Page 24 - Studio International - February 1972
P. 24

Klaus Peter Dienst
                                                                                         Page from the magazine
                                                                                         Rhinozeros 1962
                                                                                         2  Hannah Hoch
                                                                                          Haussprüche 1922

                                                                                         3 Hansjorg Mayer
                                                                                         12 sheets for alphabet 1962
                                                                                         4 Franz Mon
                                                                                         Page from ainmal nur das alphabet gebrauchen 1967

                                                                                         5 Timm Ulrichs
                                                                                         6 Christoph Meckel
                                                                                         Cover for Der Turm 1961

     to come into its own two hundred years later,   of random scraps of writing and/or print seems   the notion that there is anything particularly
     with the drawn or painted lettering of the   to anticipate the work of R. B. Kitaj today.   discreditable and old-fashioned about the
     Jugendstil and the Vienna Secession, again   Schwitters, of course, was not exactly a Dadaist,   `literary' element in painting, the concrete
     something for which there was really no   since his one-man Merz movement went on   poets, from their end, have been attacking the
     parallel in England, despite the influence on   long after Dada was apparently dead. But he   notion that it is improper to stress literature's
     these movements of Morris (a man of two media   also practised both typography and poetry,   visual aspects. This again is a highly
     if ever there was one) and other English and   including sound poetry in the style of Marinetti   international movement, largely because its
     Scottish examples. It survives into the present   and Stramm. His rubber-stamp pictures look   works need so little translation, but from Eugen
     day with the free letter-forms of modern   forward to Paolozzi, Tinguely and Dieter Rot;   Gomringer to Ernst Jandl the German-language
     German calligraphers like Ernst Schneidler and   his new alphabet was one of the most original   element in it has been the strongest, and often
     Hans Schmidt, which can often be seen on   of our time.                             enough it turns out that leading practitioners in
     book-jackets from the better publishers; more   Schwitters apart, German Dada came to an   other countries too have been in some way
     experimentally, it led to the quasi-calligraphy   end around 1922, just when the movement was   tarred with the German brush. Thus Emmett
     of Klaus-Peter Dienst and his review Rhinozeros.   at its height in France. But Paris Dada, despite   Williams in the U.S. spent many years in West
     Translate it into terms of the woodcut, however,   its absorption of Max Ernst, never seemed to   Germany, where he was involved in the neo-
     with its sharply angular forms and stronger   have the same typographic slant as the German   Dada Fluxus movement; Matthias Goeritz the
     contrasts, and you get the closely interknit   wing; still less did the Surrealism into which it   Mexican sculptor-architect was in the first
     lettering and illustration of the Expressionists, of   soon developed. The very idea of such   place a German; while the leading French
     which Kirchner's `Heym' poems are perhaps the   borderline experiments went into limbo for   concretist Pierre Gamier is a specialist in
     classic example. Here was a new and personal   many years, Dada itself coming to be dismissed   German literature, aided by a German wife.
     lettering which not only blended with the   by serious art historians as a rather bad and silly   The great differences between the German
     woodcuts proper but happily coincided with a   joke, which in France may have justified itself   concretists and all others lie on the visual side.
     brief boom in avant-garde publishing, whose   by producing the Surrealist movement, but in   The sophistication of design is much greater,
     social ideals often ensured that the books were   Germany degenerated obscurely into political   Max Bill and the Hochschule für Gestaltung at
     sold at a reasonable price.               agitation. This relatively enlightened view   Ulm having played an influential part early on.
       Today's experiments really begin with Dada,   combined with the Nazi reaction to bury the   And there is a perfectionism about the actual
     which is the father (together with Italian   movement so deeply that its rediscovery after   printing and presentation which is vital to the
     Futurism) of concrete poetry. The poet Raoul   the Second World War came as a revelation to   genre's effectiveness, and all too often lacking
     Hausmann, for instance, and the stage designer   many younger artists. What Pop art got from   elsewhere.
     John Heartfield have both been credited with the   Dada was not the use of popular and   The main centre of concrete poetry in
     invention of photomontage, which copied cubist   commercial imagery, which was largely new,   Germany has been Stuttgart, thanks partly to
     collage in its introduction into the synthetic   but its technique of montage and its use of the   the closeness of Ulm and partly to the stimulus
     picture of more or less irrelevant words and letters.   written word, above all its interest in   provided by two men of quite different
     Heartfield was at the same time a typographer,   interdisciplinary excursions. German Pop art is   generations, Max Bense and Hansjörg Mayer.
     applying similar principles to print; the words   in a sense an imported affair, since the movement   The former is a professor at the Technical
     broke out of their regular lines, spilling over the   as such originated elsewhere; but its background   University who combines a natural interest in
     paper in a poetic variety of shapes and sizes, but   is a mid-European one and it reached a   avant-garde forms of expression with a precisely
     he could also do more orthodox work which   worldwide audience with Heinz Edelmann's   mathematical approach to aesthetic analysis. He
     combined originality with accessibility, like the   drawings for The Yellow Submarine. When the   directs the Rot series of booklets, of which some
     splendid Tartarin de Tarascon with illustrations   ICA held its comics exhibition last winter much   forty-odd have appeared, devoted not only to
     by George Grosz—again a cheap book in an   of the material may have been American, but   concrete poetry but also to other semiological
     unlimited edition, intended to be read, not   the show itself was based on one held at the   works of art. And these are printed by Mayer,
     stuck away in some collector's safe. Schwitters   Academy in West Berlin.           who has furthermore published a number of
     and Hannah Höch, too, made collages whose use   If the achievement of Pop art has been to kill   more ambitious literal-cum-graphic works by
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