Page 18 - Studio International - July August 1973
P. 18

that necessarily implodes upon something   important element of this is the documentation
      representing  itself to be a building), the   section which directs them to other galleries, to
       rhetoric of conceptual art could be the more   read other journals and search out other places
       fierce. The effects, within each discipline, have   where the action is going on.
      been quite different. Within architecture, the   The ICA as Michelin Guide.
       dea of design by specification has a refreshing,   Then the show goes on the road in Europe.
       but not explosive, effect upon the mainstream of   I intend that the ICA becomes a referencing
      thinking. It has been absorbed as part of a   point for that underestimated part of our
       cycle of redefinition of the role of aesthetic   population that happens to be transient, but
       symbolism. The full absorbtion has not yet been   that also happens to be genuinely intrigued by
       felt : so that there are still many who would   London's creative effort.
       continue to deny (as all laymen would recognize)   After Summer Studio is an exhibition by
       that there is no such thing as a completely   Austrian artists and architects (September,
       unbiased functional building.             1973). Most of these are involved in series of
         I am fascinated that upon the London scene,   investigations of a semi-abstracted or conceptual
       at least, there is an apparently total polemic   nature, often preoccupied with death. The
       between the conceptualists and (for example)   architects are indistinguishable from the
       the shape-painters. There is also a continuing   painters and vice versa: Hans Hollein, for
       artificiality of arguments that are made   example, is the best-known architect: but he
       concerning the conflict between personal   was in the Venice Biennale as a 'fine-artist'.
       expression and the collective political effect of an   Walter Pichler, when not drawing his gravestone
       art work. To suggest that it should not be so   sequences, is making pneumatic enclosures
       would be quaint, maybe. But in the present   (though he has never been an architect).
       situation one knows that the muttering in   Isolated overlaps such as these are evident
       corners is not enough. Could the ICA      elsewhere, but I doubt if the degree of integrity
       deliberately host a pairing of exhibitions ?: the   and vicious determination in the face of such
       one in its New (upper) Gallery, the other in   cloying decadence exists elsewhere with as
       Gallery I : with the protagonists ranged on a   much black humour as in Vienna. The fact that
       series of platforms (or if you don't think that   these artists are relatively unexposed outside
       appropriate, scrawling on opposite walls,   Austria adds to their intriguingness.
       making counter-videotapes, writing counter-  The fact that they in turn are fascinated by the
       manifestos, let's not be put off by technicalities).   unyielding, private London world can, at the
       Could there be a deliberate twist in the tail by   ICA, be turned to advantage.
       bringing in non-local critics or non-local artists
       to make the commentary upon the current   6. The,ICA is a living artwork
       scene ? (We are planning this for the autumn.)   At the risk of overdoing the 'living' syndrome,
         And now that it is 1973, there is need to   there are three diagrams that might suggest
       consider the possibility that some synthetic   that the total instrument of the ICA can be
       move might be made whereby the advent of   more than a mere shell.
       conceptual thinking will have been a      Is it theatre ? Contrivance ? Merely a question
       prerequisite to the next movement, rather than a   of organization ? Dream (no, it's all there, like on
       definitive position. In such, the means of   the drawing). Is it hard enough — tough enough —
       expression may demand exposition of a kind as   echoing with those rasping thrusts ? That is up
       different as the early happenings were from the   to you.
       Academy shows. The late 197os could be
       strange ?                                                                           (Above)
         Art is the experiencing of the message, and                                       Walking through
       as entrepeneurs we can help or hinder this. We                                      (Centre)
       can create a suitable or unsuitable environment                                     Corners /Pockets
       for this . We can edit the conditions. We can                                       (Below)
       encourage. Practically an architectural activity:                                   Out of the corner of your eye
       if you use the word architecture in its fullest

       5. On to the road
       One way of blowing open the cosiness of the
       London scene is to exchange with the outside
       world. But not just leave it at that. In the case of
       our next two exhibitions we do just this : in the
       Summer Studio (July/August, 1973) — which is
       a collection of shop-window assemblages,
       vegetation-works, paintings, architecture,
       fashion design, illustrations, photography,
       conceptual work and documentations — we throw
       our London network directly at all those
       visitors to London who drop in and ask 'What
       is now with the Edouardo Paolozzi ?' An
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