Page 21 - Studio International - September 1973
P. 21

critics to agree among themselves about what is   of rational science; but the reader may pursue   itself to be changed ?
           authentic and what is sham, once the notion of   this rather Byzantine quarrel between Kuhn   The tendency is to think of representational
           `representation' - in the sense of a thing which   and Popper in Criticism and the Growth of   styles as links in a chain of reasoning that
           refers to something other than itself - drops   Knowledge,21  so I shall not elaborate on it   converge steadily on a single issue, when in
           away from art (along with the view that Dewey   further.                            fact the opposite seems to occur. As step
           once called the 'spectator theory' of man).   The primarily philosophical nature of the   follows step in the development of art, we find
             In the light of earlier theories,       Kuhnian paradigm, and his view of science as a   that the lines for possible subsequent
           representational art appeared as an interpolated   non-goal-orientated process, would seem to   development increase rather than decrease in
           closed system in which the terminal point had   allow of more fruitful comparisons with the   number: it is in the nature of open systems to
           been implicit from the beginning and all that   heuristic nature of much contemporary art.   increase in size and complexity as they evolve.
           needed to be discovered was the solution, or   Moreover, since being an artist now means   Even though the kind of experimental thinking
          the rest of the way to get there. The artist who   questioning the nature of art, the ramifications   we find in art is set (like other forms of thinking)
          is operating from within such a closed system   of Kuhn's fundamental question - as to what   to reach issues and to solve problems in a step
          is in the position of a spectator searching for   `evolution', 'development' and 'progress' could   sequence, it is never satisfied with this; it must
          something which he must treat as being in   mean in the absence of a specified goal - need   continually achieve new openings and new
          some way already 'there'. By this account, the   to be answered as much for art as they do for   possibilities. Cognitive psychologists stress the
          existence of art, as I have tried to show, hinges   science.                         anticipatory nature of cognitive activity and the
          on imagining that there is one objective and   Just as we now know that scientific progress   constant tendency of the mind to go beyond the
          true account of nature and that the measure of   requires more than merely 'adding to' existing   information given. Microphysicists, for
          artistic achievement is the extent to which it   knowledge and the systematic building up of   example, continually seek new modes of
          brings us closer to that goal. (I have argued that   achievement, we also know, since the shift into   conceptual organization from which the
          this is essentially what is implied by the main   modern style, that progress is not made in art   finding of new entities will follow.
          thesis in 'Art and Illusion').            by the accumulation of knowledge within     That the earlier models will not hold good
            The experimental artist, on the other hand,   existing categories but by leaps into new   has only become apparent over a long period of
          must add to some structure that is not yet   categorical systems. Art is not merely a   time: the finite and clearly definable goal of
          finished and that he himself is not going to   (descriptive) statement about the way the world   progress as postulated by the early historians is
          complete; this is more in keeping with the   is; it is rather a recommendation that the world   no longer tenable, once nature does not serve
          open-ended, paradigm-type situation described   ought to be looked at in a given way.22  This is   as a model and constant reference point. The
          by Thomas S. Kuhn in 'The Structure of    not to say, however, that thinking does not   Popperian schematization breaks down for art
          Scientific Revolutions'. Here, the terminal point   proceed through a succession of steps, or stages,   at the first appearance of abstract forms which
          has continually to be discovered or constructed :   or that there is not some connection of necessity   have been dissociated from any particular
          it is a matter of finding something which is not   from step to step, as is evidenced historically   content to the extent of becoming entirely free
          yet known.                                by the sequence of thought within a stylistic   of figurative elements. Teleological models,
            Kuhn has defined scientific activity as   tradition or paradigm. It is here that Kuhn's   which revert to the fallacy of a goal outside art
          fundamentally a matter of creating frameworks   distinction between 'normal' and 'revolutionary'   (verisimilitude), to explain its progress are
          (paradigms) and of fitting systems together,   science becomes useful. Briefly, normal science   unable to explain how new forms emerge which
          rather than of simply discovering the 'truth'   consists in attempting to solve the problems   are not mere resultants of what went before,
          about nature through incremental additions of   raised by the paradigm without bringing into   and were not even contained in them.
          facts. Where Kuhn considers that science   question its basic assumptions. Those      The parallel with science was, and still is,
          advances through the replacement of paradigms   committed to a particular paradigm (e.g.   useful, but only if we can find a model which is
          (rather than by adding to knowledge), Popper   Ptolemaic astronomy or Einsteinian relativity   capable of explaining how non-representational
          sees science as the search for theories which   in science; Renaissance perspective or Cubism   styles could have come about. Despite
          correspond better to the facts. For Popper,   in art) take their basic cognitive and   appearances to the contrary, the processes
          truth exerts a regulative and selective influence   methodological framework as firmly   encountered in both modern and historic
          on the relative validity of theories (so that if one   established and concentrate on resolving issues   art are continuous and it is my
          overthrows a theory, it is always for a better   within that framework. Thus, normal science   assumption that a cognitive theory which
          one). Kuhn, on the other hand, is critical of the   (or stylistic traditions in art) leads to the   holds for representational modes ought
          Popperian notion of 'falsification', on the   systematic accumulation of relatively precise   to hold for the more complex and anomalous
          grounds that many theories (for example, the   knowledge, an activity which Kuhn defines as   phenomena that confront us today and may
          Ptolemaic) were replaced before the new   `puzzle-solving'.                         even help us to make sense of their direction.
          theory had in fact been tested.18   In Popper's   Now, if we think of the art within a stylistic   The history of art reflects the history of the
          view (as in Gombrich's), truth is approached by   tradition such as the Renaissance as 'normal'   development of cognitive mechanisms, a history
          successive approximations; it is the direction in   art, Gombrich's Popperian model perfectly well   which, as Piaget shows, is a slow and laborious
          which one is moving, but it is not something one   describes the kind of linear progress made   liberation of forms from their content. Only in
          ever finally achieves. The aim remains,   within such a tradition. But - and this has been   the most elementary types of subject-object
          however: to find theories which, in the light of   the main thrust of my argument - it does not   relationship is cognitive activity linked to
          critical discussion, get nearer to the truth.' 9    account for the kind of radical innovation which   pragmatic results. Experimental thinking
            Kuhn has appalled Popperians, however,   results in a new paradigm altogether, or a   comes as a relatively late development in the
          with his notion that the 'match' between the   complete change in conceptual framework. It   search for knowledge of the world, since it has
          ontology of a theory and its 'real' counterpart in   does not explain, for example, why artists   to be based on much prior accumulation,
          nature may be illusive in principle.20  He has   should have abandoned the illusionistic   description and classification of observed facts.
          been put on the mat for his apparent readiness   paradigm which conceived of painting as a   It seems clear that if the historian is to save his
         to relinquish the idea that changes of paradigm   `window-on-reality' in favour of the flat, non-  hypothesis of progress, therefore, it can only
         necessarily carry scientists closer and closer to   illusionistic space of modern abstract art. Put   be by treating the history of art as a
         the truth. He suggests that science may not in   in another way, if styles within a tradition may   developmental learning process into which the
         fact evolve towards anything, a claim which,   be compared with the sequence of moves   demands and conditions of successive periods
         according to Popperians, leads to the breakdown    within a game structure, what causes the game    have put their own specific content.q

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