Page 51 - Studio International - June 1972
P. 51

on the appropriate surface. The early models   this band is set within a shallow depression.
           were surfaced with rayon and the texture is   The lawn is a cambered slab. Rockery is four
           fine-grained and powdery. Gradually, nylon   feet long and three and a half feet wide and has
           replaced rayon and when Abrahams acquired an   a collection of simulated limestone clustered in
           electrostatic flocker the surfaces changed   a U-formation. Jagged chunks of rock and
           conspicuously. Abrahams began to produce   scree beds intermingle with conform trees and
           some of the garden models in replicate editions.   assorted vegetation. The trees are craggy and
           With an electrostatic application the flock is   the vegetation is closely packed and lumpy,
           coacervated within a gridded hopper and    like cauliflower. The rockery is formed around
           subsequently pushed through the mesh of the   a spongy lawn. The rock garden is somewhat
           hopper in a shower of discrete particles.   congested and the colours are strident: the
           Consequently, the surfaces are piled and   piece resembles a Venusian landscape. This
           fibrous, like carpets. The fibres are precision   hallucinatory quality is less credible.
           cut in Switzerland and are between a quarter   Ammerdown Park is one of an edition of six. A
           and three millimetres in length. Three grids   squat, partially visible pedestal or gate pier
           are available for the electrostatic flocker: fine,   supports an overgrown, cumulous mass of
           medium, and coarse. By varying the grid size   topiary. The topiary is eleven inches high and   Retreat 1970. Mixed media, 8 x 9 x 4 ft
           with the flock millimetre (1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, and 3)   tilts to the left. Its surface is finely bristled; the
           considerable textural variety is created. It's   pedestal is patined. There are several editioned   sculptures. The pieces are aggregates—no
           important to note that the sculptures are made   pieces : In Distant View a rolled lawn forms a   longer single things. The problem is amplified
           without excessive labour; there is no     triangle within a bulky, tumescent arbour. The   in the unfinished Suburban Enclosure. This piece
           craftsmanship about these things. Abrahams   arbour is an irregular V-shape. A blurred,   was shown at the Feigen gallery in New York.
           neither toils nor spins. The technique is a   diminutive mock-stone statuary figure is   Its scale is environmental : a large rectangular
           familiar one in industry; it's available and   placed near the apex of the V. Terraced Steps is   lawn is enclosed by a low wooden fence with an
           Abrahams uses it. He often achieves a     a topiarized mound, thirteen inches high. The   open gate. On the outside of the enclosure a
           pointillist or trichromatic effect by applying,   mound is divided by an irregular series of   tall, spindle-shaped yew is placed at each corner
           say, three different fibre lengths in separate   steps, steeply inclined. The mound is turreted   of the fence. On the lawn are four squat
           colours through a medium grid. The result is a   and tilts towards the axis. The topiary thus   geometric topiaries. The work is an
           pronounced surface variegation. The fibres are   forms an undulating avenue or alley.   accumulation of parts. This vitiates the idea.
           dyed in accordance with the artist's instructions.   Abrahams's gardens resist the usual notions   Retreat, Rockery with Pool, and The Wall
           The garden models are often intensely     of sculpture. This resistance suggests a   are some of the larger sculptures. Retreat 1970
           iridescent: opalescent bristles intermingle with   scepticism towards current ideas of making   is an alcove seat set within the hollow of a large
           dense metallic chunks; striated pinks and scarlet   objects. In contrast to the publicly avowed   tumescent topiary. The base of the sculpture is
           radiate in coral-like masses; random streaks of   substantive nature of contemporary sculpture   a foam slab inlaid with a rounded margin of
           aquamarine stain the surfaces like verdigris.   Abrahams's work looks decidedly superficial.   crazy paving. The seat is a simulated concrete
           The surfaces are tawdry and meretricious.   This quality is, in fact, an organizing principle:   garden bench in a mock Georgian design. The
           Foliated emeralds and greens alternate with   the sculpture is a devious inventory of   topiary is flocculent and looms. The recent
           powdery limes; heavily dusted patches of dingy   superficialness. The form of each piece is   Rockery with Pool is a low irregular arrangement
           yellow are marginated with mottled olives,   essentially that of a shell : its outer surface is the   of limestone rock in the form of a U-shape. An
           picturesque blues, and prickly violet-greys.   sculpture. This aspect has been an important   oval pool is set within the U and is adjacent to
           The gardens are obviously factitious.     and consistent feature of Abrahams's work. The   a narrow cambered mossy bank. The pool is a
              The garden schemes are various. The    sculptures are free-standing extended reliefs :   dull grisaille in screen-printed plate glass. The
           topiary is a common form and the usual cones,   their surfaces are stratified and discontinuous.   reflection of an overhanging leafy bough is
           spheres, cubes, and arches are prominent.   In the gardens this discontinuity is manifest in   depicted on its surface; the reflected image is
           Clipped arbours of box and yew, parterres,   various cross-bedded planes which are usually   slightly out of register; there are two screen-
           rock gardens, and terraces are conspicuous.   laminated or fictile; the latex integument often   printed layers of glass; this creates a rippling
           Crescent Yews is a topiary hedge in five sections.   shrinks after application and the sculptures are   effect. The surface of the rockery is strongly
           The sections resemble loaves of bread and are   thus reformed by the membranous skin. The   maculated with a pied variegation of simulated
           joined to form a semicircle within a rectangular   textural richness and diffusion of the garden   lichen, fungus, and assorted vegetation. The
           lawn. A tiny crumpled bed of vegetation is   image allows Abrahams to manoeuvre the   Wall, a recent sculpture, is a right-angled course
           placed within the crescent. The topiary has a   surfaces with great facility : this disencumbers   of brickwork overhung with a massive clump of
           granular and porous texture. Sunken Pool is a   him of the usual textural restrictions of   vine-leaves. The sculpture is an L-shape with
           terrace garden with a rectangular lily pond. The   sculpture. With the exception of one or two   the edge of its longer side broken and irregular.
           piece is thirty inches long and fourteen inches   deviant pieces the sculptures are conspicuously   Incised on the surface of the wall is a stretcher
           wide. There are three levels concentric to the   single things. The exterior surface of the   bond pattern of bricks. Around the base the
           pool and the edge of each terrace is medially   shell is thus either convex or concave.   surface is stained with lichen and moss. The
           transected by a flight of steps. A fastigiate   Several pieces are aberrant. The rectangular   sculpture is a little over five feet high and is
           yew is depicted at each corner of the second   pond in Sunken Pool is a sheet of Plexiglas and   made of styrene with a latex skin. The wall is
           level. The surface of the garden varies. The   is conspicuously so; this makes it an object in   dilapidated and seems barely capable of
           terraces are powdery and fine and the yews are   the sculpture. The rock garden in Rockery is a   supporting the vine-leaves. The leaves are
           coarsely grooved. The pool is vitreous. The   collection of individual parts. These parts are   clustered in discontinuous layers, alternately
           sides of the model are rugged and steep.   somewhat fussy: their overly detailed     bulky and limp. Some of the leaves are finely
           Blossom has two circular rose-beds        configuration is in marked contrast to the   detailed; most are schematic. The top layer is
           symmetrically placed on the long axis of a   schematic lawn. The lawn is little more than a   spiky. The foliation is fibre-glass.
           rectangular lawn. The flowers are solid cushions   base and is thus secondary. The pool and the   A closing cliché would be to discuss the
           with a radiating texture of broken stria.   rock garden are extrinsic to and consequently   value of Abrahams's work; it is complex and
           The base of each rose-bed is a convex band and    appendages of the moulded surface of the   profound.  q
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