Page 45 - Studio International - July August 1973
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Matyushin subsidized the book's publication and it   A letter from P. Filonov to     Let's begin with your group.
            appeared in St Petersburg probably in 1914 (cover                                    Don't believe in any ideological principle
            and title-page undated): 1914 seems a logical date   V. Sholpo 1929                existing in IZO. Base yourself on your own
            since Filonov had already written and illustrated the
            piece in 1913, since St Petersburg and not Petrograd                               intellect and on the master-researcher's
            appears inside the cover and since the Catalogue of                                analytical intuition.
            Filonov's unrealized exhibition of 1930 presents the                                 Carry on working like a master and not like a
            date without query (p. 33).
           'K. Malevich: `Suprematizm' — X Gosudarstvennaya                                    pupil.
            vystavka. Bespredmetnoe tvorchestvo i suprematizm.                                   First and foremost, this means that you won't
            Katalog, Moscow, 1919, p. 20.
           8Zhizn iskusstva, Petersburg, 1923, No. 20 (May).                                   create trash (the whole career of today's IZO
           8P. Filonov. Katalog proizvedenii nakhodyshchikhsya                                 student is based on trash, i.e. 'Study' . . .
            v Russkom muzee s obyasnitelnym tekstom S. Isakova,                                `Sketch' . . . 'Drawing' . . . 'Experiment' . . .).
            Leningrad, 193o, p. 22.
           100. Beskin: Formalizm v zhivopisi, Moscow, 1933,                                   Go and 'make' a picture, a drawing or a work
             P. 9.                                                                             out of any material (tough, durable, capable of
            11Jan Kriz : Pavel Nikolajevic Filonov, Prague, 1966.                              lasting a very long time) and in any combination
           "See, for example, V. Alfonsov: Slova i kraski,                                     of materials (which you carefully select and
            Moscow/Leningrad, 1966, pp. 18o-186; G. Gor :
            `Zamedlenie vremini' — Zvezda, Moscow, 1968,                                       apply). You may find it impossible to learn
            No. 4, pp. 176-191. In the West, apart from Kriz                                   anything from the trash of your student work —
            op. cit., the following have appeared: T. Andersen:
            `Pavel Nikolajevic Filonov' — Signum, Copenhagen,                                  witness to which is the whole IZO pedagogical
            1963, No. 4, pp. 2o-31; T. Andersen: Moderne                                       system: so start working persistently on the
            russisk kunst, Copenhagen, 1967, pp. 36-48,                                        `made' picture, work persistently on every
            154-164; D. Burliuk: 'Filonov' op. cit., J. Kriz :
            'Pawel Nikolajewitsch Filonow' — Alte und Moderne                                  atom of the picture, on every brushstroke, on
            Kunst, Vienna, 1968, No. 96, pp. 32-39; M. Lama:                                   every centimetre and develop and complete the
            `Filonov a jeho  	                       Madeness, the made object, the principle of   work in this way. And so, thanks to the
                           —  Vytvarné umeni, Prague,
            1967, No. 3.
           "In 1959 Filonov's sister gave most of the works in   madeness and the connected ideology of   resultant nervous analytical tension and the
            her possession to the Russian Museum, Leningrad   analytical art can be reduced to the following:   persistent stimulus to achieve madeness, you
            where they remain; other works are in the   it presupposes the ability to comprehend any   will, from your very first steps, begin to
            Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow and, of course, in many
            private collections both in the USSR and in the   and every phenomenon in art, in all its   contribute all you've got to the work.
            West.                                    interrelationships, by research and intense   Only then will you begin to really study and
           "For details of OBERIU including the republished   analytical exertion. To this end you must begin   learn, and it is precisely thanks to persistent
            Declaration (in Russian) see: R. Milner-Gulland:
            "'Left Art" in Leningrad: the OBERIU     with a correct definition of what kind of active   work that you will become a master from your
            Declaration' — Oxford Slavonic Papers, Oxford,   participant you are in the IZO field, why you're   first day of work. Your work will prove this.
            197o, New Series vol. 3, pp. 65-75; also see: G.   working, what you get out of working with IZO   You will begin to develop as a master, a
            Gibian (editor and translator): Russia's Lost
            Literature of the Absurd, Ithaca, 1971, pp. 1-38.   and what the work you've made means to others.   researcher, a human-being and an IZO worker,
           "From OBERIU Declaration in R. Milner-Gulland,   Furthermore, it presupposes the ability to   and your work — every moment of which
            op. cit., p. 7o.                         understand what has to be done and the ability   involves the most intense labour and the most
           "S. Isakov in P. Filonov. Katalog proizvedenii, op.
                                                     to 'make' (or, as fools say, 'create', 'paint') any   persistent, analytical and intellectual tension —
            cit., p. 20.
           "B. Kushner: "Bozhestvennoe proizvedenie" ' —   work you need with any material, so that the   will reveal this.
            Iskusstvo kommuny, Petrograd, 1919, No. 9, p. 1.   artist and spectator are affected by its maximum   Don't work according to a general conception
           18A. Gan: Konstruktivizm, Tver, 1922, p. 18
           "ibid., p. 1.                             professional and ideological value.       — that's mere charlatanism — but start with the
           30B. Zemenkov: Koryto umozaklyuchenii, Moscow,   It presupposes the ability to get as much as   particular and go on to the general according to
            1920, p. 5.                              possible out of the work itself while you're   the formula that 'the general conception is
            21V. Markov: 'Printsipy novogo iskusstva' —  Soyuz
            molodezhi, St Petersburg, 1912, No. 2, p. 5.   involved with it — out of the practical (potential)   derived from the individual parts' developed 'to
            22 O. Rozanova: 'Osnovy novogo tvorchestva i   and many other interrelationships which emerge   their maximum'.
            prichiny ego neponimaniya' — Soyuz molodezhi, St   while you're at work — i.e. the ability to enrich   Whoever finds this difficult or will do so later
            Petersburg, 1913, No. 3, p. 14.
           " M. Bush and A. Zamoshkin: Put sovetskoi   yourself intellectually while working.   on, can begin with the general, but he must
            zhivopisi, Moscow, p. 142.                 It presupposes the ability to have a correct   develop and elaborate every particular, every
           "J. Mit, op. cit., p. 15.                 goal in all situations, to find (sometimes   part (every atom must be made to the highest
           "L. Aragon: `Le Surréalisme et le devenir
            révolutionnaire' — Le Surréalisme au service de la   instantaneously) the answer to any question   degree of perfection and intensity).
            révolution, Paris, 1932. No. 3, p. 6.    arising from the most varied ideological and   Don't use big brushes, use small ones — and
           "Matyushin called his system, 'See-Know' (Zorved).   material interrelationships in IZO; it   it's better if they're not bristle, but cow-hair or
            For some details see: A. Rylov: Vospominaniya,
            Moscow, 1954, PP. 185-186.               presupposes the ability to determine the best   cat-hair' of appropriate size and with a sharp,
           "The words are Shterenberg's. Quoted from: E.   and most correct means of effectiveness   although flattened end.
            Gollerbakh et al.: Istoriya iskusstv vsekh vremen i   (sometimes instantaneously) and the ability to   Paint with your hand on a stick (a maulstick).
            narodov, Leningrad, 1929, book 5, p. 321.
           "K. Petrov-Vodkin: Prostranstvo Evklida, Leningrad,   carry on working and fighting for fulfilment   Paint literally all you want to according to the
            1932. Reprinted in: Khlynovsk. Prostranstvo   with the utmost precision and effectiveness,   master-researcher's formula: 'I can paint
            Evklida. Samarkandiya, Leningrad, 1970, pp. 481,   etc., etc. This is the science (the highest school)   ("make") any form with any form and any
            30N. I. Kulbin (1868-1917), the 'Doctor of Russian   of IZO, its strategies and tactics.   colour with any colour', i.e. if I decide to paint,
            Futurism', was a physician by profession, although   This is the revolutionary ideology of IZO.   let's say, a boot or the head of an old man, then,
            he was also a painter and art theorist in his own   This means curtains for all that ideological   willing and able, I shall manage to paint them
            right. The approach to art as an organic process can
            be identified with much of his work; see, for   sorcery and buffoonery peculiar to all existing   as a master — so precisely that you won't be able
            example, his essay 'Svobodnoe iskusstvo, kak   IZO ideologies and signifies the beginning of a   to distinguish the model from the picture. But
            osnova zhizni' — Studiya Impressionistov, St   new stage in IZO based on principles properly   if, as a researcher, I wish to — either because of
            Petersburg, 191o, pp. 3-14.
            31Quoted from: L. Dyakonitsyn • Ideinye   formulated in an experimental and scientific   familiar or unfamiliar prerequisites or because
            protivorechiya v estetike russkoi zhivopisi kontsa 19 —  manner.                   of certain phenomena or processes evolving
            nachala 20 vv., Perm., 1966, p. 181.       First and foremost, it means revolution in the   within the old man or the boot which compel
           "V. Alfonsov, op. cit., p. 183.
           "Letter from Yuliya Arapova to John Bowlt, 19   psyche of every IZO worker and revolution in   and oblige me to paint my conception of what
            March, 1973.                             every sphere of global art.               I know, see and feel in relation to this person

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