Page 50 - Studio International - July August 1973
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into the photographic world by   well' was the comment by staff                             This molecular like wire grid rises
             dipping its aesthetic toe into the   member Penelope Marcus, 'we keep                     gradually and vertically from the
             twentieth century with the exhibition   running out of printed matter'. But               centre, and supports away from the
             'The Photography of Paul Nash'.   despite the enthusiasm shown by the                     ground the other components. Its
              Paul Nash worked regularly with   viewers the Tate unfortunately has no                  thinness contrasts dramatically with
             a camera from 1930, when he was 41,   future plans for forthcoming exhibits               the laminated wood and aluminium
             until his death in 1946. In September   of either artists and their photography           forms suspended in the mid-area
             1931 he went to the United States as   or of established photographers and                before it meets the inert outer skin,
             British representative on the panel of   their work.                                      the steel plate. The sculpture's centre
             judges for the Carnegie International   The Photographers Gallery recently                is the becoming of being, emphasized
             Art Exhibition. His wife gave him a   showed an exhibition of 'Modern and                 by the lack of material substance. The
             camera for the occasion, a simple   Experimental Colour Photography' by                   intermediate wooden fan shapes cut
             No 1 A pocket Kodak Series 2, the only   six photographers. The work was                  at right angles the grid that supports
             camera he ever owned.         rather surrealistic, pictures within                        them and each is split, being
              Nash was not mechanically minded,   pictures, isolated figures but mixed.                composed of two halves. This duality
             nor curious about the technical side of   Till 18 August the gallery is                   in their make-up emphasizes their
             photography. He regarded his camera   exhibiting 'Spectre of Violence',                   point of being between the centre
             as the tool of his imagination and his   work by Leonard Freed recently done              void and outside corporeality. They
             work advanced through trial and error.   for the Sunday Times in New York.                are in the act of being. A flurry of
             This is shown in the exhibition by the   It raises both the problem of violence           movement spreads then into the
             varied quality and the chronological   in the cities and the problem of choice            unshielded segments of the sculpture,
             order of the prints, but it is less   faced by photographers in such                      their ends aggressively pinch at the
             evident in the book, published by the   assignments. There is also work by                open space yet never close it.
            Tate, 'Paul Nash's Photographs:   four contemporary photographers                            Their wooden texture causes the
             Document and Image' introduced by   from Lithuania. The photographs of                    substance of these semi-surreal
            Andrew Causey. 100 monochrome   Glen Koyama will be exhibited from                         shapes to be identified as present
            illustrations, at £1.25 (paper back)   30 July to 30 August, and Caj                       now, the configuration that this 'stuff'
             and £1.80 (hard back). The lack of   Bremer, a reportage photogapher                      takes leads us to think differently
             technical ability or a larger camera   from Finland, has an exhibition                    however. They suggest forms too
            does not inhibit one from seeing   from 21 August to 8 September.                          elusive to fix, they are still becoming.
             possible parallels with Edward   Ralph Gibson has just published a                          The third state, the steel plates hang
            Weston and Ansel Adams. The    new book called 'Deja-Vu' (soft                             in suspended animation. Here no
            simplicity of his subjects shows a   cover). Fine quality, strong pictures                 change is possible, all movement has
            child-like curiosity that belies the   and up-to-date feeling of 1940's                    ceased, we have reached the
            graphic sophistication.        style photographs.                                          terminators. q
              From the late thirties his use of   The Tryon Gallery recently had                       BARRY MARTIN
            photography fulfilled a practical   an exhibition of photographs from
                                                                         Phillip King
            need when his asthma began to   Mirella Riccardi's work for her book
                                                                         Untitled 1973
            prohibit him from prolonged periods   'Vanishing Africa'. Ll
                                                                         Steel, aluminium, wood
            outdoors, but his photographs were   TONY HYDE               5ft. 6in. x 12ft. x 12ft.     NEWS &
            never just documents. Textures
            shapes and lighting are always                               from the centre. This central spread of
            present. Geometric shapes in the                             redness is, as in When the Birds Began   NOTES
            beginning, then textures and lastly   NEW                    to Sing, indicative of a fundamental
            landscapes.                                                  theme in the artist's ideology.   London Art Summer
              Nash was later interested in                                In Ghengis Khan the opening and   Summer Studio at the ICA is a
            exhibiting his watercolours and the   WORK                   splitting of the cone, with its inner   kaleidoscope of the arts in London
            related photographs together ; he                            structural substance spilling out, led to   of the last five years.
            proposed for this for the War Artists'   Phillip King's most recent sculpture is   speculation of what the inner world
            Exhibition at the National Gallery in   an important work. There are few   was like. This recent sculpture reveals   Pioneers of Modern Sculpture,  at the
            1940. Lord Clark wrote to Nash (22   contemporary art pieces that can be   something of how this could be. The   Hayward from 20 July to
            August, 1940) from the Ministry of   credited with this distinction. It   latent symbolism inherent in it and   23 September, covers the years
            Information : 'Dickey tells me you   commits its viewer to a high plane of   suggested by the act of splitting,   1890-1918, and shows the influence
            brought to show him on Friday some   both cognitive and spiritual   conjures those realms of psychical   of Rodin and the reaction against
            watercolours of aeroplanes which   awareness, and exerts its corporeality   interference or even providential   him.
            you would like to have exhibited with   in an undiminished way.   atonement that give conditions a
            the photographs taken by yourself on   The importance lies in its synthesis,   meaning beyond the merely   Summer at the Serpentine. Group
            which they are based.         for it is the coming together in a   calculated. Metaphysical questions   exhibitions of young artists will be
              'I am sure I will like both the   balanced way of several themes.   concerning the origin and density of   shown at the Serpentine Gallery,
            drawings and the photographs, and I   These have till now been hinted at in   matter; its nature and creator, arise   Kensington Gardens; painting,
            am much interested in the idea of   different degrees. Some of the   by the bagful. These are stimulated by   through 22 July; photography,
            showing the two together, but I am   Surrealism found in Ghengis Khan   the concentrated and forceful nature   28 July to 19 August; graphics,
            quite certain that from the public   for example makes its return here. The   of the sculpture's presence. Primal   8-30 September.
            point of view it would be a great   oscillations of enclosed conical   force, the stuff that archetypal images
            mistake to do so. Some day an art   curved space as in When the Birds   are made from, oozes forward with   At the V & A: drawings, textiles and
            critic of authority must break down   Began to Sing led to thought patterns   alarming insistency. The sculpture   wallpapers from the Cooper-Hewitt
            the public distinction between art and   involving geometry and   makes visible those ideas that all of us   Collection, New York. Through
            photography, but God forbid that the   non-Euclidean ideas of curved space   share about the unknown cosmic   12 August.
            Ministry of Information should be the   amongst others, and the essentials   terror I And yet, it is not large, about
            first to try and do this, especially   learnt from composing with   six feet high and fourteen across.   At Holland Parkthrough 15 July: an
            as the people who come to see the   asymmetrical linear open structures, as   Three radial blocks move away from   exhibition of works by the Spanish
            War Artist Exhibition are usually very   in Dunstable Reel for example, make   the centre, creating quiet interstices   sculptor Angel Orensanz.
            simple and have come primarily for   their important play in the trilogy of   between and terminating in vertically
            non-aesthetic motives. Can't you   events created within this work.   hanging steel sheets. These   Gilbert and George will have a public
            imagine the indignant letters we   The sculpture spreads out from an   effectively stop any further action.   view of 'Reclining Drunk', an edition
            would get, and the flood of requests   implied centre and sits squarely its   They shield the sculpture from outside   of 200 ash trays and collapsed bottle
            from photographers of the baser sort   ground. Its painted steel plates and   influence and hold in its lateral   sculptures, at Nigel Greenwood from
            that their work should be shown,   mesh create a cold and calculated   spread. Long curving sine waves flow   16 to 21 July. (In August they will
            too ?'                        effect on the outside, with the   into and out of the central void,   bring their singing sculpture
             Success after 33 years has not been   laminated inner wood circle   creating around it a series of enclosed   'Underneath the Arches' and
            in vain. 'The exhibition has done too    countering with a warmth and glow   and exposed packets of space.   charcoal shrubbery drawings to
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