Page 49 - Studio International - January 1972
P. 49

Mallarmé, who carefully insisted that no poet,   systems — for the convenience of not having to   likes it or not, for within the roundelay of
           least of all he, would ever make The Book,   bother making a spiritual itinerary.   allusions and visual arrangements, the culture
           the conceptual 'artists' do not see the reductio   Since in every statement I have ever read   of memory is bestirred, and the sense of creation
           as a nutritive ideal, but as a realizable fact.   coming from CAYC, the word expression has   informed in the true sense of the word inform,
           A book is a vehicle for propositions, propositions   been uttered only with the utmost distaste, it   with its binary meanings played against each
           that sometimes vaguely suggest concrete   seems odd that 'expression systems' should be   other in a tension that can only be called artful.
           poetry, and sometimes vaguely suggest     among the desiderata for the next century's man.   The anti-objectness of the object, the Book,
           philosophic discourse, but never seem quite   There are some artists, naturally, who have   becomes an artifice. Oh yes, it has a title
           rich enough to live in either territory. Many   a bent in the direction of the poetics of non-  embedded amongst the menus for the H.M.S.
           homeless phantom words inhabit these books.   object art, and who have managed to wrest   Beagle and the battle plans of Alexander : It is
             It's curious that these conceptualists almost   from the codes of conceptualism a certain   called 'White Papers.'
           always stress their desire to inform, which as a   degree of very personal expressivity. The   There are other artists in New York working
           verb means to give form or shape, and as an   young British artist Michael Harvey has just   with much more open propositions, in which
           adjective means formless and unresolved. They   issued a Book which superficially meets the   they take a polemical stance against the work
           usually manage to suggest a little of each. Take   standards of the conceptualist dogma. It   of art as such, but still function as artists
           the three identical grey-clad books issued   consists of a pristine white box without any   inevitably. Among them is Helio Oiticica, the
           recently by that specialist in information   identifying marks on it, and a cargo of some 75   Brazilian theoretician of an anti-art movement
           theory in the arts, the Centro de Arte y   unlined white filing cards, with families of   based on `the denial of the artist as a creator of
           Communicación in Buenos Aires Tor the purpose   messages imprinted. True to the conceptualist's   objects, but turned into a proposer of practices.'
           of providing information to the peoples of   neat, businesslike, and scientific interests,   The goal of Oiticica and his group is different
           Latin America.' The one by Donald Burgy has   Harvey has printed his signals scrupulously.   from those proposed by CAYC in that he aims,
           a group of some nine perfectly reasonable   They are in no particular order, although if you   finally, at yet another kind of 'object' in which
           propositions huddling at the bottom of a white   shuffle the deck carefully, you'll find several   both intellectual and sensorial experiences can
           page. Example : 'An observer accumulates   sub-groups which suggest a master scheme. I   fuse. And these 'objects' turn out to be a
           information about his external environment   suspect that Harvey follows the principle of   healthy juxtaposition, sometimes completely
           through sensory experience and information   the musical canon, in which different parts take   integrated, of various artistic practices,
           about his internal environment through    up the same subject one after the other, since   including architecture, music, painting, theatre
           introspection. These experiences are identifiable   one of his cards repeats in a carefully arranged   and the dance. Oiticica never stops with a
           with brain processes that operate according to   typographic sequence the sentence 'the canon   groundplan or a model or a 'conception'
           universal physical laws.' Burgy's propositions,   form is a repetition upon itself.' (One of the   rendered in language. His ultimate intention is
           or rather, scientifically oriented philosophic   most beautiful visual contributions in the book   always a work, albeit a work in which the various
           notes, are like so many interesting footnotes to   is a page of music paper in which the staves are   elements enjoy considerable autonomy. For
           a work that isn't there. What isn't there on the   interrupted along a diagonal.)   instance, in a maze, with numerous chambers,
           white of the page has none of the idealist   What makes Harvey's book a real book is the   platforms, stairways to nowhere, and netting
           mystery that would have been there had    sense that you have to 'read' it carefully several   and nests, he has no objection to the performance
           Mallarmé meant what he said. And it has none   times to discover its inherent form. Its 'concept'   of orthodox plays, or the playing of composed
           of the urgency of a fully worked out, formed   does not leap into your intellect and make you   music, so long as the participants have threaded
           and informed, work of art. It is not even a   want to go out and buy the latest book on   their way through the maze and had encounters.
           reductio ad absurdam since his abbreviated   information theory, which is what Venet wants   Encounters, Oiticica seems to be saying, are just
           thoughts are interesting enough to warrant   you to do. Venet : 'It is the general idea of   the beginning. Anything can happen in a
           fuller exploration. Neither here nor there, but   Information Theory which is important, not   situation where an artist has imagined numerous
           certainly conceptual.                     any particular work on Information Theory.'   possibilities, and actually built certain calculated
             Lawrence Weiner's book veers toward     Harvey's book is addressed first to the   limits. He makes what he calls 'a privileged
           concrete poetry with its excision of syntax   sensibilities available to: plays on words;   space to be traversed by the spectator.' In so
           and its poetic repetition of that rich conditional   arresting arrangements of black marks; free   doing, he is able to circumvent the frozen
           word 'perhaps'. First page, 'perhaps when   association stimulated by the evocation of   platitudes which haunt the conceptualists, and
           redone' and second page 'perhaps when     objects or histories; satire; literature. In short,   he is able to evolve. Since the experience he
           rebutted' and third page 'perhaps when related'   the traditional sources of aesthetic stimulation.   offers his spectators is not purely conceptual
           and so on to last page 'perhaps when returned.'   Yet, he can parse numbers like the rest of them   (i.e. addressed to the mind) and since he makes
           Three words to the page. Well, perhaps, but   and is not a stranger to ideas of set theory and   it experience in the Latin sense, 'to put to the
           not when repeated and redone. Perhaps every   mathematical progressions and vanguard logic.   test' (it is odd that in English, the old usage no
           word in the book is embedded in a matrix of   But he is a romantic, it must be said. Every   longer pertains. We cannot say, as the Latin
           rich possibilities, but perhaps not.      four or five pages finds one with a single,   languages still can, to make an experience. We
           Ambiguity has more than seven types, if only   Mallarméan word that reverberates throughout   can only 'have' one), there is a dynamic which
           the conceptualists knew it.               the book. A beautiful white page with the word   flows onward, always capable of change. He is
             And Kosuth, prophet of the kind of      `Arctic' centred perfectly; a beautiful white   not stuck with
           rhetoric the CAYC loves best, such as their   page with the word 'Atlantic', one with the
           credo at the end of Kosuth's little play on logic :   word 'unique' and, to break the sequence, two
           the members of the group, it says, 'intend to   words, still centred, 'unfathomable sea.' This
           enhance behaviour and massive communication   family of evocatives lives side by side with a
           phenomena and the rupture of traditional   family of verbal calembours such as :
           forms. This should permit the opening to new   bending to tie a lace, thought Beckett,
           expression systems, where researchers and   bending to tie a lace, thought Proust,
           artists attempt to represent the plastic interests   bending to tie a lace, thought grandmamma
           of the XXI century man.' That man, I presume,   Other literary allusions (to James Joyce in
           will rally to 'new expression systems' in much   particular) help to lift these dazzling white
           the way he rallies to new transportation    cards into the realm of art, whether Harvey
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