Page 17 - Studio International - April 1974
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it was an artistic response to industrialization,   Correspondence                  (New York, 196o) as   a 'study for' and not as a
        the degree to which it was due to moves for                                         `later version' of the head for Woman in Front of
        reform within industry and the degree to which                                      Mirror. These two works are reproduced
        it developed ideas about the nature of art which                                    visa vis (plates 182 and 183). Each of the six
        cannot be shown to be contained within either                                       casts of the Head bears the artist's signature and
        system. I suspect that a good deal of the                                           the date '1913'. If she is referring to the
        Ruskinian critique is capable of being explained                                    possibility of a later date for the casting of the
        within the terms of the fine-art system the                                         Head, she should know that it is common
        mediaeval context of Morris and the Arts and                                        practice for sculptors to cast a work several
        Crafts Movement for example. For Morris                                             years after the date of the original project
        could not revive the guild system. Rather, he                                       (the idea).
        held up models of mediaeval excellence to                                           ANDREI B. NAKOV
        inspire studio-craftsmen. This was surely an                                        Paris
        extension of the academic mode of art
        production to the minor arts of personal                                            Unintentional misrepresentation
        adornment and domestic living. Morris, we                                           I appreciate that this letter is rather delayed, but
        might say, succeeded in elevating a select                                          I hope nevertheless you will publish it, as it
        group of crafts to the level of academic art, and                                   sorts out a factual error which occurred
        so performed for them what the Renaissance                                          regarding my article in the February Studio. In
        masters had achieved earlier for the                                                your notes to contributors you said I lectured at
        academic triad. In broad terms this might be                                        Birmingham Polytechnic. This is not so - and
        seen as a successful academic response to an                                        the discrepancy is significant. It stands against
        industrial challenge. Instead of being produced                                     the background of reaction to the sort of work
        solely by industrial methods a number of                                            the article was about and that I'm engaged in.
        favoured crafts came to be produced in two                                          I've tried, along with other people, inter alia, to
        modes : a cheap industrial mode and a more   Archipenko                             broach issues concerning art education - both a
        expensive studio-handicraft mode. Although   In a letter to Studio International (March 1974,   critique of the substantive aspects it has
        this elevation of some crafts into the realm of   p. 103) Mrs Janszky Michaelsen qualifies my   devolved into and the ideology that devolution
        the fine arts did not, as Morris ruefully   opinion on Archipenko as a 'misrepresentation'   represents - in the pages of this magazine, in
        realized, provide an answer to the problems   of the contacts between Russian and Italian   discussions at colleges, and in other unpublished
        which so troubled him, its significance is not to   futurists. Unfortunately, her comment reveals   work. For some time I tried through orthodox
        be under-estimated. The arts and crafts   once again a well established erroneous belief in   channels to get a job of the kind you reported
        movement cannot be said to be in a state of   the supremacy of Western artistic patterns   me as having. I did not get one; not least -
        decline. Certain social and psychological   based on total ignorance of the Russian art   obviously - because of the interface between
        consequences of industrialization have    scene of the beginning of the century. So, for   incumbent ideology and my attitudes (liberal
        continued to promote its development on a   the simplification of her PhD, Archipenko has to   protestations really do seem to lack a base in
        world-wide scale.                         belong only to the Parisian milieu exclusively.   practice - but that can't be gone into here), but
          I suspect that there are some aspects of the   With this apriorical restrictive view of the   also because I didn't get involved in any
        critique of industrialism that cannot be   artistic world before 1914, she can easily exclude   backstairs intrigues of the kind which make
        subsumed within the system of beliefs and   from her study the Russian contacts.    colleges look like rotten boroughs. Far from
        values of either the fine-art or the industrial   What surprises me is that a Columbian   `lecturing at Birmingham Polytechnic', I am a
        system. They are linked with Schiller's   student's opinion is supported by such    lorry driver for a firm of export packers. This is
        contention that art originates in play and   superficial gossip material as the Severini   not ipso facto regrettable: my present status
        Ruskin's contention that art is a kind of   memoirs of 1946. Does Mrs Janszky       itself constitutes a critique of the academic
        fulfilment in work. The critique certainly owes   Michaelsen know that Severini is responsible   Poulsonism rife in this 'activity'.
        a good deal to the fine-art system itself, with its   for the myth of the 'first trip of Marinetti to   The mistake might have been inconsequential,
        stress upon the liberating aspects of the free-  Russia' in 1910 (sic!).            had I, say, been lecturing at some other place.
        play of invention. But the fine-art system also   The Archivi des Futurismo she mentions in her   As it is, the spectre gets raised that as a
        stresses both the pursuit of excellence in the   letter are well known to me, as I have referred to   contributor I couldn't be thought of, in the
        making of art works and the associated    it in 'Alexandra Exter' (Bibliography, p. 55;   absence of concrete information, as other than
        conviction that creative invention springs only   Paris 1972). My 'misrepresentation' is based on   `professionally' guaranteed - an inference of the
        from genius, or at least from a gifted few. So   the critical examination of several documentary   order 'lives there therefore teaches there'. You
        that the burden of the Ruskinian critique   sources, and among them on the Ester    see, I hope, why I have to clear this up: my
        becomes a proposal for the democratization of   correspondence with Kulbin (see 'Alexandra   present situation naturally accrues directly from
        invention at the expense in some degree of   Exter', p. 11, note 10), which in no way is   my beliefs and past actions, but that situation is
        other.                                    contradictory to the Carra letter she cites but   radically different from your representation of
        excellence on the one hand and of utility on the
                                                  should be seen as a complement.           it, however unintentional that was.
        BERNARD SMITH                               As to the date of 1913 for the Head with   PAUL WOOD
                                                  Crossing Planes, the Columbia student makes   Birmingham
                                                  such a revelatory statement that 'this work is a
         See George Kubler, 'The Shape of Time', 1962,   later version of the head in the destroyed   Wobbly hard edges
        to whose analysis of production as a sequential   construction Woman in Front of Mirror, 1914.'   I am concerned at some apparent inconsistencies
        process I am much indebted in what follows.   It is a pity that for such an important discovery   in Patrick Heron's article in the February issue
        Kubler's notion of 'prime objects' however, in my
        view, greatly weakens the value of his analysis.   she does not support her assertion with new and   of Studio International.
         See Richard Kuhns, 'Art and Machine' ;Journal   revealing factual evidence. This Head has been   He makes the statement that the first four -
        of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Spring 1967, pp 259-66   published by the artist himself in his book   formal statements in a painting are the four
        for an excellent discussion of the relation of fine-art
        production to human heritage.             `Archipenko: Fifty Creative Years, 1908-1958',    boundaries; each straight edge. He later says
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