Page 78 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 78

       to ideas is not analytic, discussive or explicatory.   definitions of matter. The visual elements   understanding and culture. A more orthodox
       The basis for the choice of philosophical ideas is   relating to how questions that lead to art as   linguistic scholar like Saussure makes a
       at best eclectic and the connection between the   entertainment, and so to the close relationship   distinction between langue' (that which
       ideas is random, intuitive and inspirational. The   to an audience is also rejected. Two points arise   transcends culture and history and is the basis of
       feeling one gets is that this is a collage approach   from this : firstly, the eradication of the   all communication) and 'parole' (particular
       to ideas. A world of a dadaist or surrealist   visible/material element seems to rest on the   languages or forms of speech according to
       nature arises from the pages of conceptualist art   dubious discovery that the meaning of   culture or history). None of these views of
       writing, the objects or heroes of which are the   `substance' (for example) rests in the use of the   linguistics legislates any special or reductive role
       most rational and staid men and theories of   concept of substance. This may be true,   for communication within art. To view
       twentieth-century philosophy. There is thus a   particularly in the light of conceptual analysis   linguistics narrowly and to claim that art belongs
       strange and ill-fitting relation between the   (which is the only philosophical method which   here is an unwarranted and ideological
       `rational' content of their theories and the   the artists (intermittently) use) but since   reductionism.
       irrational structure. So, no philosophical critique   conceptual analysis does not reduce 'the stuff in   So too is the connection made between art and
       in the obvious way is available or even fair, since   the world' to the mere status of conceptual   logic, prevalent in all the writings but stated
       it would not correlate with their intentions or   meaning, then neither does this argument in   clearly and explicitly by Kosuth in 'Art after
       the nature of their art. The reasons for the   itself legislate any special r ole for the artist's   Philosophy'.
       espousal of the theories of Whitehead, Russell,   relation to the visible/tangible. Conceptual   It remains an unexamined but interesting
       Frege and Quine by the conceptual artists are   analysis does not imply dematerialization and   assumption as to whether and what the
       not the same reasons for the making of these   does not constitute a rejection of the physical   connection is between art and truth. Art
       theories by the philosophers. Therefore,   entrenchment argument.° Secondly, these   certainly seems an uneasy bedfellow with either
       whatever legitimacy conceptual art has, it does   arguments° rest on a weak distinction between   of the two best known theories of truth :
       not derive from a reasoned or fair representation   perception and conception that is denied by the   Correspondence (where truth is a relation between
       of the philosophers; but neither is the traditional   nature of art itself and by all schools of   a statement and a state of affairs : this
       art-theory, art-criticism approach available,   philosophy except the most empirically   might be available to the most laboriously
       since the distinction between theory and art is   orientated. It has been a philosophical truism   mimetic type of art) and coherence (where
       challenged. If this challenge is successful and   (except to the British empiricists) that   truth is a relation of consistency within any
       the dichotomy overcome, the result would   perceptions are formed and constrained by   system)." To make art analytic is to make
       appear to make the one or other activity   conceptions. This has been the dominating   all art necessary and true (which is
       redundant. To do this effectively, the group   epistemological force in continental philosophy   obviously not the case) but more seriously
       would need an extremely strong and solid   since Kant effected his Copernican revolution of   it makes all art vacuous. Analytic truths
       criterion of its own identity. The impression,   the relationship between consciousness and the   are true by established definition: in a
       however, is that it has no such sense and   world: that there is an intelligible, describable   different world the notion of what is necessarily
       therefore slips uncomfortably between the two   empirical world and this depends not on the   true would change.11   As such, in our world,
       traditional concerns (their writings have a   world, but on the categories of the   analytic truths are lengthy re-statements of the
       market-value as objects2). Its ambivalence here   understanding - which provide its grounds of   obvious. To make analyticity the cornerstone of
       can be said to be a block to a genuine    possibility. 7   If this is true generally, how much   art-activity is therefore to make it
       understanding of the work.                more true is it of the artist, who out of his   epistemologically dependent on the status quo
         Conceptual art can be seen in the wider light   `conceptions' creates new things to perceive or   and, also, to make it logically tight, but
       of group activity. All disciplines or areas of   to heighten/expand our perception. In this   tautologically empty. If artists intentions have
       activity are intermittently but regularly shaken   sense all art-activity and its products carries   something to do with having an effect on
       by radical doubts about the nature or validity of   its own theories and justifications within   people's consciousness such that our knowledge
       what has been going on so far. Declarations of   itself; in this sense is not the art object its own   or perception of the world is expanded or
       the death of a subject are usually a prelude, if   handbook ? 8  That this seems to be the   enlarged, the status of these intentions cannot be
       not to a new movement, at least to a re-drawing   fundamental epistemological basis of art   reduced to established definitions. Art has a
       of the boundaries and a disturbing of the   (as opposed to mere decoration) means   necessity, but this is to do with the nature of
       complacent. This type of radical assessment is   firstly, that a basis for genuine art-criticism is   art, human nature and society and is not
       healthy because it is fruitful of new activity.   available and, secondly, that this is one of the   subsumable under any pre-established logical
       Conceptual art is an assessment of the nature of   reasons for having art rather than mere theory   law. Art is therefore a type of activity which is
       art from within art; the group accept no   or description.                          not tied to any states of affairs (therefore is not
       legislation from critics, aestheticians or   A theory which all the artists share is that of   empirical) nor to any logical laws (therefore is
       audience. But is their type of assessment   the understanding of the linguistic nature of all   not 'logical') for validation. To search for this
       regenerative - a form of radical enquiry that will   art propositions, be they past or present and   kind of validation is an indication of ontological
       lead to new work ? Or is it the tail-end of 'Post-  regardless of the elements used in their   and epistemological insecurity. To try to tie it to
       Duchampian' art turned into a conceptual   construction.° On what basis is art called   logical necessity is to imply that this is the only
       enquiry with no future direction ?        propositional and therefore linguistic ?   kind of necessity it can have and similarly it is to
         Conceptual art as an enquiry into the nature   Propositions are strange entities whose   deny art a unique kind of freedom. The only
       of art3, implies that the old duality between   philosophical function is to give an answer to the   reason possible for such an attempt is that the
       perception and conception is overcome, the   puzzle of how different grammatical    artist is unsure of his intentions or the validity
       division of labour between the art critic and the   constructions can have the same meaning:   of his action.
       art producer, why and how questions are   propositions are the bearers of truth or falsity,   The questions asked determine the answers
       dissolved into the one activity. The visual and   they are the sense of a sentence. If the basis of   that are supplied. Here, rather than asking 'What
       material quality of art is radically re-assessed   calling art propositional is that it communicates   is art ?' and slotting answers into established
       within the framework of 'the investigation of the   sense or meanings, then the obvious rejoinder   philosophical paraphernalia, ask instead 'What
       function, meaning and use of any and all art-  is that not all communication is linguistic. More   are the grounds of the possibility of art ?' This
       propositions'.4                           fundamentally, what is 'linguistic' ? In a   involves a consideration of those qualities or
        Definitions and explanations are now internal   Chomskian or Lévi-Straussian theory the idea of   defining characteristics that provide for the
       to art activity: 'matter' becomes mere    the linguistic becomes the very basis of both    continued flourishing of the activity - whatever

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