Page 26 - Studio International - July August 1972
P. 26

Festival 'Sculpture in the City' exhibition later   Very few of the works exhibited had been   unaware of the realities of the situation and fail
     the same year, the 'Sculpture in Nottingham'   specifically made for the sites on which they   to realize that conditions encountered showing
     exhibition in 1968, the 'Coventry Cathedral'   were shown and in almost all cases the scale was   work in public outdoors bears no relation to
     exhibition of British sculpture in 1968 and the   insignificant. This was hardly surprising in that   public exhibitions in art galleries. This by no
     `Ten Sculptors, Two Cathedrals' 1970      one cannot expect sculptors to make large works   means invalidates the concept of City Sculpture
     exhibition, the major drawback was that, in the   involving relatively large materials and   but it does create a situation with which the
     main, the organizers were not in a position to   fabrication costs and to keep them in their back   sculptor must be prepared to come to terms at
     commission works and relied on existing works   gardens on the offchance of an invitation to   the outset.
     where scale and suitability of materials were   exhibit in some central city area.    Insurance cover is a major problem and
     limited by the sculptors' own financial resources.   Unless one has actually had experience of the   while it is not too difficult to obtain public
       The Arts Council Exhibition 'New        matter, it is very difficult to fully appreciate the   liability insurance, it is quite another matter
     Sculpture 1969', which was first shown at   extent of the problems brought about by   when it comes to insuring against damage or
     Stevenage, sought to overcome this problem by   showing work outdoors (as opposed to a gallery/   theft. Large premiums, a comparatively high
     specially commissioning works from five   private house context) and exposed to the   self-insurance on the first part of each and every
     sculptors who were then working at the    unpredictable reactions of a puzzled and often   claim and the use of the services of a security
     Stockwell Depot in London. In this type of   superficially hostile public— problems intensified   patrol organization are often found to be the
     showing the problem was that the works were   by the absence of 'keep off' notices and bevies   conditions laid down.
     to be shown on a number of different sites which   of uniformed attendants. Not only is there a
     considerably complicated the situation in terms   question of satisfying local authorities of the
     of installation and suitability.          structural safety of works but also of ensuring   (Below left)
                                                                                         John Dee Dayspring 1968
       Following these exhibitions there was a series   that rust-retarding finishes are really adequate;   `New British Sculpture/Bristol'
     of informal meetings at the Arts Council's offices   that the work will stand maltreatment; that   (Below)
     between people who had organized outdoor   materials other than steel are really inherently   W. Taylor Calthae and Chevron
     exhibitions of new sculpture in Great Britain—  suitable for the weathering and treatment they   City of London Festival 1968
                                                                                         Photo Errol Jackson
     in an endeavour to make the most of the   will receive and ensuring that they are used in   (Bottom left)
     considerable experience that had been gained.   such ways as will not invalidate these qualities.   Roland Brener Sculpture
     The recurring topics were scale, inability of   Sculptors, perhaps reasonably, feel that a   `New Sculpture/Stevenage' 1969
     work to stand the conditions encountered,   work which has resulted from much effort and   (Bottom right)
     insurance—all of which related to the problems   expense deserves a certain respect on the part of   Tim Threlfall
     of inadequate finance.                    those viewing it. They are too frequently    `Sculpture in Nottingham' 1969

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