Page 21 - Studio International - March 1972
P. 21

News and notes                            between the speakers and the conference, that   No, it is not on

                                                    the sector's governing structure urgently
                                                    needed reform. The last speaker (David
                                                    Warren Piper) pointed out that if NCDAD
                                                    merged with CNAA, the sector would be
                                                    split, with the elite Dip AD courses inside and
                                                    the majority outside in the cold, which seemed
                                                    neither sensible nor socially just. Other
          Conference on Art and Design in           speakers had dwelt on the dangerous position
          Polytechnics, 17 and 18, January 1970, North   the majority of the sector was now in, a feeling
          East London Polytechnic. The following    reflected in the motions.
          motions were passed:                         The conference broke up pensively, or
           . This conference is deeply concerned at the   rather, adjourned until the ATTI conference
          decision to set up a body which inadequately   on 3 March.
          represents professional interests and without   DAVID PAGE
          an independent chairman to discuss, and advise   The McAlpine Collection presented to the
          upon, the future of Design Technician Courses.   Tate Gallery in 1970 by Mr Alistair McAlpine,
          It cannot accept that such a body is competent   is to be housed at 16 Chenies Street, London
          to determine the future of the entire existing   WCI. It will be opened to the public at the end
          provision, apart from foundation, outside the   of March (exact date to be announced). The
          Dip AD.                                   collection will be on show four days a week
          2.  This conference deplores the decision by the   —Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday —
          DES to suspend the NACRE, without         10.30 to 17.30, admission free. The selection of
          consultation. It is the view of this conference   works on exhibition will be changed from time
          that such an action demonstrates a flagrant   to time.
          disregard for the considered views of those
          professionally engaged in Art and Design   The Commonwealth Institute Gallery is
          Education.                                holding an exhibition of work by painters
          3.  This conference calls upon the ATTI and   Tessa Schneideman and William Kurelek and
          the NUS to take steps to formulate, with other   sculptor Peter Layton, from 21 March until
          interested bodies, a joint alternative strategy for   23 April.
          Art and Design Education in England and   The Tate Gallery is holding the first large
          Wales in an attempt to co-ordinate opposition   retrospective exhibition in this country of the
          to present Government policy, or lack of it.   work of William Scott from 19 April until
                                                     29 May.
          After the NCDAD Fine Art panel resignations
                                                     The 36th Venice Biennale, which opens this
          it seemed worthwhile to get an overall view of
          the situation of schools which had gone into   June, will include an exhibition of some sixty
                                                     works by the most representative painters of
          Polytechnics and to give people in the
          Polytechnics and the sector as a whole a chance   this century, selected for their art-historical
          to discuss. We sent a questionnaire round the   importance; a special show of Italian sculpture,
          polytechnics to gather information (eleven   also selected with reference to the history of
          replied), and then set up a conference for   contemporary sculpture; and an international
          polytechnic departments, the London Art    exhibition of sculpture to be held in the
          Schools, and members of NCDAD panels.      courtyard of the Doges' Palace, in which all
          Twenty-eight people came, and there were   countries represented at the Biennale will
          three outside speakers; nine polytechnics were   participate, each Commissioner choosing one
          represented.                               work.
             Some departments have had serious       Germano Celant who has been invited to
          problems; many have suffered from being    participate as a member of the Commission
          thrust into new, large, and uncertain      for the 36th Venice Biennal, after two meetings
          organizations—but not necessarily worse than   with the other members of the Committee and
          (say) departments of Physics. Again, most have   the Secretary General Mario Penelope, has
          been hit by the general clamp-down on      decided to forgo the invitation to deputy
          educational spending which was coming      Filippo Longo, Special Commissioner of the
          anyhow, polys or no polys, and which is    36th Venice Biennal, 'the reason being that he
          beginning to affect staff/student ratios.   does not agree with the methodological and
             More positively there is evidence of    cultural form that the Biennal is assuming, in a
          expansive energy in the polytechnics;      reactionary sense.'                       APG was one of a number of organizations
          questionnaire replies showed at least fifteen   The Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris will hold   founded and operated by artists since the mid-
          courses to be put up for Dip AD recognition,   a show of the sculpture of Agenore Fabbri and   sixties. They now appear to have been a series
          and at least seven which are being prepared for   the painting of Gianni Dova. Both artists are   of attempts to resolve aspects of the developing
          CNAA. Conference discussion showed a       represented by Galleria Arte Borgogna, Milan.   larger crisis in which artists and art are seen to
          number of working relations growing up                                               be largely irrelevant given the priorities of
          between Art and Design and other disciplines   14 Big Prints, a portfolio to be published by   capitalist society.
          represented in the polys.                  Bernard Jacobson Ltd. in March has its first   In capitalist societies the habitual definition
             There seemed to be general agreement,    showing at Waddington Galleries this month.   of individual freedom is seen as an assumption
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