Page 29 - Studio International - July August 1972
P. 29

The Council of the City of Hanover appeals to   damage or loss. In the event of a sale, the   confirmation when the final proposals were made
          artists for their co-operation, to patrons of the   money already received has to be considered.   known to the City Authorities. Reports from a
          arts interested in this experiment for further   In deciding on the cities to be invited to   structural engineer were prepared on all the
          funds and to the visitors and people of the city   participate it was agreed that the most   proposals and made available to the selectors.
          for their participation and their criticism. On   satisfactory approach in terms of the concept of   Of the twenty-four initial proposals seventeen
          this basis the Council will decide whether to   the project would be to aim at siting two works   were selected for full-scale realization and siting
          continue or terminate the scheme.'        in each of eight cities in England/Wales. As two   (the number being determined at least in part
          Martin Neuffer, November 1970             works in the context of a city of the size of   by the finance available).
                                                    London would be meaningless in impact, it was   Several changes in sites and cities had to be
             In Germany, the City of Hanover has    agreed to exclude London—and also Bristol and   made as a result of detailed negotiations with
          undertaken what is probably the most ambitious   Nottingham where work had already been shown   the authorities on the basis of the actual
          of this type of project — Street Art 197o-73.   in central city areas. The final selection of cities   proposals. It is important to bear in mind that
          The scheme was the idea of Walter de la Motte,   to be approached was on a population/   up to this stage all agreement in principle had
          director of the art centre, who was supported by   geographical basis—Newcastle, Liverpool,   been undertaken by the cities without any idea
          Martin Neuffer, a town official. The stated aim   Sheffield, Birmingham, Cambridge, Cardiff,   of the nature of the work they might be asked to
          was not to beautify the town but to extend the   Southampton and Plymouth.          accommodate. The necessary permission meant
          awareness of the people. Neuffer is quoted as   While financial participation on the part of   dealing with planning/architects/city
          saying that if the scheme is not successful it will   the eight cities would have enlarged the budget   engineers/traffic/museum and art gallery/
          have proved to him that art is a minority interest   and made it possible to increase the scope of the   housing/parks/castle/legal departments and
          and that its artefacts should be returned to their   Project it was felt that by avoiding requests for   committees.
          ghettos, the museums.                     city finance a much more flexible attitude would   The scope of the City Sculpture Project was
                                                    probably be forthcoming as the local      limited to artists who were basically 'object
                                                     politicians would not be faced with the   makers'. We have tried to indicate in the
          City Sculpture Project '72                inevitable questions on the 'squandering of   documentary exhibitions and in the catalogue
          Following the 'New British Sculpture/Bristol'   rates', etc. It was however hoped that the cities   that there are many artists who have, to a
          exhibition, discussion took place with the Peter   would underwrite site preparation costs   greater or lesser extent, rejected this role and
          Stuyvesant Foundation with a view to      (particularly where this was carried out by their   are more concerned with areas that lie in other
          formulating the policy for a project whereby   own staff). In the event, the contribution in this   directions. We feel that they may well have as
          sculptors could be commissioned to produce   respect has been disappointingly limited.   much, or more, to offer to the city environment
          works for specific central city sites with the   The mechanics of the City Sculpture Project   and we hope that there will soon be
          benefit of the knowledge of conditions and   were that concurrently with obtaining agreement   opportunities to explore this. The task of
          problems encountered with the Bristol and   in principle to participate from eight cities, a   obtaining civic collaboration may well be
          subsequent exhibitions of this type.      list of over 100 names was compiled of sculptors   formidable.
             The Peter Stuyvesant Foundation had    working in this country—using past exhibition   The City Sculpture Project has been
          already given considerable assistance to the   material, the services of AIR, the Regional Art   co-ordinated on behalf of the Peter Stuyvesant
          visual arts (as well as music) in this country—  Officers of the Arts Council and a number of   Foundation by Jeremy Rees (of the Arnolfini
          including the 'New Generation' exhibitions at   individual sculptors and exhibition organizers.   Gallery, Bristol) and Anthony Stokes. It would
          the Whitechapel Art Gallery and the formation   Wherever possible, up-to-date visual reference   not have been possible without the willing and
          of the Peter Stuyvesant Foundation Collection   material was assembled for consideration by the   generous collaboration of the sculptors and the
          of Recent British Painting, which was first   two selectors, Stewart Mason and Phillip King,   many people and organizations in the eight
          shown in its entirety at the Tate in 1967, and   who were to nominate 24 sculptors to prepare   cities, and elsewhere in this country and
          has since been on tour throughout the world.   initial proposals. However much information on   abroad, who have given so much advice and
             The basis of the proposals for the City   however many sculptors working in this   help.
          Sculpture Project was that a number of    country is amassed, selection would be an    The purpose of the City Sculpture Project is
          sculptors should be commissioned to produce   invidious (and in the final event) arbitrary task.   to provide an opportunity for sculptors to
          works for specific sites in a number of cities, the   Recent events relating to possible alternatives   produce works related to a specific city
          works would be sited for a minimum period of   to selection of artists to take part in such events   environment, which can then be evaluated by a
          six months in order that the general public would   as 'Art Spectrum: London' and the forthcoming   general public over a reasonable period of time
          have an opportunity to become acclimatized to   Hayward Biennale only serve to underline the   and with the benefit of additional documentary
          them, and that this should be furthered by a   point.                               exhibition material. This is one situation in
          series of documentary exhibitions (made      In any project of this nature there are bound   which the instant 'art criticism' based on a brief
          possible by the generous support of the Arts   to be proposals which for one reason or another   visit is definitely of very limited validity. It is
          Council of Great Britain) giving background   cannot be carried through satisfactorily and it   now a question of waiting until the autumn to
          information on the concept/the participating   was considered essential that there should be   gain some reasonable idea of the success or
          artists and the works produced for each city/   some form of selection once the initial proposals   failure of the project, both as a whole and in
          earlier projects in this country and      (in the form of maquettes or drawings, together   particular situations. In no sense is the project an
          abroad/various aspects of past and present   with report and detailed costings) had been   attempt to provide definitive works on a few
          sculpture which might have a bearing on this   produced. The twenty-four sculptors were   chosen sites, but rather to raise the whole
          and future projects.                      asked for their first/second/third choices of the   question of the potential of new sculpture in the
             A fee and expenses were to be paid to each   eight cities and arrangements were made for   city environment under conditions which we
          sculptor for producing initial proposals. For   each sculptor to visit one city and to select   hope will be more favourable, for both the
          the works finally commissioned for siting, a   sites in consultation with the Project organizers   sculptors and the public, than those previously
          sum up to an agreed maximum was to be made   and representatives of the City Architects/   available.
          available for materials/fabrication and in   Planning departments.                     Already a number of the sculptors have got
          addition to a further fee, the works were to   Negotiations were then conducted on behalf   far more satisfaction from working on the
          remain the property of the sculptors—     of the sculptors in order to obtain agreement in   Project than they had expected—we hope that
          although they would not be insured against    principle for the use of the sites — subject to    the public will too.  q
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