Page 26 - Studio International - November 1973
P. 26

realize the reconstruction of the universe   We feel ourselves constructed in steel; we, too,   the photomontages of Heartfield, Hausmann and
                                                                                            Hoch where photographic representation was
       through this total fusion, to liven it up, that   machines; we, too, mechanized !    included as a living piece of urban reality. The city
       is to re-create it in its entirety. We will give   Today we know how to reveal to the world   for the expressionists is the site of psychological
       flesh and bones to the invisible, to the   their deepest souls and their measureless   and social oppositions, of the existential dejection of
                                                                                            contemporary man at its most typical, which is
       impalpable, to the imponderable, to the   hearts in which dynamic architectures are   amply confirmed by the frequent occurrence of the
       imperceptible. We will discover the abstract   spiralling; the new architectures that Sant'Elia   theme in literature, cf. Paolo Chiarini and Ladislao
       equivalents of all the forms and of all the   and Virgilio Marchi have already established'.   Mittner. Equally indicative are texts by painters
                                                                                            like Ludwig Meidner, cf. Chiarini, Bilancio
       elements in the universe, then we will combine   The elements taken from the urban   dell 'Espressionismo, Vallecchi, Florence). The
       them together according to the whims of    industrial panorama are not new, but new,   Futurists, however, brought notions of an essentially
       inspiration to make plastic complexes which we   rather, is the lucid perspective of analogy to the   dynamic dimension to the theme, and hence a more
                                                                                            precise idea of urban space as the inferential field of
       will set in motion'.                       machine which informs it, corresponding   forces analogously, if differentially, competitive. For
         This manifesto, in fact, welded the inventive   precisely to the problematics of European   their part, those expressionists of the social tendency,
       operationalism of futurist object-construction   Purism around L'Esprit Nouveau. Pannaggi   arrived at the theme with the war years and after,
                                                                                            beginning in fact with Grosz (To Oscar Panizza, etc).
       to their project of totally reconstructing the   was to make use of it, with a strong dose of   The Novembergruppe was particularly taken by the
       environment. It is a charter, of futurist   imagination, for the interior of the Casa   theme, but, were preceded by Marc who had died in
       architectural environmental design,        Zampini at Esanatoglia (Matelica) in 1925-26,   battle in 1916.
                                                                                           9  Archivi del Futurismo, I, pages 73-76.
       interesting to Balla and to Depero for the   and also for stage sets22. Prampolini did this as   10   An anthology of the city theme in Italian futurist
       lyrical trend, for the formal inventions of   well. All the second-wave futurist painting is   painting must be completed by some reference to
       dynamic symbolism and the paramount role of   invested with a hypothetical, mechanized urban   Rosai, Soffici and later to Primo Conti with their
                                                                                           recital of village and antimetropolitan attitudes, the
       pure chromaticism.16   With these 'plastic   space, the typical psychological aspects of   extreme dramatic alienation of the industrial
       complexes', Marinetti stressed 'With Futurism   which were accented in its inflections — the   metropolis, so insistently underlined by Sironi, in
                                                                                           interiors like Cafe for example, in crowded streets or
       . . . art becomes art-action. That is to say, will,   psychology of situation or colour — particularly
                                                                                           in deserted industrial suburbs. For Sironi, the
       aggression, possession, penetration, joy, brutal   on the part of Fillia who should also be   machine is a monster, almost phantasmal, and the city
       reality in art, geometric splendours of forces and   recognized as a poet. When this late-futurist   theme is interpreted in a negative sense as existential
                                                                                           fate, more as with German Expressionism than with
       forwards projection. Art, then, becomes   stance was faced, in the second half of the
                                                                                           Futurism's exaltation of the modern. This attitude,
       presence, new object, new reality, created with   twenties, by examples of European rationalist   initially keyed to the dynamics of interpenetration,
       the abstract elements of the universe'.17     architecture, a lyrical matrix was claimed along   moved in the twenties into metaphysical dimensions.
                                                                                           Neither must one overlook the more heraldic
         An important group of Balla's paintings of   with the lyrical absorption of the very myth of
                                                                                           exaltation of urban splendour, with all the overtones
       1915, both qualitively and quantitively, the   mechanical art. This was particularly the case   of Secessionism, in Dudreville, Galli, later of Evola,
       cycle of Interventionist Demonstrations, 18  is   with the architects Paladini (in Rome), Sartoris   not to mention De Troyer and the more dynamic
                                                                                           synthesis of Funi. Funi and Dudreville were both
       imaginatively woven around the motif of the   and Diulgheroff (in Turin). In this sense, a   members of the Nuove Tendenze to which Sant 'Elia,
       multiple unfurling in urban space, extremely   particular stage was completed by the first   too, belonged and with whom he exhibited in Milan in
       condensed and abstract, of an item of mass-  exhibition of futurist architecture held in Turin   1914.
                                                                                             As far as the circulation of the theme in futurist
       symbolism — the Italian tricolour.        in 1928, to the catalogue of which Fillia   literature is concerned, it almost suffices to quote a
         This inventive and lyrical quality took a   contributed a long text.              few titles: Marinetti's La Ville Charnelle, 1908;
       decisive direction, and the architectural                                           Folgore's Citta Veloce, 1919; and some instances to be
                                                                                           picked out in Marinetti's anthology I poeti futurista -
       theorizing of Virgilio Marchi was influenced by                                     some lyrics of Altomare, of Buzzi singing of German
       it. His visionary planning appears to have been   1  Cf. Archivi del Futurismo, vol. I, pages 15-19.   industrial cities, and of Folgore. To these may be
                                                  2  Op. cit. vol. I, pages 21-22. This same sort of   joined Cangiullo, Montano, Soffici in Chimismi
       anticipated by some of Balla's intuitions, such
                                                  opposition was expressed by A.-F., Delmarle   lirici, 1919, the prose of Marinetti and Corra; and
       as Bridge of Speed, 1913. Indeed Balla, in his   `peintre futuriste' in a manifesto against Montmartre,   from Marinetti's second anthology of 1925, Loris
       frequent but spasmodic architectural projects,   15 August, 1913. 'Your Moulin de la Galette will   Castrizzi, Emilio Mario Dolfi, Escodame and Fillia.
                                                  fatally disappear into a Metro station. Your lousy   During the advance of the twenties, freed from the
       often as background elements, in the very
                                                  place du Tertre will be crossed by buses and   earlier 'crepuscular' rhetoric, the futurist myth of
       lyricism of his invention and fantasy, is opposed   tramways, and out of all the muck that you wish to   mechanical art permitted a more limpidly urban
       to the prevalent rationalist accent of Sant'Elia's   preserve today, there will rise up skycrapers piercing   panorama. Some reference should also be made to
                                                  its azure, great apartment blocks with infinite floors.   Ruggero Jacobbi's 1968 anthology.
       proposals (and of Chiattone's who very     (ibid. pages 23-26).                       In futurist music, too, the theme was exploited,
       substantially depends on him), and heralds   3  Op. cit. vol. I, pages 63-67, and 104-108. The text of   Balilla Pratella and above all Russolo and his 'art of
       the half expressionist and half visionary   the Paris show was used more or less in its entirety for   noises' (certain passages in his booklet of this name
                                                  the other European shows.                are relevant), using the noises of the city as participants
       architecture of Marchi. This was set out in the   ' The members of this school were Vertunni,   in urban space.
       latter's Manifesto of Futurist Architecture,   Coleman, Raggio, Sartorio, Cambellotti.   "Archivi del Futurismo, I, pages 67-72.
       February 1920, published in Roma Futurista.   5   For this period of Balla's activity, cf. the catalogue   12  Op  cit. pages 41-46.
                                                  of the retrospective show at the Galleria Civica d'Arte   13  Many years ago Calvesi stressed the strict
         Both in Depero's strongly fantastic and in   Moderna, Turin, April 1963, by Maria Drudi   connections between Sant 'Elia's and other Futurist
       Prampolini's decidedly purist senses, the   Gambillo and Enrico Crispolti, and the Archivi del   manifestos. Le due avanguardie, pages 96-113.
       decade, from the early nineteen-tens to the   Divisionismo. (Also Guido Ballo's Preistoria del   " Archivi del Futurismo, I, pages 81-85.
                                                  Futurismo, Tr.).                         15  Op. cit. pages 85-87.
       beginning of the twenties, saw the rise of a   6  Archivi del Futurismo, vol. II.   16   An example of Balla's futurist environmentalization
       different vision of urban space from that of the   The Lamps was exhibited in Milan, 59 to; Train   was the Bal Tic Tac, realized in Rome in 1921.
       most prominent futurists at the beginning of   Running through the Night, in Milan, 1911, and in   Surviving examples are the Casa Balla in via Oslavia
                                                  Paris, 1912; Revolt in Paris, 1912; Solidity of the   39, Rome, cf. Enrico Crispolti, II 'Sal Tic Tac' di
       the decade. It was no longer stressed in dynamic   Fog, in Rome, 1913; Dynamism of an Automobile, in   Balla, a Via Milano, Palatino, a. VI, no. 9-52, Rome,
       interpenetrations, but rather more solidly and   Florence, 1913. (This information was included in the   September- December 5962.
       elementarily squared, on arguments of      main text of the original Italian. Tr.).   17Archivi del Futurismo, I, pages 48-51.
                                                  8   Naturally the Futurists did not invent the city   18  The interventionist demonstrations were a series of
       mechanical analogy. In the manifesto,      theme, which has a realist origin, though transformed   mass patriotic demonstrations organized with
       Mechanical Art, in the most finished draft of   by first the impressionists and then the post-  Mussolini and D'Annunzio, characterized by
       October 1922, published in Noi, II series, No. 2,   impressionists. It was also very important to the   flamboyant disorder and violence, clamouring for
                                                  German expressionists alongside the primordial   Italy to enter the war against Germany and Austria.
       May 1923, Prampolini, Pannaggi and Paladini   relationship with nature, both within Die Brucke,   In it the suspect elements of Futurism, the proto-
       hardly refer to architecture as such and offer   particularly with Kirchner, and outside, with   Fascism, came to the fore. cf. Mario De Micheli,
       instead a mechanized vision of urban space :   Meidner a typical case; and even beyond, right up to   The Political Ideology of Futurism, the following
                                                  Der Blaue Reiter, Macke, for example, and even
       `The decisive, net, mechanical sense which   Marc, leading on to the later developments in the   essay in this collection. Tr.
                                                                                           22   On Panaggi's interior architecture, cf. Enrico
       attracts irresistibly. We feel mechanically.    vein of social criticism and Dada : Dix and Grosz, and    Crispolti, in Arte Illustrata, 1969.
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