-student conflict,
towards education and enlightenment? greatest of these restrictive mechanisms is the but the misuse of the State's powers of
JB : It is the consequence of widening the present-day school, because it does not develop compulsion has since become apparent.
concept of art. The 'Political Office' has people but channels them. The reforms, not nearly as progressive as
self-determination as its focus. And art has had been expected, could not stem the
Translated from the German by John Wheelwright
the same focus. Every man is a plastic artist avalanche of students. There were indeed new
who must determine things for himself. In an 'Elaborated in detail in Studio International, foundations, extensions to buildings, many
September 1971