Page 22 - Studio International - February 1972
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artists to be working in such media than in   yield economic advantage in the long run'; the   The artist is no more than an individual with
    wood or marble, while artists have always   value of art becomes its ability to help deliver   particular beliefs and values; his training and
    adapted their techniques to suit available   the goods.                              skill permit him to communicate these to others,
    materials.                                   More particularly, there are a number of   and his role within an industrial context
       On the level of internal organization,   reasons why a firm might consider it worth their   should therefore be related to the beliefs and
    however, the situation is entirely different. In   while to employ certain of the artist's skills. The   values of others in the same situation.
    any society art and industry have very different   artist, some feel, may through some feat of   If he believes in the values of the managerial
    roles to play, and the operational rules   'lateral thinking' help increase profitability by   class, he will work happily at a managerial level,
    developed by each relate solely to that activity.   showing how to use production techniques   not only painting portraits of the chairman for
    Even in a Marxist society, the purpose of art, in   more efficiently, or even stimulate the   the company boardroom, but also helping
    its own immediate context, is that of      development of new techniques. Admittedly   management produce a higher return on
    communication, while that of industry is   this may be a little idealistic; more realistic is   invested capital, through the usual business
    material development. As J. K. Galbraith has   the fact that a company can find enlightened   techniques.
    written, 'aesthetic achievement is beyond the   patronage a useful public relations exercise, and   If, however, his concern lies primarily with
    reach of the industrial system and, in substantial   may further, again for direct economic reasons,   individual members of society, then his
    measure, in conflict with it ... There would be   wish to strengthen its links with the artistic   activity must be centred around the position of
    little need to stress the conflict were it not part   community. But to expect industry to support   those on the factory floor, for it is only at this
    of the industrial system that none exists.'1 It is   any activity that directly conflicts with its own   level that a true medium of social expression
    this trap that the Artist Placement Group has   interests is rather like asking someone to eat some   can be developed that lies outside the dictates of
    fallen into in its attempts to involve artists   bad food.                           the prevailing system, yet remains relevant to it.
    in industry, and in which it now finds itself   To gain some idea of the possible impact on   (This, for example, is the position that has been
    caught.                                   art of increasing its links with industry, one can   suggested by the recently-formed (London)
       Thirdly, at the level of social incentives, we   make some interesting parallels with the   Art Workers Union, who are contemplating
    come closer to the heart of the problem. Art can   development of science. Up to the end of the   aligning themselves with the country's labour
    only exist within a social context, and must   eighteenth century science played a merely   force by joining the TUC.)
    therefore be in some way related to the values   ancillary role in industry, being mainly brought   Art, like science, is not a progressive activity
    of that context. Thus although there is no   in to solve technological hitches whenever these   in itself; both are little more than tools used by a
    implicit contradiction between the 'ideology' of   arose. The idea of science as a driving force   social system to further its own interests, and
    art and that of industry, tension in any society   behind industrial development in itself has only   must be seen as such. But as such, both, as was
    will inevitably arise when art seeks to do   become accepted within the past hundred years.   remarked above, become implicit parts of the
    anything other than support and reinforce the   And its incorporation into the industrial   ideology of that system, and neither activity can
    prevailing political value-system. Industrial   system has given it a particular ideology that is   therefore be considered in any sense a neutral
    design and other applied arts will flourish in a   reflected in its own content and development.5    tool.
    capitalist society when they can be shown to add   Such a pattern is already discernible in art   One must welcome attempts by artists to
    directly to the consumer value of a product; but   and art education. In the same way that the   involve themselves with industry as part of the
    any art which criticizes the existing system —as   'value' of science is measured by the extent to   return of art to the immediate social context
    Hans Haacke discovered at the Guggenheim last   which it can fulfil the demands of its social   from which it was removed by the scientific
    year2  —or even tries to relate itself to an   context, the value of art is similarly determined,   revolution three hundred years ago. In order to
    alternative system, will be labelled as political   a fact symbolized by the current concept of art   do this, however, artists must learn and keep to
    and subversive, and hence (appropriately, of   as an economic investment. Both the art and the   the rules of the game, and recognize that in
    course) disqualified from the existing art   science produced within a particular system,   capitalist society it is a game of conflicting
    wisdom.                                   unless they explicitly oppose the values of that   interests, in which sides must be taken by all
       The corollary is that at this level fruitful (in   system, must therefore necessarily incorporate   players.
    the sense of productive) co-operation can exist   and transmit its ideology.           Alternatively the artist can retire to his
    between artists and industrialists who share the   Faced with this fact, what are the   comfortable 'art for art's sake' platform with
    same social goals. This has been recognized by   possibilities open to the artist who wishes to   his conscience undisturbed and his integrity
    groups such as EAT in New York, which, as   work within an industrial environment, but the   apparently intact. In which case industry need
    Robert Rauschenberg and Billy Klüver wrote in   nature of whose activity runs against the   have no scruples about doing little more than
    1967, was founded 'on the strong belief that an   prevailing capitalist ethic ? Here one might take   providing artists with a ready supply of new
    industrially sponsored, effective working   note of the experience of the British Steel   materials. That way, nobody gets hurt; but that
    relationship between artists and engineers will   Corporation in granting fellowships to a   way, too, would be the death of art. q
    lead to new possibilities which will be of benefit   number of artists over the past few years.   DAVID DICKSON
    to society.'3   But in this context the concept of   Attempts to involve artists in the mechanics of
    social benefit becomes a misleading one, and   steel production —excluding fields of applied   1J. K. Galbraith, The New Industrial State (Hamish
    the prime purpose of art becomes self-defined   art —have, as one might expect, been relatively   Hamilton, 1967; Pelican 1969). The same point was
    as that of increasing the return on invested   unproductive. The most interesting result was   made by C. P. Snow in his 'two cultures' address (see
    capital, any claim apart from this being of   when an artist was given the corner of a factory   'The Two Cultures and a Second Look', Cambridge,
                                                                                        1964), although to him the answer lay in persuading
    subsidiary importance.                    at Shotton and allowed to work on steel   artists to accept the rightful dominance of the
       There are a number of ways in which the   sculptures. By doing so, he managed to   scientific culture.
    artist can be of direct value to the industrial   establish a relationship with those working on   2  See Studio International, July/August 1971.
                                                                                         E.A.T. News. Volume I, No 2. June I 1967.
    system. One of the roles of art, for example, is as   the factory floor that brought two sets of   4  See, for example, J. D. Bernal's Science in History
    a channel of social communication, and as such   personal values in close contact and, apparently,   (Watts  1954)   for a full description of this.
    it is a manipulative tool suitable both for   gave the individuals on each side a far greater   5See, for example, 'Ideology in biology; then and
                                                                                        now' by Dr Robert Young, in Social Impact of
    regulating consumer markets and for reducing   insight into the significance of each activity than   Modern Biology, edited Watson Fuller (Routledge
    alienation of discontent among the work force.   a visit to an art museum or a trip around a   Kegan Paul, 1971). For the reverse effect, namely the
    Again quoting Galbraith, 'aesthetic       factory would have done.                  impact on society of the ideology of science and
                                                                                        technology, see J. Habermas Towards a Rational
    considerations must usually prove that they    This, of course, is what one should expect.   Society (Heinemann 1971).
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