Page 80 - Studio International - December 1973
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       right road, i.e. are they both summative and   holds that evaluation is conceptually rooted in   shall be referring to the book 'Art and
       predictive. Or are they like signposts in an   description (i.e. although it is logically possible   Language' (Dumont/1972), to some copies of
       institution — they point out the right direction   to call anything good it is just not   Art-Language, Analytical Art, and individually
       within a situation of intellectual hegemony, i.e.   understandable); the first suffers from the   bound copies of some essays by the Coventry
       do they will the direction they point in ? Or are   problems of the a-moralist, the second from the   group which may not all have been published.
       they Kantian in the sense that they provide the   problems of determinism. In the one, rationality   As these criticisms are of a general order, I will
       grounds for the possibility of art-activity as   is not enough to overcome random   not attempt to disentangle all the personal
       such ? If they have the latter status they are the   subjectivism, in the other, objectivism of moral   disagreements involved between individuals,
       only basis for art-activity; but it seems to be the   meaning cannot account for the moral   rather treating the group as a whole, although I
       case with art's indexicality that a competition   innovator, and so questions of logic and   acknowledge that this is to some extent a fiction.
       between categorial frameworks must be     rationality are not enough to establish   I refer to them as the Art-Language group.
       encouraged: a monolithic rationalism will   objectivism and the thesis of objectivism rules   It is intended that Art-Language be the
       overtake art otherwise.                   out totally free choice. It seems to be the case   conscience of all forms of reflective art, and it
         Many questions arise over the linking of art   that a theoretical art wants or neeeds the good   could be argued that although not to be
       and conceptual rationality. Is all rationality the   qualities of both theses, while evading the faults.   identified with aesthetics — and those who are
       same or are there competing standards of   By his idea that the meaning of art is   associated with the 'movement' have a horror of
       rationality. If there are competing standards,   determined by essential features (the logic   aesthetics — its relationship to reflective art is
       what if any, is the bridge between them ? If   of realism as opposed to the logic of   none the less similar to that of aesthetics to
       there is such a bridge should this be the basis of   conceptualism) Stezaker covertly implies   straight 'old paradigm' art. The relationship is
       art ? But that which is the basis of everything can   that there is a notion of discovery in art. Reason   especially similar when one considers the
       be the basis of nothing in particular (in the   is not to be used to just construct but to   divorce between theoretical and practical
       same spirit: 'total conceptual lucidity alters   discover. But there is a conflict between   activities that ironically arises from the Art-
       nothing'). Does rationality understand anything :   construction and discovery; to discover there is   Language position. Whereas it seems that their
       if rationality is the basis of art, this could   no need to construct and to construct there is no   theorizing was intended to give a philosophical
       preclude an understanding of the irrational and   need to discover. The implication of the notion   justification or underpinning to a new paradigm
       be restrictive of the understanding it entails and   of discovery is that it gives a gloss of objectivity   of activity, it has only managed to avoid
       the foundations it builds.                to a theory. How in this case does one establish   becoming pure commentary, thus setting
         By his assumption that it is possible to   that an objective determination of what art is   itself up in opposition to artistic activity, by
       determine what should be the basis of valid art-  obtains ? There is no test case for this.q   bestowing a quasi-art status on those very
       activity from what art is Stezaker implies (a) that   SUE STEDMAN-JONES             theoretical enterprises.
       there is room for the notion of discovery in art,   Footnotes                         In the world of philosophy there are some
       and (b) the status of judgements within art about   'This term, as first noted by John Stezaker, in his   articles which are constantly referred to as the
       art is that they should be prescriptive theses. A   `An exception to the Rule', does not signify an   centres of controversy, while the typical fate
                                                  historical category but rather a framework of belief
       discussion of these points entails analyzing the   to which a great deal of art since Duchamp conforms.   of a philosophical article is to be published,
       relationship between fact and value in any field   "Art and Language', edited by Paul Maenz and   discussed and then to disappear from view. The
       that is fundamentally evaluative. The nature of   Gerd de Vries, DuMont International 1972.   articles that Art-Language write are in
                                                 3Kosuth 'Art after Philosophy' Ibid. p. 104.
       prescriptivism as opposed to descriptivism is   Atkinson 'From an Art-Language Point of View'   pretentiously bound editions, and often sold on
       that it entails action whereas descriptivism is   (excerpt 2 and especially note A). Ibid. Passim.   the 'art market' (and for art here, read art-
                                                  4Kosuth. Ibid. See also Atkinson and Baldwin 'On
       neutral as to the action which follows. This                                        commodity). Is there anything to distinguish
                                                  the Material-Character/Physical-Object Paradigm
      makes all disagreement about what art is a   of Art'. Ibid. p. 226. Passim.          these articles from the philosophical ones they
       disagreement about principles of action not   'Atkinson and Baldwin 'La Pensée avec Images'.   so closely resemble ? There are at least two
      about facts of the world. Here there is an   Ibid.                                   features : firstly they are produced in the
                                                 'See especially Kosuth 'Art after Philosophy'. Ibid.
      analogy between art and morality that might be   'See `Kant's Theory of Knowledge' by Graham   context of an art-market in which external
      illuminating — are there fundamental restrictions   Bird. Routledge Kegan Paul 1966.   criteria like saleability and marketing are
                                                 'See Hurrell/Baldwin 'Handbook to Ingot'. Ibid.
      on what can count as art ?                 'Kosuth 'Introductory note by the American Editor'.   underdetermined by the internal standards of
        Saying what art is, is similar to formulating a   Ibid.                            the work; secondly, their internal standards
      moral principle: each involves a principle, a   ""See 'Truth' by G. Pitcher.         distinguish them from normal philosophical
      commitment to future action and both are free   "See 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism' and 'From a   articles, for while there are exceptions, it is
                                                  Logical Point of View' by Quine.
      choices (at least if the notion of artistic and   12It is the explicit concern of articles 12, 13, 14, in   largely true that their use of philosophy is
      moral responsibilities is to be maintained). In   `Art and Language'. Ibid.          uncritical. They use concepts that originate
      modern moral philosophy the debate between a   "'Art in One-Dimensional Society' in 'Radical   within wholly incompatible philosophical
                                                  Perspectives in the Arts' edited by Lee Baxandall,
      kind of formalism (R. M. Hare) and a        Harmondsworth, 1972.                     positions even in the same sentence. They
      `substantialism' (Philippa Foot, G. E. M.   "Priorities I' Frameworks Journal, vol. I no.1 June   assume that anything a philosopher says can be
                                                  1972, pp. 1-45.
      Anscombe) illustrates the problem that faces a   "Unpublished, but see the discussion of verticality   quoted as a stepping-stone in an argument,
      theoretical art. The formalist tells us that moral   in 'Two Approaches', published in The New Art   without evaluating its claims to truth. The
      choice is free and rational and therefore that any   exhibition catalogue, Hayward Gallery, 1972.   typical form can be illustrated by 'J. J. C.
      kind of moral principle is permissible as long as                                    Smart says . . .' and then moving on. Correct as
      it is consistently held and acted on. The thesis of   REFLECTIONS ON                 they undoubtedly are in thinking that traditional
      substantialism tells us that the logic of the                                        art theories were naive, often dead to crucial
      formalist thesis is undeniable but that there are   ART AND                          questions about the nature of artistic assertions,
      conceptual and human restrictions on what can                                        when Art-Language has recourse to philosophy
      count as moral. Formalism presumes freedom   LANGUAGE                                it is often no more than a displacement of
      and rationality at the expense of          This essay is intended to be a criticism of the   naivety to a new level. Where are we to find any
      understandability: substantialism preserves   application of the methods of analytical   criticism of a philosophical position ?
      understandability at the expense of total free   philosophy to the task of giving a theoretical   The Art-Language enterprise seems to arise
      choice. The first thesis holds a total logical gap   reorientation to the practise of art and the   out of the same conditions as minimal art and
      between description and evaluation, the second   conception of its objects. For this purpose I    conceptual art, even though it cannot be

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