Page 79 - Studio International - June 1972
P. 79
Galerie Kleber British Printmakers' will take place in Galerie Mikro (Tel. 0311 785 6o 6o). Graphics by
D i000 Berlin 12, Uhlandstrasse 184 June. The artists are Hill, Martin, Berlin 12, Carmerstrasse I (Tel. Otto, Heckel, Schmidt-Rottluff etc.
(Tel. 0311 883 49 30). Graphics by Turnbull, Smith, Denny, Richardson- 312 5865). Editions by Akrithakis, Nigel Greenwood Inc. Ltd.
Hhaack, Oppermann, Hilsing etc. Jones, Richardson, Saunders, Allsop, Kitaj, Hockney, Allen Jones, Dieter 41 Sloane Gardens, London SWI
North (the first five by courtesy of
Galerie Krugier et Cie Waddington). Other printmakers Rot, Paolozzi, Wewerka, Dine etc. (Tel. 01-730 8824/5). Publish prints by
5 Grand Rue, Geneve (Tel. 26 64 72). represented by the Gallery include Ayal, Also deal in graphics by Alt, Caulfield, Bill Jacklin, Keith Milow, John Walker,
Graphics by Vasarely, Matta etc. Barker, Bechgaard, Cross, Gollifer, Denny, Schonzeit, Gertsch, Wewerka. Stock includes Hamilton, LeWitt,
Nauman, Rosenquist. Books: Gilbert
Kümmel Morellet, Rice, Richcoeur, Riddell, Modern Prints and George, Long, Ruscha, Stezaker,
5 Köln 4i, Maarweg 15 (Tel. 49 45 Steele, Threlfell. 15 West Kensington Mansions, North Weiner etc. Magazines: complete
43). Contemporary artists. Prices from Lumley Cazalet Ltd. End Road, W14 (Tel. 01-385 4797). selection. Full book list available on
DM 4. 24 Davies Street, London WI (Tel. Dealer in graphics by West Coast application.
artists; also, Denny, Abrahams,
Kwarz 01-499 5o58). Limited editions of Phillips, Noland. Very wide selection
Kooperative Galerie und Edition, signed original lithographs, etchings of prints by younger artists. View by
D m00 Berlin 3o, Eisenacher Strasse 23 and w00dcuts from 1880 to present day appointment only. Old Bakehouse
(Tel. 0311 213 70 20). Graphics by by both well-known and lesser-known Galerie Moos Inc. Six Bells Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent
Peter Foeller, Toni E. Gross, Reinhard artists; also many young contemporaries. (Tel. 0732 53502). Specialize in all
Hoffmann, Daniel Loewe, Angelika Prices from £5. 1430 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal forms of contemporary graphic arts.
Margull, Dirk v.d. Meulen, Werner 109, Quebec (Tel. (514) 842 2747). Two
Reister, Udo G. Ross, Niels Unbehagen. fl00rs dealing in international and Orangerie, Galerie und Verlag
Canadian art, including graphics by D 5000 Köln 1, Helenenstrasse 2
Maltzahn Ltd. Alt, Picasso, Miró, Pierre Clerk, Peter (Tel. 0221 3 246 84). Graphics by
3 Cork Street, London WI (Tel. Markgraf, Delauney, Lindner, Sica, Ernst, Friedlander, Chagall etc.
2, Lambolle Road 01-437 6851). Dealers in graphics by Pye, Benjamin etc. Oxford Gallery
2 Lambolle Road, London NW3 Bevan, Boyd, Cross, Hamilton, Moos Ltd. 23 High Street, Oxford OXI 4AH
(Tel. 01-794 4247). Modern graphics, Hockney, Indiana, Nevinson, Rot. Also 138 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto 5, (Tel. 0865 42731). Wide range of new
drawings and paintings, from £5. some old masters. Prices £30 to £800. Ontario (Tel. (416) 922 0627). editioned graphics from European,
Reproductions and posters at reasonable Publishers of graphics by Boyd. Original lithographs and USA and Japanese sources. Specialized
prices. Mark serigraphs by European and Canadian exhibitions include a series on
La Medusa Grafica 9 Porchester Place, London W2 (Tel. artists. Publishers of Danby serigraphs. printmaking methods, and currently
124 Via del Babuino, Roma 00187 (Tel. 01-262 4906). Original colour Motif Editions prints under £75 selected by Pat
686546). Appel, Berman, De lithographs and etchings, by Appel, 58 Frith Street, London WI (Tel. Gilmour. November Bradford Biennale
Chirico, Guttuso, Capogrossi, Matta, Vertes, Chirico, Delvaux etc. 01-734 0484). Publishers of award winners.
Stevenson, Mayo, Oppenheim. Exhibition of sixteenth to nineteenth- contemporary prints which are available
Landfall Press Inc. century Russian icons. through the Motif Gallery, 35
63 West Ontario Street, Chicago, Marlborough Graphics Connaught Street, London W2 (Tel. Pace Editions Inc.
Illinois 60610 (Tel. 312 787 6836). 17/18 Old Bond Street, London WI 01-723 9477). The gallery is for 32 East 57 Street, New York N.Y.
Publishers of fine lithographs by (Tel. 01-629 516i). Holding a series of lithographs and serigraphs by artists 10022 (Tel. 212 HA 3292). Extensive
Showell, Christo, Christensen, exhibitions of their graphics, particular working with Motif Editions, including inventory of prints, multiples, posters
Pearlstein, Wiley, LeWitt. The emphasis being placed on recent Jean-Michel Folon, Michael English, and tapestries by leading American
workshop is also available to artists, publications. All the graphics are in Adrian George, Michael Stokoe, Paul and European contemporary artists
galleries who wish to publish their own limited, signed and numbered editions. Hogarth, Roger Lunn, David from Albers to Warhol. Exclusive
editions. These will include screenprints by MacFarlane and other young artists. representatives for graphics by Bell,
Leicester D'Arcangelo, Gottlieb, Kitaj, Multi-Art Press International Krushenick, Nevelson, Samaras, Trova,
22a Cork Street, London WI (Tel. Motherwell, Nolan, Pasmore, Piché, p.v.b.a. and Youngerman as well as many
01-437 8 995). Bonnard, Buhot, Craig, Soto and Winner: etchings by Ardon, Groendalstraat, 12-14, 2000 Antwerpen. younger printmakers. Also, African and
John, Maillol, Matisse, Sickert, Genoves, and Nicholson and the first Publish paper art, bibliophile b00ks, Pre-Columbian sculpture and folk
Tissot, Whistler, etc. £10 to £2500. coloured lithograph by Oskar Kokoschka portfolios, catalogues. Multi-Art textiles. Publisher of prints and
which Marlborough Graphics has
Lesen Verlag GmbH published. Gallery deals in original graphics and multiples by Bearden, Bell, Dubuffet,
2 Hamburg i, An der Alster 22 (Tel. M'Arte Gallery multiples. Ernst, Krushenick, Lukin, Mallory,
Natkin, Nevelson, Samaras, Segal,
0411/249006). Publications: Lesen, a Multiples
monthly booksellers magazine; Die Via G. Fara 4, 20124 Milan (Tel. 927 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. Trova, Youngerman, Zox. New
editions : Bell, Lux III, a mirror and
Neue Barke, a magazine with original 669726). Prints by well-known Italian 10021. Recent publications by canvas multiple; Dubuffet,
prints by contemporary artists as a and international artists : Alechinsky, Rauschenberg, Indiana, Arman,
Tetrascopique, a vacuum form multiple;
supplement, quarterly. Baj, Bellmer, Burn, Chaissac, Lindner, Arakawa, Artschwager, Bell, Krushenick Fire/Flash/Fire/Fade, a
Corneille, Dali, DeChirico, Delaunay,
Leslie Waddington Prints Ltd. Magnelli, Matta, Miró, Picasso, Ruscha, Wesselmann. Catalogue portfolio of six silkscreen prints;
34 Cork Street, London WI (Tel. Pomodoro, Man Ray, Richter, available. Also at 810 N. La Cienega Nevelson Night Tree, a lead intaglio
01-734 1719). Mostly sell prints edited Sutherland, Tamayo, Vasarely, Zadkine. Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90069, relief print: Samaras, Album, a book of
by themselves. Includes prints by Have published a series Images and dealers in graphics. auto-polaroid photographs; Trova
Annesley, Blake, Bush, Caulfield, Words, including hand signed Shadows, Planes and Targets, a portfolio
Denny, Heron, Frink, etc. reproductions of manuscripts and of four silkscreen prints;
London Arts original lithographs and etchings by: Nabis Fine Arts Inc. Youngerman White Glide, a white
22 New Bond Street, London WI Adami, Baj, Delaunay, Dorazio, 276 Park Avenue South, New York, laquered wood wall multiple. Exclusive
(Tel. 01-493 0646). Major works by Guerreschi, Hayter, Ikeda, Magnelli, N.Y. 10010 (Tel. 212 673 2700). distributor of Gloria F. Ross tapestries
leading graphic artists of the sixteenth Masson, Richards, Richter, Sutherland, One of the largest publishing and by Frankenthaler, Goodnough,
to twentieth centuries. Provides an Tamayo. Series Piccolo Torchio distributing firms for graphics in the Gottlieb, Louis, Motherwell, Nevelson,
advisory service to industry. World's including poems and original hand United States. Noland, Poons, Stella, Trova and
largest dealers in original prints, signed graphics by Ikeda, Maccari, Galerie Nächst St Stephan Youngerman. Exclusive distributor for
fifteenth to twentieth-century. New Scanavino, Valentini. 1010 Wien I, Grunangerg 1/11 (Tel. the List Art Poster Programme and the
editions by Appel, Alechinsky, Calder, Martha Jackson Graphics 52 12 66). Recent editions: Map with Save Our Planet posters. American
Rauschenberg, John Plumb, 32 East 69th Street, New York N.Y. fourteen graphics by Attersee, distributor for art books and
Bolotowsky, etc. Other galleries : 10021 (Tel. 212 YU 8 1800). Gironcoli, Mikl, Oberhuber, Pichler, catalogues published by Galerie
321 Fisher Building, Detroit, Michigan Contemporary graphics by American Rainer, Wotruba and others, single Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland.
48202; 109 East 81st Street, New York, and European artists such as Tapies, prints available. Multiples by Thorn, Illustrated catalogue $2.50.
N.Y. 10028; Reflections Gallery, Dine, Francis, Tobey, Hundertwasser, etchings by Wewerka. Parasol Press Ltd
3445 Peach Tree Road, Atlanta, Pomodoro. Neuendorf 72 East 79 Street, New York N.Y.
Georgia 30326; 154 West Maple Michael Walls 2 Hamburg 4, Feldstrasse, Hochhaus 10021. Graphics by LeWitt, Thiebaud,
Road, Birmingham, Michigan 48009. (Tel. 435 966), 5 Köln I, Lindenstrasse Estes, Flavin etc.
Louise King 8406 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles 20 (Tel. 219 33o). Prints by Arman, Park Square Gallery
90069, California. Prints by Terry
36 Gloucester Circus, Greenwich, Allen, John Altoon, Vija Celmins, Dine, Jones, Hamilton, Ruscha, Self 57 St Paul's Street, Leeds LSI 2TE
London SE10. (Tel.01-858 5825). Joe Goode, Bruce Nauman, Kenneth etc. Recent publications include (Tel. 26421). Lithographs, prints and
Original prints and engravings, old Price, Ed Ruscha, Paul Sarkisian, Roman Notes by Cy Twombly, a etchings from Waddington, Curwen,
and modern. Twice yearly catalogues. Wayne Thiebaud, and other West portfolio of six prints, edition 10o, all Print Workshop and many individual
Lucy Milton Gallery Coast artists. Also portfolios by signed and numbered. print-makers, including Japanese,
125 Notting Hill Gate, London WI I. Barnard, Brice Marden, Ad Galerie Nierendorf permanently. Print exhibitions arranged
(Tel. 01-229 3311). An exhibition 'Ten Reinhardt, Frank Stella. D 1000 Berlin 12, Hardenbergstrasse 19 frequently.