Page 84 - Studio International - December 1973
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       which Art-Language are doubtless          its items can be comprehended. Thus theory   activity and of art-apprehension by Stezaker, in
       contributing. The problem, though, is whether   precedes practice in this sense     his prescription of 'Intentionality' as an
       the change involves an ascent to a plane of   Regarding the art-works of both Art &   alternative metaphysical framework for art.
       discourse, which transcends the physical realm   Language and of theoretical art, it seems to be   Discursiveness is asserted as a requisite to art-
       of art-works, or whether the items are to be   a regularity that they raise questions concerning   activity and apprehension by Art & Language in
       termed 'art-works' might be re-defined as items   their ontological status (and other related   their 'meta-language' ascent from the
       of this 'plane of discourse'.             issues). The function of the less recent works   meaningless and non-intentional 'object-
         Art & Language have tended towards an   comprising each endeavour, has been in    language' of minimalist 'objectives of art'. The
       entirely contrary standpoint from that of   question-begging certain issues which are   conviction of Art & Language is that by
       Stezaker's. Instead of presupposing a new   deemed to be principal to the endeavour as a   providing new areas of theoretical discourse for
       ontological commitment (for the art-work or   whole. Where this principality lies is the basis   artists, in the construction of their works, the
       for the realm of art), by a reversal of the   of the difference between theoretical and   mundanely practical or technical nature of
       methodology begun by Duchamp in his 'ready-  analytical art. Though of course a pre-requisite   artistic discourse can be transcended. The
       made' strategy i.e., in the terminology of Art &   to the solution of problems is initially the   conviction of Stezaker's theoretical art is that
       Language, the 'assertioric methodology',   recognition of problems in the first place. So,   by providing a framework for the conduct
       theory becomes important in the programme of   whilst theoretical and analytical art might, in   conjoinedly of theory and practice (and also
       assertion. Atkinson has remarked:         asserting a teleological process for art, be   criticism) the 'objectivity', affirmed implicitly
       '... these models (Art & Language models)   affirming implicitly the problem-solving nature   in the conventional theory-practice separation,
       require either an art-ambience actual or   of their art-works, it seems that the lack of   can be avoided, thus instating a new ontological
       theoretical, or a public declaration of their art-  clarity of prior formulations and constructs,   norm for art-practice viz that of intentionality.
       relevant status in order that they definitely be   within art-activity, has meant that question-  In a sense, and with hindsight, the
       identified as intending to count as art-works'   begging logically precedes problem-solving,   mainstream art-practice since Duchamp can be
       (`Concerning Interpretations of the       historically.                             regarded as a precedent to the 'conjunction of
       Bainbridge/Hurrell models').18  The function   For Art & Language the process in which they   theory and practice' prescribed by Stezaker,
       of theory, as here envisaged, is thus in framing   are explicitly engaged is in the building of a new   and implicitly affirmed (in certain
       the ambience of context of a thing, and more   paradigm, with such works as 'Declaration   interpretations) by Art & Language. Where
       specifically the art-ambience or art-context of   Series', `Sunnybank', `M.I.', 'Lecher System'   Stezaker is concerned to reject the tenets of
       something: 'What is required is some stable   and 'Theory Of Ethics'. The point, at this time,   post-Duchampian Art, it is also certainly true
       accommodation of indeterminate (open)     for Art & Language is not whether or not these   that he is incorporating the aspect of this area
       concepts which leave open the character of an   works, within their theoretical standpoint,   of art-activity, which represents a precedent to
       individual, which nonetheless facilitates   validly achieve the status of art-works, simply   the theory-practice relation he prescribes.
       individuation on some occasion. And there is   because at this time there are no constitutive   Duchamp himself, after all, was the first
       the possibility of building into the sense of an   principles for art availed in Art & Language   artist to seek out parameters for his own
       instantial that it is a restriction of some wider   theory. The validity of one or other of the art-  activity as a part of the practice of art itself,
       concept etc., and there is the possibility of   works is in whether or not they contribute to the   however crude and common-sensical they may
       applying the wider instantial concept. The   shift of paradigm and to the construction of a   have been, and however damaging the norms
       intermediary stage is not always necessary . . .   new paradigm for art. One could liken the Art   he established may have shown themselves to
       and the apparent "discovery" gets the pointless   & Language standpoint to the re-building of the   be. q
       good-housekeeping quality: "synthetic a   ship (art) by putting ashore for repairs.   ROSETTA BROOKS
       priori". And this has some weight in any    With Stezaker and his theoretical art the   "Declarative methodology' is a term first used in the
       decisions as to what may or may not be    situation is somewhat different, for he regards   Introduction to Art-Language Vol. I. No.1 and the
       taxonomically definitive of an Art Object'   the nature of the change necessitated, as being   alternative term 'assertioric device' is utilized by
                                                                                           Harold Hurrell in 'Sculptures and Devices' published
       (Michael Baldwin 'Notes on M.O.           precisely in the conventional relation of theory   in Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 2 Feb. 1970.
         This hierarchy of concepts, which makes up   and practice in art. Thus the 'conjunction of   2   'Art-Status Assignment And A Reversal Of Post-
       analytical art's proposal for theory, can be   theory and practice in the same teleological   Duchampian Priorities' (Intro. to `art-works') 1969.
                                                                                           3   Atkinson characterized the process of conceptual art
       regarded as an affirmation of the efficiency of   directives' means that the constructive   in terms of such ascents to 'meta-positions' with
       contextual issues; and this is well expressed by   conjectures or theoretical constructs, which   respect to the last.
       Atkinson: 'how one does one's singling out   make up the (historically) compatible aspect   4'Priorities I' Frameworks Journal Vol. I No. 1.
                                                                                            First explicitly forwarded in 'art-work' (1969) and
       determines what (is) singled out'.        of his work, contribute to art and are a part of   Fountains I-V (1968).
         Two alternative functions for theory are thus   that realm. Items of theory thence, within his   6   Colston Sanger makes this point in comparing
       elucidated in the two standpoints, within   imposed subjectivity, become items of the realm   analytical so-called and theoretical art in his paper
                                                                                           `Theoretical Art' delivered at Gallery House London
       `theoretical conceptual art'. The difference in   of art. This means that they must be self-  in October 1972 (Gallery House Press).
       methodology is further manifest in the natures   consistent i.e. they must embody what they   See `Trimodality' (Priorities II) Frameworks
       of the consequent art-works, which have issued   prescribe. Works like art-workn, Fountains   Journal Vol. 1 No. 2.
                                                                                            8'Two Approaches' by John Stezaker, published in
       from Stezaker and Art & Language.         I-V, o (a-f)  and five inherent predicables   the 'New Art' catalogue (A.C.G.B. 1972), for a
         The art-works of Art & Language tend to be   serve to evince and exhibit this necessity,   discussion of the self-referential consistency demand.
                                                                                           9   See footnote 3.
       hypothetical and achieve their status as such,   whilst, at the same time, fulfilling it. They are   10   'Introduction To "Categories",' by John Stezaker
       by being so-called or theoretically so-framed.   individuated as items of a 'constructive   (S.A.G.B. 1972).
       Those of Stezaker are more elusive, their   programme' (as theoretical constructs), which   11   Published in Art-Language Vol. 2 No.1 1972.
       ontological status or (thingness' being   attain to their explicit status as art-works by   12 From 'Theory For Art' 1972.
                                                                                           13   First published in Art in America Oct-Nov. 1965.
       recognized only after 'art-status' is firstly   virtue of the 'ends' or 'objectives' to which they   11   From Pour Un Nouveau Roman 1956.
       understood. The function of his theory is in   attain and which characterize the framework or   13  `Introduction By The American Editor' to Art-
                                                                                           Language Vol. 1 No. 2.
       elucidating the constitutive principles   system to which they belong. The situation for   16  'Theory For Art' 1972.
       applicable to the realm of art which he   Stezaker can be likened to rebuilding the ship   17   The reversal of descriptive theoretical conceptual
       presupposes in forwarding art-works. The   according to alternative specifications whilst   orderings is talked about by Stezaker in 'Art-Theory:
       constitution of the realm must first be   remaining afloat.                         A Branch Of Philosophy Or An Integral Aspect Of
                                                                                           Art-Activity ?'
       appreciated before the manner of individuating   `Meaning' is asserted as a requisite to art-   19   Published in Art-Language Vol. 1 No. 2.
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