Page 50 - Studio International - September 1972
P. 50

car, television, education, art works, etc., we   misplaced idolatry. I would claim,
                                                 shall have arrived at the state of perfect   outrageously enough, that the relationship
                                                 democracy. The logic of the equation is thus :   between one artist and one object actually does
                                                 buying power =political power.            have value, that it is not simply a microcosm
                                                   Now we all know (I hope) what has gone so   of the private property syndrome, that what it
                                                 horrendously wrong with that particular vision.   symbolizes is of crucial importance to our
                                                 A glance at the great consumer democracy   conception of the worth of human expression
                                                 across the Atlantic is sufficient to reveal that   and individual conscience. If one man making
                                                 whatever the mass production of cultural   one statement (and fashioning it in symbolic or
                                                 artefacts does guarantee it certainly is not   artistic form) which might be intelligible or
                                                 either revolutionary egalitarianism or justice.   interesting to only one other man (and not to
                                                 Mass marketing of what the jargon-pushers   hundreds or thousands of other men) is not
                                                 call cultural software, results not in freedom   regarded as worthwhile then, I think, the whole
                                                 for the population but in economic tyranny   basis of personal art (that is, art not dictated by
                                                 over the minority who create, and commercial   manipulative institutions of church or state) is
                                                 manipulation of the majority who consume.   abolished and a fundamental freedom has been
                                                 Freedom of choice for the individual in creative   lost. It is difficult, as well, to maintain at one
                                                 expression and in consumption is ruled out   and the same time that the expressions and
                                                 more efficiently and comprehensively than in   satisfactions of individual people do not matter
                                                 any crudely repressive dictatorship. True   while the expressions and satisfactions of the
                                                 (which is to say individual) artistic statements   masses do. If the individual man has no moral
                                                 are precluded because the idiosyncratic, the   or artistic significance then no great number of
                                                 uniquely personal and the non-conforming   individual men has any either. Only by
                                                 sensibility are not commercially viable. Art on   acknowledging the importance of the individual
                                                 this model becomes one more accoutrement   can one maintain the importance of the crowd
                                                 of homogenized, predigested supermarket   (for what is a crowd but a collection of
                                                 culture and whatever your favourite definition of   individuals and if they do not matter singly
                                                 such a controversial notion as 'democracy' may   then they cannot matter  en masse).
                                                 be, mindless conformity surely cannot be    There have of late been some attacks on
                                                 consistent with it.                       unique art objects (paintings specifically)
                                                   This sort of exposition would probably have   which have been peculiarly lacking in
                                                 my more heavy-breathing comrades muttering   intellectual scruples. John Berger, in his recent
                                                 that my conception of what is worthwhile in   series of intensely annoying television
                                                 artistic activity is rooted in post-Renaissance,   broadcasts put forward a more than usually
                                                 even capitalist, prejudice. That my insistence   hysterical version of the paintings-are-only-
                                                 on the integrity of personal sensibility smacks   private-property-gone-holy thesis in which he
                                                 of 'bourgeois individualism'. I would retort,   managed to commit, among other things, a
                                                 of course, that their denigration of      number of egregious historical errors (which
                                                 individualism and intellectual non-conformity   would have bordered on the libellous had the
                                                 smacks of fascism. But sniping aside, I find this   persons in question been living). But Berger
                                                 particular school of thought perplexing in the   was not so much a victim of his own
                                                 extreme. What attracts one toward a       propaganda as not to admit that every great
                                                 revolutionary socialist position, in my   painting in history transcended his objections
                                                 experience, is a repugnance with the degrading   to the medium; that, in other words, painting
                                                 tyranny which capitalism imposes on most   was a decadent, bourgeois, corrupting
                                                 people's lives. A desire, in other words, to   discipline unless it was good. Now it seems to
                                                 liberate human beings from the role of factory   me that if one has a thesis about the validity of
                                                 fodder and enable them to lead the kind of rich,   painting as an art form and that thesis, in order
                                                 fulfilled life which is their birthright. Now it   not to be proved flatly wrong, must be confined
                                                seems to me that an essential presupposition in   only to bad painting, then it is a thesis which is
                                                this position is that the individual human   not, to put it bluntly, worth expounding. The
                                                personality is what matters : that political and   painting-as-mere-property argument, I should
                                                economic systems must be judged in terms of   claim, is either wrong or trivial. I attack this
                                                the extent to which they allow the human   sort of position with such vehemence because
                                                potential to flourish in dignity and moral   I am convinced that the road to fascism is paved
      S. T. Coffin                              worth. The valid basis of Marxism, in other   with theories that the individual personality
      Puzzles 1972                              words, can only be humanist. If human beings   ought to be subjugated to the anonymous mass
      Polystyrene, unlimited                    (and their expressions and views and       will, and that, furthermore, the arrogant,
      Small Wonders Inc.
                                                statements) are, in some sense, trivial or   nihilistic destruction of culture is enslaving
      (Centre)                                  dispensable, what possible attraction or use   rather than liberating.
      A six-inch base and ten in. thick         could there be in liberating them ? Which, of   The multiples mythology is one front of an
      polyester pieces. Edition unlimited.      course, brings us back to the multiples issue:   anti-art war being waged by neo-barbarian
      Small Wonders Inc.                        a repeated refrain not only in the technological   `revolutionary' forces in the art world, others
      (Above)                                   art damp but in a number of other neo-futurist   being conceptual and 'event' art. We must
      Chic Taylor                               movements, is that the value of the one-off   defend the revolutionary cause of art despite
      Sand Box 1 1971
      Acrylic and sand, edition unlimited       production of an individual artist is spurious—an   them and even against them.q
      Alecto International                      elitist concept steeped in mystification and   JANET DALEY
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