Page 21 - Studio International - April 1974
P. 21

the energy potential in a system may be   (3) The accumulative dispositions in matter at   every pulsation of light . . . I return in every
       observed to be initiated: internally and   the level of molecular intra-structures are   baby born." 4
       externally. Internally, the energy begins at   aided, if not prompted, by those adjacent to   The dynamics of existence and non-existence
       some unseen point within a given pre-formation   them, revealing an active commitment between   are reflected in the fluctuations of the earth's
       and, through the exertion of radiating forces   the parts. This suggests the existence of similar   terrain. The cycle is accessible to us through
       working in concert, expands outwardly,    dramatic activity at a sub-molecular level, as   the fluctuations comprising it as much as the
       transforming the visible surface and ultimately   well as at the broadest level of the macrocosm.   fixed image witnessed at a given moment.
       the spaces and attendant formations beyond it.   (4) The 'link' in the cycle is bridged, not by an   Deviations from a predictable regularity
       The dichotomy of force-patterns is completed   infinite continuation of the demonstrable   in rhythm-cycles are as important as the
       when a reversal occurs with the initiary   changes that preceded it, but by the original   persistence of the rhythm. In nature, most life-
       shifting (though not necessarily compelled by   and self-perpetuating, generative force,   cycles border upon symmetry, while the objects
       conscious intent) to the flux of forms and   causing a reversal, with the potential that new   comprising the tools, or 'hardware,' of these
       spaces outside the one considered, contracting   cycles may develop (re-birth).     movements are, in themselves, rarely
       in upon it and, again, effecting a subsequent   (5)  'Forward progress' in a linear direction   symmetrical. The mind can grasp the dynamic
       formation. Self-knowledge and the necessary   from one fixed point to another is an illusion   symmetry only if it can envision the underlying
       modalities for effectively applying it can be   conflicting with the reality of returning anew.   forces behind the world of objects. But when the
       obtained from the crescendo-like rhythm of   (6)  The plane/volume cycle evolves as an   mind concentrates on the self as matter only, or
       ripples on the surface of water, or the   expansive transformation from the initial plane   the world as matter only, along with numerous
       metamorphosis of a plane into a mountain.   to a state of localized, or focal, singularity, then   symbols and objects accumulated to signify a
         Many kinds of transmutational rhythms   to one characterized by plurality in the   set parameter to its being, it easily loses contact
       result from the activity of energy as seen in the   integral form, and finally to a condition of   with the very forces that brought it into
       transactions within and between entities. The   universal singularity obtained through union   existence and that will carry it beyond itself.
       earth's strata is another obvious case to cite.   with that which is external to it. The final   As suggested earlier, perception is a means of
       Important changes in this system include a   condition is also the initial condition, for new   locating ourselves in an array of influences and
       perpetual increase and diminishing of volume   forms may be born through its existence.   barriers, but without vision of the undisclosed
       accompanied by internal modifications in    Being and non-being are complementary    reality our perceptions are limited to
       density and molecular bond. The completion of   levels of reality. Each cannot exist without the   observations without insight. It has been well
       surface strata-cycles (such as            other. Life turns into death (non-being) as   documented that a painter must effectively
       plane-- hill, etc.) usually involves a return to   death turns into life for others (being). Each is   concern himself as much with space or with void
       the form in which the materials of the cycle   the culmination of the other, as are the   as with things. There are discreet presences
       originally appeared, even though the      tertiary stages within them. The patterns of   that the artist can continue to confront but
       molecular composition may be altered:     being and non-being continually expand and   which are not directly perceived when the
                                                 contract in over-lapping ways, respectively   sensory modes are, in themselves, used as finite
                                                 through an incipient joining of at least two lines   devices to explore a definitive view of the
                                                 of energy at one point in space, cellular   world. What often appears to be a chaotic
                                                 multiplication, expansion of external awareness,   universe is a composite of energy and
                                                 cellular shrinkage, eventual decomposition,   directional movements that makes things what
                                                 and rebirth in new forms.                  they are by transforming them into dynamic
                                                                                            and actualized wholes bearing meaning beyond
                                                                                            themselves.15  On these grounds, the premise
                                                                                            of dynamic symmetry that I propose is
                                                                                            significantly different from the concept of
                                                                                            `golden rule' aesthetic order in which
                                                                                            symmetry is thought to always be static and
                                                                                            meaning is presumed to be absolute.16  The old
                                                                                            theory of stasis was based upon the insistence
                                                                                            that objects are the dominant particles in what
                                                                                            has popularly come to be known as 'hard-core'
                                                                                            reality. Man was to exercise complete control
         At least six additional principles are                                             over the world of objects, and, in so doing,
       engendered by the above process :                                                    prove his dominance in a hostile environment.
       (i) The individual cycle visibly begins and                                          But now that the world has been 'tamed' by
       ends in terms of a plane, but is internally                                          those with the power and motivation to do so,
       featured by a volumetric life-pattern with no                                        the real barriers have proven to be in the mind
       specific apex or nadir. What is `up,' down,'                                        and spirit, and not in the world of things at all.
       `out,' or 'in' depends upon where one is in   Perhaps Alan Watts stated the above more
       relation to it. Similarly, unless held by another,   effectively: 'thus as my sensation of "I-ness,"   III
       we are horizontal at birth, struggle from this   of being alive, once came into being without   Certain forms seem to reflect the dynamics of
       position into the verticle 'living' posture, then   conscious memory or intent, so it will arise   cycles as I have presented them here. The
       return to the supine plane at death. Within   again and again, as the "central" self — the IT —  mound form, in particular, has been germane
       this cycle, too, are numerous internal and   appears as the self/other situation in its myriads   to my thinking, not only in its significance
       co-extensive cycles including rest/activity,   of pulsating forms — always the same and always   regarding what I have described to be the
       chemical and muscular rhythms, memory     new, a here in the midst of a there, a now in the   cyclical imperative of form, but also in its
       cycles, circadian rhythms, etc.13         midst of then, and a one in the midst of many   innate physical nature as well. It may not be
       (2) The same forces that dissolve mountains   . . . And if I forget how many times I have been   possible to say, with any degree of definitiveness,
       also build similar forms, such as sand dunes   here, and in how many shapes, this forgetting   what precisely causes one to respond to
       and snow drifts.                          is the necessary interval of darkness between    specific forms, although certain properties and
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