Page 62 - Studio International - March 1972
P. 62

emerging from the real conflict between   of a socialist culture having to assimilate all that   Adam Pollock and is the result of two field trips.
     traditional bourgeois thought and Marxism.   is best in past culture. Conceivably the   The Bangwa live in a mountain area in West
     Although many of the concerns of art, both in   uneducated of socialist Russia needed to learn   Cameroon. The authors have made a
     theory and practice, in Russia in the 192os   about past art, rather than art's most recent   fascinating and penetrating study of the
     appear to relate themselves to the needs of the   developments, in order to erect their own   sculptures, both in their aesthetic and social
     new state and to Marxist thought, it is possible   culture.                         contexts, which are used during the 'cry-die'
     to question the thoroughness of their re-   Faced with this, the artist in a bourgeois   ceremonies after the death of a chief. These
     thinking. Much of the writing contains    tradition is confronted with a demand to   ceremonies and cults, 'juju' centred in the
     theoretically Marxist ideas about the     abandon his art now, in order that political   Night Society protect the palace during the
     interrelationship of thought and reality, the   action may provide, not for him alone but for all   often turbulent interregnum and present the
     priority of the base over the superstructure, and   members of society, an opportunity for real   successor to the people. Apart from this
     the problem of the independence of the artist's   creation of, and participation in, works of art.   powerful secret society there are many other
     `intuition' from social conditioning, as well as   Throughout Marx's work there seem to me to   societies with political, economic and social
     the need for artists to engage their work actively   exist ideas of certain essences, certain always-  functions, for example the Gong, the Elephant
     in gaining popular support for the revolution:   present potentials, which only a socialist society   and the Leopard societies, each with elaborate
     yet it seems to me that very many of the actual   can give full expression to. Of these, the essential   masks, costumes, dances and songs. The authors
     texts remain concerned with art in a traditional   nature of man is one, and linked to this is that of   present some intimate portraits of Bangwa
     way, unenlightened by Marx's broadest     work and that of art. In Marx's scheme all   artists and show how the art styles are influenced
     scientific understanding of society. Even those   social organizations use these essential qualities,   by two culture areas—the Bamileke of the
     who proclaimed the death of art did so on the   and all human beings are aware of them, even   savannah and the Ekoi of the West Cameroon
     two fairly crude grounds of rejecting bourgeois   if dimly. Equally, in all but a socialist society,   and Eastern Nigeria. Of special value are the
     art and the need for industrialization, a theme   their expression, in practice, is distorted and   many photos of sculptures, because many of
     much more part of capitalist than Marxist   limited, and at times they are turned into their   them have become famous collectors items. Now
     thought, while those who claimed to be the   opposites. What Trotsky continually accuses   the best figures have been taken by marauding
     cultural representatives of the new society   the avant-garde in Russia of is asserting an   collectors and some of the chiefs refuse to show
     ignored the Marxist view of the relationship   essence without reference to its real context in   their treasures or let them be photographed.
     between ideas and historical events.      the social and political situation. Since in many   The authors have established their point well—
       In this sense it is possible to relate to   ways we face the same situation today, I feel   this small area of the Cameroon Highlands is one
     internal factors the relative failure of the artists   that documentation and criticism of this period   of the most fertile breeding grounds of sculpture
     in this period to really link themselves with its   can only be helpful. Yet while the analysis   in West Africa.
     social and, particularly, its political life.   remains essentially that of an artistic tradition   Andrew and Marilyn Strathern have chosen a
     However, it may be that this is misleading for   which already exists, it is liable to the same   very special artform —self-decoration. The
     us today. Certainly the internal factors were   weaknesses and ultimate failures as the original   Hageners of New Guinea are not known for
     strong. The influence of existing traditions in art   art. q                        carvings, masks and paintings like other New
     was powerful in determining its development in   A.R.L.HIGGENS                      Guineans. Their medium of artistic creativity is
     socialist Russia, as we are increasingly aware;                                     their own bodies —not merely for decorative
     while the rise of Stalin and the bureaucracy   Fieldwork and valuation              purposes but for everything connected with
     checked and finally halted the investigations and   Bangwa Funerary Sculpture by Robert Brain   cults, festivals and warfare. One must go back
     experiments which were taking place. But, as far   and Adam Pollock. 148 pp, 21 illustrations in   to Boas's famous lectures on Primitive Art or
     as I know, no artist or critic was able to analyse   colour, 84 black and white. Gerald Duckworth   Levi-Strauss's Tristes Tropiques to find such a
     both the artistic and political situation in such a   & Co. Ltd. £4.00.             comprehensive treatment of body decorations,
     coherently Marxist sense as to ally himself to   Self-Decoration in Mount Hagan by Andrew   yet self-decoration in Mount Hagen excels every
     any specific party of opposition to Stalin. It   and Marilyn Strathern, 208 pp, 31 illustrations   other similar work in the richness of its material
     may be that if we see this failure, rather than   in colour, 84 black and white. Gerald Duckworth   and analysis in depth of the aesthetic and social
     any particular limitation or influence, as the   & Co. Ltd. £4.50.                  principles involved.
     crucial one, we shall learn more.                                                      The first chapter gives us the social setting.
       The difficulty, of course, is that if we accept   The Art and Society Series, edited by Peter J.   The following chapters are concerned with
     the Marxist view that the base is prior to, and   Ucko and published by Gerald Duckworth   decorations, formal and informal, how they are
     ultimately more important than the        & Co. Ltd., has presented its first two volumes   made, face-painting, reactions to display and the
     superstructure in determining both events and   and it is indeed a pleasure to welcome and   meaning of decorations and the connotations of
     ideas then we are forced to Trotsky's general   recommend them.                     colour. Thus white and black may be summed
     conclusions in Literature and Revolution, that   The Editor points out: 'most existing books   up as 'male' and contrasted with red as 'female'.
     while socialism must, by its nature, produce a   on so-called "primitive art" are written at a high   One of the basic aims of decorations is, of
     richer and more universally useful culture than   level of generality. It is hoped that the books   course, attracting wealth and the opposite sex.
     capitalism, this culture must emerge of its own   in this series will do something to supply the   In this connection reference can be made to
     accord and in its own time. This does not mean   lack of basic texts on specific art forms   Levi Strauss's description of the Caduveo
     awaiting the product of a crude economic   throughout the world.'                   women, who paint face and body for erotic
     determinism, but basing action and ideas on a   For a true understanding of primitive art—  reasons; even the most beautiful tapestries
     thorough analysis of the cultural possibilities   and indeed of all art—it is important to know as   cannot compare with these paintings. Never, it
     and political and economic realities as they exist   much as possible of the internal and external   seems, have the erotic effects of make-up been
     and interrelate at any one time. For example,   events and circumstances connected with the   so consciously and so systematically exploited.
     typical of the non-Marxist views of so many   creation, display and use of the artforms. The   But the authors have also done an impressive
     Russian (and Western European) Futurists, was   authors have most successfully combined   amount of ethnographic and social research,
     their rejection of past culture. This is, in fact,   anthropological fieldwork with aesthetic   illustrating all aspects of self-decoration, styles
     typical of the avant-gardist aspect of Romantic   valuation.                        and contexts in which it is used.
     art which, in itself, had already become a   Bangwa Funerary Sculpture is the work of an   The books are beautifully produced, with
     tradition. It has nothing to do with Marx's view    anthropologist, Robert Brain and a designer,    excellent photos and colour plates, line drawings

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