Page 35 - Studio International - April 1974
P. 35

GEORGES                                   his Paris years 1948 to 1954, when he began to   Max Bill, he exhibited in 1949 at the Kunsthaus
                                                 develop his own hard-edge style, representative   in Zurich.5  Max Bill was his closest friend for
       VANTONGERLOO:                             of an American new view on painting,      many years, he it was who organized the
                                                 understood by its originators to be completely   London show and prepared the catalogue which
       MATHEMATICS,                              independent of any European influence. Kelly   is still the only monographic documentation on
       NATURE AND ART                            seemed not very much impressed; E. C.     Vantongerloo.
                                                 Goossen writes : 'Kelly's account of this first   His own ideas appeared during his life-time
       MARGIT STABER                             encounter indicates fully his lack of rapport   in two slender volumes, now long out of print
                                                 with the principles to which the Belgian artist   and collectors' pieces. The first collection of his
                                                 had devoted his life. Vantongerloo was a lonely   writings came out 1924 in Antwerp in French :
                                                 man, a member of the first generation of the de   `L'art et son avenir', a small paperback of 57
                                                 Stijl group, who still felt it necessary to harangue   pages and 27 illustrations. This unpretentious
       The life of Georges Vantongerloo is quickly
                                                 his visitors with the old aesthetic battle songs.   booklet described the evolution of his
       told. He was born in Antwerp on 24 November,
                                                 -After an hour or so of monologue, he played the   experiments in painting and sculpture, from the
       1886, and he died in Paris on 5 November,
                                                 trumpet for another hour; then he showed them   usual academic beginnings to the then
       1965. At the academies in Antwerp and in
                                                 some of his more recent works, explaining at   unheard-of use of mathematical formulae in art.
       Brussels he had studied sculpture and painting.
                                                 length his mathematical theories. "He made me   It also includes studies of the compositional
       During World War One he came to Holland
       where he met Piet Mondrian, Theo van                                                principles in the work of Rogier van der Weyden
       Doesburg and Bart van der Leck. These                                               and a comparison of a Breughel painting The
       contacts strengthened his own ideas about art                                       Fall of the Rebellious Angels with one of the
       and how to connect new creative concepts                                            first abstract expressionist compositions of
       with the development of a contemporary world.                                       Kandinsky (1913), drawing attention to their
       When van Doesburg founded the avant-garde                                           common dynamic futuristic structure. The
       periodical de Stijl in 1917, Vantongerloo became                                    second book appeared in English in 1949 in
       the youngest and, together with Mondrian, the                                       New York under the title 'Paintings,
       most significant contributor.'                                                      sculptures, reflections', as number 5 of the
         The doctrine of Neoplasticism formulated                                          series 'Problems of Contemporary Art'. " Also
       by Mondrian - the research of an equivalent in                                      a paperback, it was based entirely on his own
       art to the universal harmonies of nature,                                           work and the evolution of his thinking since the
       projected into a rectangular pictorial image -                                      twenties, concentrating mostly on the
       could not satisfy either him or van Doesburg for                                    justification of mathematics in att and giving, in
       long. Vantongerloo's research was similarly                                         a fragmented and aphoristic way, glimpses of
       based on a belief that harmony and systems of                                       the underlying art philosophy. The preface to
       harmonious relationships are values man needs,                                      the Wittenborn book was written by Max Bill
       but he saw many ways of approaching and                                             and he concluded: 'Between the years at
      achieving this aim. For him the symbolism of                                         Menton, when Vantongerloo reinforced the
      the right-angle was a possibility, but never an                                      basis of his art by lengthy mathematical studies,
       end in itself.                                                                      and today, there stand years of search, of
         He worked quietly for some years in Menton                                        synthesis by one of the most original thinkers
       in the South of France until he moved to Paris                                      and artists of our time, whose work has now
       in 1928 where he lived a no less secluded life in                                   attained a comprehensive breadth and gives
       his studio, 7 Impasse du Rouet in the popular   understand", Kelly recalls, "that his kind of   evidence of the highest sensitivity.' In the same
       14th arrondissement. During the thirties he   paintings had to have reasons. I was glad that   year of 1948, when this book appeared,
       became involved in the modern movement once   mine didn't" . . . Kelly nevertheless respected   Vantongerloo had began to experiment with his
       again: as before in Holland with de Stijl, now   Vantongerloo and visited him several times   Plexiglas objects, and the problems of
       with the international group of 'Abstraction -   more with other friends.'4         transparency, colour and infinite space
       Creation'2. Looking through the archives of the   After the war Vantongerloo did become   fascinated him to the end of his life. In the
       Vantongerloo estate, one finds a treasury of   lonely and reminiscent, but it is a gross   introduction to the Marlborough catalogue of
       notes, commentaries and letters concerning the   misunderstanding to call him doctrinaire. In   1962 Max Bill could say: 'More and more he
       Dutch years and the Paris years - the story of a   spite of his self-imposed isolation he was   disassociates himself from the "making of works
       man who gradually lost faith in the possibility of   basically a happy man, although, at least during   of art" and to an ever growing degree his works
       correctly recording the history of art.   the last period of his life, he would have liked to   became idea patterns, sketches of captured
         But Vantongerloo was not a misanthrope.   have broken the barrier of silence between   processes of nature.' But Vantongerloo's
       Once the barrier of distrust broke down, he was   himself and the public. A few exhibitions and   innovations linking art with the development of
       a gentle, amiable and generous man, never   an important group show contribution were   the natural sciences and the new technology
       losing his quick Flemish humour. Anyone who   attempted as a result: one show in 196o in   began as early as 1917.
       really wanted to know him and was really   Zurich 'Concrete Art 5o years of development';   Vantongerloo can be called the inventor of
       interested in his work was welcome in his   in 1961 again in Zurich he had a small one-man   the mathematical approach in art and he applied
       modest cluttered studio with the self-designed   show on the occasion of his 75th birthday; in   it to look at nature in a new way. Geometry was
       furniture.3 Many artists nowadays claim that   1962 there was a large and comprehensive   instrumental to his intentions, his solutions were
       they visited Vantongerloo, and through them   retrospective show with 94 works in London.   the most radical and also the most open ones at
       we might retrace some of his influence on a   Switzerland probably had the best chance to   that time. He was science-minded in general,
       younger generation. His concept of an artist's   see Vantongerloo's work: there was the   and he was familiar with Euclidian and non-
       work excluded a direct formal retransmission   `Constructivists' exhibition in Basle in 1937,   Euclidian geometry, venturing - maybe without
      and therefore cannot easily be tracked down in   and 'Concrete Art' in Basle in 1944 - both pilot   knowing it - into the tricky fields of topology.
      someone else's imagery. One artist who went to   shows in which he emerged as one of the key   As a provocation he could say: 'I offer different
       see Vantongerloo was Ellsworth Kelly during    figures. Together with Antoine Pevsner and    solutions to a single problem', he should have

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