Page 80 - Studio International - June 1972
P. 80
Paul Bianchini Prints Already Il Segnapassi Ken Bowman, Stanley Boxer,
14 East 77th Stret, New York 21 3 Upper Street London N1 (Tel. POB 153, Pesaro, Italy. Publisher of Gourevitch, Peter Reginato and the
(Tel. 535 0887). Publish prints by or-226 o866). Silkscreen workshop, original prints by Alviani, Carmi, Gaul, estate of John Alton.
Fahlstrom, Kelly, Lichtenstein, providing photographic and printing Pozzati, Ceroli, Trubbiani, Lorenzetti, Tokyo Gallery Graphics
Oldenburg and Stanley. Folders are facility for close cooperation with artists, Ramosa, Cavaliere, Baj, Pomodoro, 8-6-18 Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104,
available for each print. Distributed in for production of limited editions. Dorazio, Adami, Spadari, Maurer, Japan. Editions of Tokyo Gallery
Europe by Editions du Dragon, 18 rue Recent work completed includes: Suite Sutej, Vigo, Grignani, Calderara, original prints by Japanese and
du Dragon, Paris 6 (Tel. 548 555o). 15 prints George Jackson for Llewellyn Nannucci, Gambone, Longoni etc. international artists.
Paul Rice Xavier. Images for Seymour Segal, Single editions or portfolios. Also Toninelli Arte Moderna
52 Draycott Place, London SW3 (Tel. Robert Young, Geoff Winn, Rosie dealer in graphics. Milano, Italien 8, Via Sant'Andrea.
01-589 0759). Prints by Alechinsky, Adams, experimental work for Arthur Sheviock Graphics by Baratella, Castillo, Marino
Appel, Baj, Bellmer, Brauner, Calder, Piece (mixed media). Own editions East Cornwall PL11 3EH (Tel. Marini etc.
Corneille, Dine, Ernst, Folon, Jorn, include First World War, 11 images by 05o 33 264). Selection of prints
Le Corbusier, Magritte, Man Ray, Roger Lunn; currently working on including Currell, Denny, Frink,
Tapies, Tilson, Wunderlich etc. Also Interiors/Exteriors, 10 images by Hepworth, Heron, Hilton, Lanyon, Van Hulsen Amsterdam
photographic prints by Bill Brandt and Roger Lunn. Nicholson, Nolan, Pasmore, Piper,
Keizersgracht 495, Amsterdam
other photographers. Prices £5-£250. Pucker Safrai Gallery Scott. Prices £10-£125. (Tel. 020 22 94 10). New graphics by
Pelart, Galerie Rosemarie 171 Newbury Street, Boston, Shorewood Atelier Inc. Sies Bleeker (map of screens coming
Pellek Massachusetts 02116 (Tel. 617 267 724 Fifth Avenue, New York N.Y. out at the end of 1972), Gerard Caris,
9473). Publishers of lithographs,
4790 Paderborn, Warburger Strasse serigraphs, etchings, in France and 10019. Have recently published The Vincent Hamel, Aart Leemhuis (map
43a Germany (Tel. 05251 26559). Israel by the following artists: Reuven Super Realist a portfolio with work by of screens coming out at the end of
Gallery dealing in graphics. Rubin, David Sharir, Shraga Weil, McLean, Close, Bechtle, Gertsch, 1972), Georg Ruyter, Fritz Vanèn,
Peterloo Mordecai Moreh, Samuel Bak, Gerald Goings, edition of 325. Anton van der Veen.
33a Brown Street, Manchester M22JN Garston. Also graphics by Chagall, Sidney Janis Gallery Editions Van Straaten
(Tel. 061 834 7944). Contemporary Wunderlich, Abeles, Alcalay. 6 West 57th Street, New York. 646 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,
lithographs, etchings and screenprints Publish editions by Segal, Wesselmann, Illinois 6o611 (Tel. 312 642 2900).
by Frink, Sutton, Davie, Adams, Oldenburg. Recent publications include Contemporary graphics. and European
Zadkine, Rowell, Bawden etc. Quay Open-ended Nude Drawing Edition 1972 and American fine-art posters.
Petersburg Press Ltd 2 Jerome Alley, San Francisco, by Wesselmann; Symbolic Self-Portrait Vice-Versand
with Equals 1971 by Oldenburg. Also
59a Portobello Road, London Wit California (Tel. (415) 392 5532). new editions by Albers, Anuszkiewicz, W. Feelisch, 563 Remscheid 1,
(Tel. o1-229 8791). Recent Kelly, Segal etc. Fichtenstrasse 63, Postfach 343.
publications include group of nine Graphics by Beuys, Staeck, Uecker,
Rosenquist lithographs; Dieter Rot/ Redfern Studio Cover Prints Wewerka, Vautier etc.
Richard Hamilton Seminar. New 37 Museum Street, London WC1
publications of Dine, Hamilton, 20 Cork Street, London W1 (Tel. (Tel. 01-405 3957). Publishes prints by
Hockney, Oldenburg, Rosenquist, Rot, 01-734 1732). Comprehensive collection Paolozzi, Allen Jones. Recent Waddington Galleries
Twombly at Basel Art Fair. of original twentieth-century prints on publication: Pop Art Refined by 2 Cork Street, London WI (Tel.
permanent exhibition.
Paolozzi, 1971, edition m00, signed and
Phyllis Lucas Gallery Reese Palley numbered, £12, £8 to subscribers to 01-439 1866). New prints being
981 Second Avenue, New York N.Y. Studio International. published by Blake, Caulfield, Richard
10022. Publisher of exclusive Dali 55o Sutter Street, San Francisco, Smith, Frink.
signed graphics and other graphics. California 94102 (Tel. 433 0818). Studio Prints Walter Engel
Contemporary art programmes,
Largest collection of diversified old 159 Queen's Crescent, London NW5. 2100 Bathurst Street, Suite 113,
prints in the world. Publisher of including painting, sculpture, (Tel. 01-485 4527). The workshop is
reproductions of old prints. Full experimental media projects and printing fifteen etchings by Michael Toronto 10, Ontario (Tel. (416)
colour 32 page Dali catalogue available graphics. Bay area artists and other Ayrton, illustrations for a limited 781 o968). Specializes in European
on request, mailing charge of $1.50 work augmented by selected shows of edition of b00ks with Paul Verlaine's and Latin American (plus some USA)
artists in the Reese Palley/New York
graphics: Calder, Chagall, Cuevas,
poems, Femmes Hombres, to be published
Galerie Poll Berlin stable. Permanent Boehm collection. on subscription by Douglas Cleverdon. Moore, Ortega, Picasso, Silva, Siqueiros
Kurlürstendamm 185 (Tel 883 664). Galerie Régence Also in progress, the printing of a Tamayo etc.
Gallery dealing in graphics. Rue de la Régence 13,1000 Bruxelles cqpperplate engraving by David Jones William Weston
The Poster (Tel 12 13 53). A large selection of for the title page of his Introduction 38 Albermarle Street, London W1
2266 Union Street, San Francisco and graphics by Belgian and international to the Rime of the Ancient Mariner. (Tel. 01-493 0722). Specialist dealers in
916 No. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, artists: Alechinsky, Anderle, Bram Work in progress also includes editions fine nineteenth- and twentieth-
California. Specialize in old and rare van Velde, Braque, Chagall etc. for William Turnbull, Tess Jaray, century collectors prints: Bonnard,
original posters from all periods, and in Rowan Julian Trevelyan, Phillip Greenwood, Corot, Crome, Delacroix, Matisse,
original graphics from the art nouveau. Richard Beer, Anthony Gross, Munch, Picasso, Renoir, Whistler etc.
Extensive gallery collection includes 3ra Bruton Place, Berkeley Square, Leonard Marchant, and John Hutton. Monthly catalogues of new acquisitions
some 5000 original posters, also London W1 (Tel. 01-493 3727). Publishing in conjunction with the on subscription. Prices £5 to £1500.
contemporary originals outside the art Graphics by Craig-Martin, Edwards, Arts Review by subscription. The Galerie Wolfgang Ketterer
exhibition category. Flanagan, Huxley, Lancaster, artists in the scheme are Leonard 8 Munchen 80, Prinzregentenstrasse
Print Workshop Galerie Rothe Marchant, Richard Beer, Julian 6o (Villa Stuck) (Tel. 0811 47 20 83).
28 Charlotte Street, London W1 Trevelyan, Frank Martin, Valerie Publishers of a portfolio of lithographs
(Tel. 01-636 9787). David Henderson 69 Heidelberg, Werderplatz 17 (Tel. Thornton and Philip Sutton and of Italian artists, edited by Felix H.
is currently working on a series of 06221 41713). Gallery dealing in for a subscription of £15 any two Man. Artists include Baj, Dorazio,
etchings based on photographs for an graphics, including editions published different prints are available-one from Guttuso, Magnelli, Marini, Perilli,
exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery, by Edition Rothe. each artist chosen. Sciajola. Also two annual auctions in
and Chris Sayers has produced a RWS Royal Society of Stolpeverlag Modern Art and Art Nouveau.
series of black and white etchings also Painter-Etchers and Engravers D m00 Berlin 39, Bergstrasse 75
to be shown at the Serpentine Gallery. 26 Conduit Street, London W 1 (Tel. (Tel. (0311) 8o5 35 34). Graphics by
Adrian Heath has made the first of 01-493 5436). Living etchers and Ludwig, Geiger, Hauser. Grafik des
several three-colour lithographs, and a engravers. Prices £5-£30. kapitalistischen realismus, by Brehmer, Xart collection
new lithograph by Daniel Lang Rich Hödicke, Lueg, Polke, Richter, Vostell. Seefeldstrasse 295, CH-8008 Zürich
Lands Road III is being printed. An (Tel. o1 53 99 85). Multiples and
etching by Edward Burra has been graphics by Hamilton, Allen Jones,
editioned for Alex Poston, and David Sala Pelaires Peter Phillips, Alviani, bill, Bocola,
Partridge has been preparing plates for Pelaires 63, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Taurus Press of Willow Dene Bonalumi, Lohse, Weber and others.
new etchings. Facilities for photo- (Tel 22 36 96). Graphics by Mire', 2 Willow Dene, Bushey Heath, Herts `Xart-walls' at the same address
etching have recently been installed. Tapies, Picasso etc. WD2 1PS (Tel. or-950 4625). Publishes editions wallpapers designed by Allen
Printmakers Workshop Galerie Schmücking original letterpress prints in limited Jones, Peter Phillips, Jean Tinguely,
46 Victoria Street, Edinburgh EH1 2JW D 3300 Braunschweig, Lessingplatz 12 editions of 75 by Paul Peter Piech. Buri, Berges, Alviani and others.
(Tel. 031 225 1098). Print gallery and (Tel. 0531 4 49 60). Graphics by Otmar, Tibor de Nagy Gallery, Inc.
workshop for lithography and etching. Dexel, Nagel etc. 29 West 57th Street, New York N.Y.
Exhibitions alternate with changing Scholl Presse 10019 (Tel. 421 3780). Publish own Zehn neun
selection of contemporary Scottish 1051 Vienna, Spengerstrasse 39, editions of serigraphs by Walter Darby D 8000 Munchen 43 Postfach 109.
graphics. Sole agent for the new Austria (Tel. 57 65 22/3). Contemporary Bannard, and Robert Goodnough. Graphics by Ackermann, Neuenhausen,
`Inverleith' bench etching press. graphics by Austrian artists. Lithographs by Joyce Kozloff. In stock, Lange, Nagel etc.