Page 54 - Studio International - June 1972
P. 54

                                                                                         Rita Donagh
                                                                                         Reflection on three weeks in May 1970
                                                                                        152.5 x 152.5 cm
                                                                                        Oil on canvas
                                                                                        Reading University Fine Art
                                                                                        Department, May 197o

     painting. If not transparent, such pictures are   the fine art department of Reading   right. To read specific parts of this rather
     usually in the palest of colours, or simply in   University. A studio had been painted white,   large canvas initially encouraged one to look
     white, they very often employ devices of   and had been divided into squares, some of   for an echoic or reversed motif elsewhere among
     classical perspective to indicate depths which   which were marked with a cross. The central   the 121 squares, (as one mechanically does in a
     lie within their clarity of surface, and they are   rectangle of the painting reproduces this grid   classic crossword pattern); but this does not
     usually drawn rather than painted. Rita   of squares, and is in fact a plan of the studio,   occur, which is the painting's real strength, and
     Donagh's work has all these characteristics.   on which are superimposed two perspective   why it appears toughly made as a picture rather
     I suppose that The Large Glass is the major   projections and a greatly enlarged detail of the   than a diagram. Terry Setch produced
     influence on Reflection ... ; it also reminds one   plan, which fills the whole of the picture area.   something of a tour de force, pretending to be
     of some of the plates from Ernst's Fiat modes,   Events outside the studio at the time are   an Italian cubist of circa 1913 (and there was
     pereat ars, of certain early drawings of de   recorded, such as the Kent State shootings,   more to the picture than that). John Loker's
     Chirico, and of some things by Picabia, especially   which occurred during the first week of the   cool Six Horizons was interestingly related to
     his 192o photograph of the Duchamp,       teaching activity. So too are concerns with   his recent horizontal fibreglass pieces. Edwina
     Elevage de Poussière.                     other paintings (the left-hand line relates to a   Leapman's tall rectangle had a variously painted
       Apart from this, there are other aspects of   figure in one of these) and extra-pictorial   light blue surface/ground which contained a
     the picture which make one want to relate it   interests (on the right are marks derived from   stack of five interior rectangles, also blue, whose
     to the Dada tradition: in particular the wavering   Thoreau's drawings of Walden Pond).   regularity seemed to owe more to Judd than
     line which goes from top to bottom of the left-  There were no trends at Liverpool which   their softish emergence did to Rothko. Derek
     hand side of the canvas. It is reminiscent, as   could be related to any meaningful   Boshier's Sixteen Situations, previously seen in
     often happens in Dada and post-Dada drawing,   developments in recent painting. I believe the   Alexandra Palace last summer and also
     of string (itself a characteristic Dada   interest in systems to be a red herring, and the   published as a book, uses a rather boring
     medium), which when cast retains some of the   `return to figuration' to be untested by the   structure (of a cube and a twice-high tower
     torsion and stiffness inherent in it, thus falling   production of good new pictures. There   next to it) which is terribly well-judged for his
     in an aleatory way which nonetheless suggests   were a number of individual works in the   purposes, since it's used in vastly differing
     some artistic purpose. I thought of a similar   exhibition which were impressive or likeable.   scales and social situations, and is something
     line in Picabia's Prenez garde a la peinture,   Alan Green submitted the best picture I have   that one can't quite recognize as being an
     along which is written, in tiny capitals,   seen of his. The diagrammatic strength of its   art-work. It's a subtle and often very funny
    `force indépendante'. However, I would not   large 11 x 11 grid division was deftly   series whose various implications (see next
     suggest that there is much random         complicated by four colours working as    month's Studio International) might be pondered
     independence of the elements in Reflection . . .   constituent parts of internal cubing, no colour   over by the Peter Stuyvesant Foundation. q
     It has been carefully structured. The painting is   making a single square but sometimes
     about a three-week-long period of teaching in    delineating two right angles, left to down to
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