Page 63 - Studio International - March 1972
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to facilitate style analysis and in addition   does her best to consign Zola to the dust and   our dues for being so pleasantly employed in
        satisfy the scientists demand for references,   advances the astonishing claim that he liked   such an unsafe world. q
        bibliographies and index.                 Impressionist painting because he was     ANITA BROOKNER
          One looks forward to the following volumes in   short-sighted. Dr Furst should have gone
        this series. The publishers promise studies of   further and forbidden the use of the conference   Crumbs for the grateful
        Nuba Body Painting and House Decoration in   hall to anyone wearing spectacles,     Wols: Aphorisms and Pictures. Arc Publication
        Nubia. q                                  shortsightedness being highly prevalent   1971. Translated by Peter Inch and Annie
        TORE HAKANSSON                            amongst art and literary historians, and, who   Fatet. Limited edition: Soo copies. Paperbound.
                                                  knows ? even amongst artists and writers   Wraps. 52 pp, 7 black and white reproductions.
        All Talk                                  themselves. The variability of Zola's myopia is   2 biographical photographs. Available from :
        French 19th-century painting and literature with   proved by his devouring capacity to see   ARC, II Byron Road, Gillingham, Kent,
        special reference to the relevance of literary   everything else. Surely Zola is concerned   UK. 45p.
        subject-matter to French painting. Edited by   mainly with a kind of enlightened confidence   Love above all, and other drawings: 120 works
        Ulrich Finke. 385 pp with over 290 illustrations   expressed in both subject matter and style   by George Grosz. Republication of two
        Manchester University Press. £8.40.       which jolted him continually into pugnacious   volumes Uber alles die Liebe and Die
                                                  joy. And surely it is a disservice to such a great   Gezeichneten Berlin 1930. Artist's preface and
        Le Beau est toujours bizarre. This standard is all   man to suggest such puerile reasons for his   captions (translation Stanley Appelbaum) 120
        too often applied to scholarship, with inevitably   convictions.                    plates and two small drawings. 119 pp. Dover
        boring results. Held as mild convictions, all   The papers are many and varied and a   Publications 1971. £I-25.
        the papers read at the 1969 Manchester    summary is impossible. Since the theme of the
        University symposium on the relationship   conference is that of the links between painting   Wols is an artist whose drawings I have always
        between painting and literature in the    and literature in the nineteenth century it will   admired; ironically, their pure quality is even
        nineteenth century give pleasure and      come as no surprise to any to realize that these   more apparent today when so many
        enlightenment. But too often they have    exist in abundance. In fact there seem to be   chemically-induced fantasies using a
        developed into rabid obsessions which disguise   too many and the most satisfying papers are   superficially similar spidery line fill the pages of
        and somehow impart an uneasy flavour to the   those which stress the accidental nature of a   the 'underground' press. This is the first time
        subjects under discussion. They must have been   painter's inspiration. It is surprising to note   that I have read any of his writings. The
        somewhat of a trial to listen to. Many of the   that none of the scholars stresses that the link   aphorism is one of the most tempting of literary
        papers in the present collection have been   between the two disciplines was the creation of   forms : concise, 'poetic', and with a built-in, air
        expanded for publication, but it must be stated   the Romantic Movement, and there should   of profundity. The danger is of pompousness or
        that with the honourable exceptions of Francis   surely have been a whole section devoted to   throw-away arrogance : crumbs for the grateful
        Haskell and Alan Bowness, the scholars    Delacroix without whose vast and literary oeuvre   reader, every one a gem. The marvellous Zen
        represented fall into the Ancient Mariner class.   this kind of link would not have become a   texts which use forms related to the aphorism
        Eileen Souffin Le Breton, who packs enough   commonplace. Delacroix used reading instead of   have spawned some of the worst quasi-profound
        material for at least three articles into her paper   talking to furnish his loneliness, fuel his   trivia: witness the cerebral wanking of which so
        on `Banville et la poetique du decor', further   inspiration, and save his weak throat, and   much 'concept art' consists. So few writers have
        qualifies it with 75 footnotes. This is   although this position was later rationalized   used the aphorism to really telling effect that
        beaten by Anne Coffin Hanson on 'Popular   by Baudelaire it was an intensely personal   Wols's efforts must inevitably invite
        Imagery and the works of Edouard Manet'   one. Myth and story filled Delacroix's mind   comparisons. Certainly there is nothing here
        with 85, and topped by Theodore Reff in   quite naturally; later painters (those dealt   similar to the paradox of Lichtenberg's : 'A
        `Degas and the Literature of his Time' with   with in this survey) tended to fall into a pose of   knife that lacks a blade and has lost its handle',
        198. Conference speaking is an attraction to   reverie or to use literary material as fodder in a   or the beautiful absurdity of the same man's
        the scholar, particularly if the venue is exotic,   much brisker manner. This distinction should   `If there were only turnips and potatoes in the
        which cannot be said of Manchester, but he   have been made by the speakers at the   world perhaps someone would come along and
        must do his bit. He must not read a chapter   conference, many of whom seem to go about   say it's a pity that plants grow the wrong way up.'
        from his forthcoming book; he must not betray   their tasks like mining engineers, excavating   Rather, many of Wols's writings bear closer
        his occasional exasperation with his subject;   `material' without evaluating the attitude of the   comparison to Kafka's religious aphorisms (it
        he must not, above all, give the impression that   artist to the material thus excavated. The results   says something for Kafka's stature that he could
        his intelligence is superior to that of the writer   are informative but unsatisfying.   actually make religious aphorisms readable, let
        or painter under discussion. Which brings me   Mammoth futilities evolved by tristes   alone enjoyable). Like Kafka's (a writer whose
        back to my first point. An enquiry into Manet's   spécialistes? Not quite. I know at least two-thirds   work he illustrated), Wols's aphorisms are
        sources or Degas' literary tastes—to take two   of the contributors to be excellent and worthy   essentially private notes and observations, often
        examples at random—should be a lively but   teachers. But I should like to make a plea for a   of a defensive nature; they incorporate a good
        harmless game played with due humility. It   considered revival of the art of belles-lettres.   deal of personal pain. With Lichtenberg one
        should never become an iron-hard programme   I should like art historians to revert to the   feels the words to be much more detached
        in which the scholar, not the artist, has the last   nineteenth-century pattern and develop their   inventions, aware of an audience, and contrived
        word.                                     potentialities as diarists, travellers,   for telling effect : this is what gives them their
          Most of the papers in this collection are dull   conversationalists, stylists, and, if possible,   quality. Wols gives the impression of writing for
        but convincing. Those by Francis Haskell and   wits. There is no reason why we should bore   himself, and if this were entirely true one might
        Alan Bowness are convincing and not dull. All   each other into submission. Fascination should   feel the same sense of intrusion, of invasion of
        quote Baudelaire, most pay respectful homage   breed fascination. Let us hope that the next   privacy, that comes from reading Kafka's diaries
        to his erratic admiration for Haussoullier's   colloquium, symposium or congress will be   and letters. But Wols, although apparently
        Fontaine de jouvence, and all agree that the   remembered for the blazing enthusiasm of the   contemptuous of financial success, nevertheless
        history of nineteenth-century painting    speakers, the enchanted rapport of the    was aware of his artistic stature (several of the
        needs rewriting. It is hard to fault any of this   audience, the free (not covert) expression of   aphorisms use the third-person Wols' instead
        or indeed to argue with it. But I should like to   human emotions such as aggressiveness or   of `I'); and he rated himself high, as is indicated
        take strenuous issue with Dr Lilian Furst who    delight, and the conviction that we are paying    when in one of the writings he lists himself

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