Page 66 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 66

Selected                       Fine Art Society, 148 New Bond St,   New Art Centre, 41 Sloane St, SWI,   Whitechapel,  High St, Et. 01-247
                                                                  01-235 5844. Gwyther Irwin painted
                                                                                                  1492. Mark Vaux recent paintings and
                                   WI. 01-629 5116. 20th Century English
    June                           drawings and watercolours. 11-30 June.   wooden reliefs and Gerald Park draw-  Tess Jaray paintings and graphics main
                                                                   ings and watercolours till 16 June.  gallery till 24 June. Ed Meneeley walk-
    gallery                        Fischer Fine Art,  3o King St, St   Anthony Fry Moroccan landscapes   around mural upper gallery till 24 June.
                                   James's, SW1. 01-839 3942. Arthur
                                                                   and Richard Rush works on paper. 18.
                                                                                                  Chelsea post graduate students paint-
    listings                       Boyd recent English and Australian   June onwards.             ings, sculpture. 26 June-13 July.
                                   landscapes and paintings to 9 June.
                                   `Universe of Art III' mixed exhibition   Nicholas Treadwell,  36 Chiltern St,   Woodstock,  16 Woodstock St, Wt.
    LONDON                         of late 19th and loth Century paintings   WI. 01-486 1414. Janet Nathan land-  01-629 4419. Rose Pasian abstract
                                   and sculpture. 13 June-13 July.   scapes. 5-23 June.           expressionist drawings and paintings;
    Achim Moeller, 8 Grosvenor St, WI.   Gimpel Fils, 3o Davies St, WI. 01-493   Nigel Greenwood,  41 Sloane Gdns,   Leslie Goodwin, large abstracts;
    01-493 7611. 19th and 20th century   2488. Yves Klein retrospective paint-  SW1. 01-730 8824. David Tremlett till   Avtarjeet Dhanjal, Kenyan sculptor
    European and American paintings,   ings, reliefs and sculpture: 3o May-23  15 June. Alan Charlton several 7 ft   works in movable metal pieces. 4-23
    drawings and sculpture. June onwards.                                                         June.
                                   June. Germaine Richier retrospective.   square canvases in varying shades of
    Angela Flowers, 3 & 4 Portland Mews,   26 June till end August.   grey. 20 June-i5 July.
    D'Arblay St, WI. 01-734 0240. Patrick
    Hughes 'paradoxical paintings and daft   Grabowski,  84 Sloane Ave, SW3.   Photographers,  8 Gt Newport St,   OUTSIDE LONDON
    drawings'. 5 June-5 July.      01-589 1868. Tom Hudson paintings   WC2.01-836 7860. Modern and experi-
                                   and Mervyn Baldwin sculpture till 16   mental colour photography - Euro-  Aberdeen: Art,  Schodhill, Aberdeen
    Annely Juda, 1 1 Tottenham Mews,
        01-58o 7593. Cesar Domela - 41   June. Terry Setch paintings. 20 June-  pean works in mixed media: 5-30 June.   I FQ. 0224-23924. Tantra Art. June.
    works including sculpture and mixed   28 July.                 Small gallery: 'Disappearing Dublin' by   Birmingham: Ikon,  45 West Court,
    media in this selected retrospective -  Hayward,  South Bank, SE1. 01-928   Neville Johnson. 5-3o June.   B'ham Shopping Centre, 021-643 0708.
    to 3o June.                     3844. 'How to play the environment   Piccadilly,  16a Cork St, WI. 01-629   Diploma show of B'ham Poly School of
                                    game: the theory, stakes, ploys and                           Photography till 9 June. 'Student &
    Archer,  23 Grafton St, WI.  01-493                            2875. Vienna 1900-193o, selection of
    2630. Jef Friboulet school of Paris,   gambits which are manipulating and   paintings, sculpture, drawings and   professional animation', film work of
    recent paintings. 5 June-15 July.   corroding our environment' till 24 June.   prints by Austrian artists. 5 June-  students: 1-9 June. Post graduate show
    Belgravia Art,  6 William St, SW 1.   Heals, 196 Tottenham Ct Rd, WI. 01-  14 July.           from B'ham Poly painting and sculp-
                                                                                                  ture. 13 June-21 July.
    01-235 1936. Gallery artists prints,   636 1666. Mixed exhibition gallery   Redfern, 20 Cork St, Wi. 01-734 1732.
    drawings, etchings. June.       artists: 1-21 June. Martin Bickley recent   William Delafield Cook new paintings.   Bristol: Arnolfini, 8 W Shed, Canons
    Brian Koetser,  38 Duke St, SW"  oils and Dawn Bickley recent collages.   5-28 June.          Rd, Bristol 1. 0272-299191. Derek
    01-93o 6309. 17th Century Dutch and   22 June-7 July.          Roland, Browse & Delbanco,  19   Boshier documentation of works from
    Flemish paintings. June.        ICA, Nash House, The Mall, SW,. 01-  Cork St, Wt.  01-734 7984. Emilio   1959 to 1972. 7 June-14 July.
    Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Rd,   839 5344. 8o Navajo blankets 1850-1890   Greco 15 bronzes and various drawings.   Edinburgh: Richard Demarco,  8
    NW3. 01-435 2643. Midsummer     till 10 June.                  7 June-14 July.                Melville Crescent, EdinburghEH3 7NB.
    market, organized by Peter Carey   Jack Wendler, 164 N. Gower St, NW1.   Rowan, 31a Bruton Place, WI. 01-493   031-226 6302. Glynn Morgan paint-
    'attempts to break down barriers bet-  01-387 7163. David Lamalas, a film,   3727. Michael Craig Martin recent   ings and collages ;Bryan Senior paintings
    ween spectator and spectacle' : prints,   June.                sculpture. 8 June-5 July.      of Holyrood Park; Bob Crerar Lapland
    crafts, posters, paintings for sale at                                                        drawings; Tom MacDonald paintings
     reasonable prices. 2o June-15 July.   John Whibley, 22 Cork St, WI. 01-734   Royal Academy, Piccadilly, WI. 01-  and drawings; Toni James textiles
     Igino Legnaghi, Italian sculptor's 1st   7840. Keith Michell 5th one-man show   734 9052. Annual summer exhibition   combined with other materials. 9-29
    one-man exhibition in Britain. 20 June-  till 9 June. Frank Rosen, 25-30 recent   till 29 July.   June.
     Is July.                       paintings. 12-30 June.         Royal College of Art,  Kensington   Glasgow: Compass,  178 W. Regent
    Crane Kalman,  178 Brompton Rd,   Langton, 3 Langton St, SW10, 01-352   Gore, SW7. 01-584 5020. Degree show   St, Glasgow  C2. 041 2216370.  Tom
     SW3. 01-584 7566. Henri Lefauconnier   915o. Tristram Hillier first ever exhibit-  of final year students-industrial and   Macdonald and Kathleen Cooke draw-
     retrospective till 16 June. Jacqueline   ion of his drawings, some preliminary   graphic schools. 16-19 June.   ings till 7 June. Mixed exhibition of
     Marval (1866-1932) first retrospective   studies for his paintings. 9-3o June.   Serpentine,  Kensington Gdns. W2,   gallery artists. 9-3o June.
     in London. 23 June-end July.
                                    Lefevre, 3o Bruton St, W1. 01-629 225o   01-402 6075. 'Serpentine Sculpture 73':   Liverpool: Bluecoat,  School Lane,
     Curwen, t  Colville Pl, Whitfield St,   Edward Burra recent watercolours to   Roger Dainton, Peter Grieve, John   051-709 5689. Bob Frith, Manchester
     WI. 01-636 1459. Charlotte St Assn   3o June.                 Harper, Paul Neagu, Ainslie Yule. 2-24   College of Art lecturer, shows recent
     Exhibition - historic/contemporary   Leicester,  22a Cork St, WI. 01-437   June.              paintings, drawings and ceramics. 1-22
     prints of artists associated with the area.                   Situation, Horseshoe Yard, Brook St,   June.
     29 May-16 June.                8995. Michael Wishart recent paintings
                                    to 16 June. Christopher Sanderson   WI. 01-629 3972. Hamish Fulton new   Manchester: Whitworth,  Whitworth
     Dickerson & Jones, 178-180 Essex Rd,   sculpture. 21 June-14 July.   pieces. June.            Park, MI5 6ER. 061-273 1880. J. E.
     NI. o1-359 0579. Warwick Moreton                                                              Taylor selection of watercolours from
     recent original graphics, paintings,   Lisson,  66-68 Bell St, NW1. 01-262   South London Art, Peckham Rd, SE5.   collection presented to Whitworth Art
     drawings. June.                1539. John Hilliard recent photographic   01-703 6120. South London artists -  Gallery in the 189os till 3o June.
                                    pieces. June.                  300 amateur and professional mixed
     DM, 72 Fulham Rd, SW 3. 01-589 8208.                          showing sculpture, pottery, collage, etc.   Nottingham: University Art,
     Jim Dine new and old graphics. 6-3o   Lucy Milton, 125 Notting Hill Gate,   1-21 June.        Portland Bldg, University Park o6o2
     June.                          W1 1. 01-229 3311. Joost Baljeu and                            56101 Ext 2253. Paul Hempton recent
     Drian, 5/7 Porchester Pl, W2. 01-723   Truus Wilmink, Dutch couple working   Tate,  Millbank, SWi.  01-828 1212.   paintings, watercolours, drawings and
     9473. Ivan Walter Adler first big retro-  together on constructions and wall   Edward Burra and Cartoons of Modern   small objects till 16 June.
     spective-figurative paintings. 3-22 June.   reliefs. 14 June-5 July.   Art till 8 July. Paul Nash photographic
                                                                   exhibition till 24 June.
     Havezi bas reliefs and construction;   Mark,  9 Porchester PI, W2. 01-262                     Oxford: Bear Lane,  6 Bear Lane.
     Dzwig abstract paintings. 26 June-16   4906. 16-19th Century Russian icons   Tooth, 31 Bruton St, W1. 01-499 6741.   0865 49280. Martin Fuller new paint-
     July.                          and modern prints through June/July.   Tristram Hillier, latest landscapes of   ings. 2-3o June.
     Electrum,  21 S. Molton St, WI.   Marlborough Fine Art, 6 Albemarle   Spain and Portugal: 5-23 June. Peter   Oxford: Museum of Modern Art,
     01-629 6325. Summer exhibition of   St, WI. 01-629 5161. 19th-20th Century   Kinley, 1969 John Moore Award winner,   3o Pembroke St. 0865-44553. Systems -
     contemporary jewellery. I I June- 15   masters from Monet to Bacon. June/July   shows abstract landscapes and figure   Arts Council Travelling Exhibition.
     Sept.                                                         paintings. 26 June-21 July.     Christian Boltanski and Jean Le Gac,
                                    Marlborough Graphics,  17-18 Old                               Michael Druks - Maps and Locations.
     Erica Bourne,  14a Temple Fortune                             Upper Street,  286 Upper St, NI.
     Parade, Finchley Rd, NW11. 01-458   Bond St, WI. 01-629 5161. Mark   01-226 9811. Basil Nubel landscapes   2 June-1 July.
     7551. Kathleen Allen paintings of   Rothko Memorial Trust Portfolio. 5-3o   and Michael Thorogood abstracts.   Sheffield: Mappin Art, Weston Park,
     London scenes. 5-26 June.      June.                          10-29 June.                     Sheffield 10.  0742  734781. Bridget
     Felicity Samuels, 16 Savile Row, WI.   Mayor, 14 S. Molton St, WI. 01-629   Waddington II, 34  Cork St, WI. 01-  Riley till 17 June.
     01-734 8557. Tom Holland, San   0917. 20th Century British painting.   439 1866. Tim Scott 4 pieces of sculp-  Warwick: Art, 14 Smith St. 0926 45880.
     Francisco artist, does epoxy resin work   June.               ture made of transparent acrylic blocks,   Colin Dick local canal gouaches;
     on fibreglass, some 3 dimensional.  12   Mercury, 26 Cork St, WI. 01-734 7800.   steel rods and steel sections. 13 June-  Stanley Simmons's most recent paint-
     June-6 July.                   Mixed summer exhibition. 22 June-Oct.   7 July.                ings in surrealist theme. 1-30 June.
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