Page 52 - Studio International - February 1973
P. 52

could not be reached by telephone. Perhaps he                                       Matyushin discovered the genius of Malevich
     was at his cottage outside Moscow.        Sunday, June 21st                         very early, and considered him a great painter.
      Today I managed to visit Mikhail Roginsky.                                           `Matyushin was born in 1861 and was
     The paintings I saw at his place when I was on   Some years ago, while going through the   originally a composer, a student of
     my second-last visit to Moscow, in 1966, were   accessible rooms of the reserve collection in the   Rimsky-Korsakov — like Stravinsky — and later a
     actually shocking. In some there was nothing   Russian Museum in Leningrad, I stood gazing   professional violinist with the Leningrad Court
     except grotesquely enlarged kerosene-cookers   down in surprise on two paintings which differed   Orchestra. At the turn of the century he began
     (so typical of those chopped-up Moscow flats),   completely from all the other Russian art of the   attending the Leningrad School for the Support
     or there were walls with real switches, the   first quarter of the century. Neither Cubism, nor   of Art. There he met Yelena Guro, who was
     surfaces merely divided into squares like tiles, or   Suprematism, nor Abstract Expressionism, nor   originally a painter.' (Yelena Guro was one of
     finally paintings with rumpled trousers, a   Constructivism, nor Lyrical Abstraction.   the great figures in Russian poetry : she
     woman's handbag, words added. 'It's necessary   Who are they by ? Boris and Maria Ender,   intuitively anticipated futurist poetics,
     to absorb the techniques of advertising', he said   both of them from the early nineteen-twenties.   including 'zaum', the artificial trans-rational
     at the time; and 'Not to paint but to act.' But I   Boris and Maria Ender ? From the early   language which first occurs in her poem Finland
     was also surprised then by the uneasiness he   twenties ? But who were they ? Matyushin's   dating from shortly after 191o. Guro died in
     displayed while showing his works : it seemed as   friends and pupils. Boris Ender's widow is   1913 at the age of thirty-six.) 'Even though he
     if he didn't even want to acknowledge them.   living in Moscow. Here's her address . . . .   became a painter, Matyushin did not leave off
     This time I find him calm, and his painting too   But I never got to see'Mrs Ender, nor did I   composing. In Yelena Guro's books there are
     has relaxed. His new works are small paintings   ever find any more paintings by either Boris   some musical contributions by him; in 1915 he
     of traditional Russian life, painted in a cultivated   Ender or his sister. And the same with   published the compositions Autumnal Sleep and
     post-impressionist manner. I linger most over a   Matyushin : I never came across any of his   Don Quixote;  in the same year there appeared the
     small painting of the Preobrazhensky Market in   works. They told me that Matyushin's widow   first quarter-tone composition for violin. He
     Moscow, where people bring their old things to   was still living in Leningrad, but she hadn't   printed some examples of quarter-tone notation
     sell. The juxtaposition of furniture from the turn   anything by Matyushin and didn't receive   in the supplement to Khruchonykh's libretto of
     of the century and today's city evokes a   visitors. Of course the name of Matyushin is   Victory Over the Sun, and called it Noty
     Chirico-like feeling. And just like Chirico,   well known: the composer of the music for the   budetlyanskye, that is, "Futurist notes".'
     Roginsky too has drawn back from a ruthless   famous futurist opera Victory Over the Sun   My host takes from the bookcase a thin
     disregard of tradition to painting which, in its   from the year 1913, the friend of Malevich,   pamphlet with Kruchonykh's text of Victory
     content and consequently its form, marks a   Filonov, and Kruchonykh, the husband of the   Over the Sun: in the supplement, in addition to a
     sentimental return to the past. Roginsky's work   great poetess Yelena Guro, a professor at the   very brief specimen of the idea of quarter-tone
     from 1965 and 1966 belonged to the 'Pushkin   Leningrad Vkhutemas from 1918. But what   notation (the quarter-tones are indicated by
     Boulevard School', but it is not easy to stick to   were his paintings actually like ? The critical   square notes), there are passages from
     modern art in this country, and perhaps this is   works, from the well-known outline by Camilla   Matyushin's music for the opera. Critical works
     especially true for an artist who lacks a certain   Gray to the catalogues from recent exhibitions   sometimes claim that the music was
     ruthless tenacity.                        of the Russian avant garde, only refer to him   quarter-tone, but it is in fact written in the usual
       In the evening I go to visit Nikolai    casually, and pass over the Enders in silence.   semi-tones and classical scales, and so far as I can
     Khardzhiyev. He lives in Kropotkin Street,   Nikolai Ivanovich Khardzhiyev knows all the   judge from a brief perusal it seems to be
     lined with the old Empire-style palaces of the   missing details.                   intentionally simple, rather reminiscent of Satie.
     Russian nobility, and he himself has something   `Mikhail Matyushin is in fact one of the key   At that time Matyushin could not even consider
     of an old-fashioned, ceremonious and noble   figures in Russian Futurism', he begins. 'The   composing Victory Over the Sun in the
     manner. (In this he reminds one of another   reason so little is known about his work is that   quarter-tone system: it would have had to
     Russian scholar, Roman Jakobson.) Half a   he devoted so much of his time to other people   remain unperformed, for a long time elapsed
     century ago, still very young, he began preparing   and their lives, the organization of their   before quarter-tone instruments were made.2
     the history of Russian Futurism: he gathered   exhibitions, the publication of their books. The   It is a well-known fact that Malevich was
     together all the material, but the book never   flat where he and his wife Yelena Guro lived was   responsible for the design of the opera, and later
     appeared. One after another the great Russian   the headquarters of this new movement in art   he claimed that in it he had been the first to go
     futurists disappeared from the scene — the last   and poetry, whose members originally called   beyond representation into the realm of pure
     of them, the 83-year-old Kruchonykh, only three   themselves budetlyane —  that is, "people of the   abstraction. Nowadays there is some dispute as
     years ago — and Khardzhiyev devoted his life to   future" — and afterwards cubo-futurists. They   to whether this is in fact the case, and so
     their memory. His flat is a musum, library and   all gathered and met there : the Burlyuks,   suspicions have arisen that Malevich back-dated
     archives of Futurism, and Khardzhiyev himself   Khlebnikov, Malevich, Kruchonykh. In 1910   the origin of his abstraction. In his unpublished
     is a living encyclopaedia. The hall is dedicated to   they founded the Union of Youth, and   memoirs (part of which he once placed at my
     Olga Rozanova, and in the narrow study with its   immediately afterwards they left it, but in 1912   disposal), Kruchonykh supports Malevich, and
     single window there are pictures up to the   they returned again. The Union of Youth broke   at the same time sheds new light on the origin of
     ceiling — Larionov, Matyushin, above the door   up at the end of 1913, but before this they had   this abstraction. 'The central theme of the
     one of Malevich's most lovely works, a red   organized several exhibitions and also two stage   opera', he writes, 'was an apologia for the world
     square on a white background (an emblem-  productions, "the tragedy" Vladimir        of technology, including flying . . . . the victory
     painting, according to Khardzhiyev, which   Mayakovsky and Kruchonykh's opera Victory   of technology over the cosmic forces and
     Malevich hung in all of his exhibitions), above   Over the Sun.                      biology . . . . Malevich's decorations were
     the desk a large, luminous painting, a portrait of   `Matyushin and Yelena Guro also founded the   designed in great surfaces — triangles, circles,
     Boris Ender by Yelena Guro.               Zhuravl (Crane) Library, and in this series they   parts of machines. The performers wore masks
       Matyushin, Guro, Ender: these are the main   published a miscellany in 1910 under the title   resembling modern gas masks. The extras —
     reason for my visit. Khardzhiyev brings in his   Sadok sudei1, which in fact marked the real   actors — looked like moving machines. The
     excellent tea and begins to chat. It is soon clear   beginning of Russian Futurism, collections by   costumes, made according to Malevich's
     that we have embarked on a subject which   Yelena Guro, Khlebnikov's numerical       drawings, were fashioned in a cubist style from
     cannot be covered in a single evening. We agree   interpretation of history, Malevich's first book   cardboard and wire. This altered the human
     to meet again tomorrow.                    about Suprematism, and other works.       anatomy — the actors' movements were linked
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