Page 28 - Studio International - December 1974
P. 28

People outside art will think you are concerned   loose.                              The word carries a strong element of disclosure,
        with building houses, roads or bridges.      In addition 'Sculpture' carries the overtones   of bringing to light what is already in being.
           There is no term with which we can      of a tradition in Western art older and more   'Work' is a word I at least frequently use in
        satisfactorily replace 'Sculpture'. Even   deeply imbedded than painting. 'The antique'   connection with sculpture. One 'works' at a
        'Construction-Sculpture' seems too narrow, too   and all that is implied in that word, in the   sculpture: when it is finished, revealed, it is
        specialized. It may more accurately define what   Renaissance and the Academies, the schools,   'a work', 'a complete work': then, and only
        we are doing, but at the same time it cuts us off   museums and cast rooms — everything dead but   then, we say 'it works'. The word undergoes
        from a great area of work already existing,   piously enshrined in the heart of Western culture   three marked changes of meaning, corresponding
        which can manifestly not be described as   can be identified with classical sculpture. The   to the degree to which the sculpture is realized.
        construction-sculpture, but with which we feel   irony of using the term 'Sculpture' to describe   Firstly and continuously one works at sculpture:
        a strong affinity. By recognizing the name   a hole in the ground, a typewritten sheet, a   here it has the connotation of labour, because
        `Sculpture' we effect a bridge between that work   music hall performance, thus depends on the   labour is also continuous and endless. But work
        and our own; although there might seem to an   pompous and empty respect which the word   is towards an end: when that end is reached, the
        outside observer nothing otherwise in common   has accumulated over the course of centuries;   worked-at thing becomes itself work.  To have
        between an open framework of steel sections   of its propagation as an inaccessible ideal by   worked at it does not mean to say that it is
        and a carved stone figure of the Buddha, by   critics and academics — essentially the same kind   'laboured' — precisely the opposite. When
        calling both sculpture we relate the two objects   of people now (whether posing as artists or not)   sculpture is achieved it becomes active, it works
        in a manner that goes beyond a mere        most active in degrading the word.         on us. So we have 'striving towards',
        classification: which, in consideration of their   Those cut off from the practice of sculpture   'completion', and 'influence over' others, all
        separate and strongly distinctive character as   have traditionally inflated and are currently   contained in the slightest modification of use of
        things, would assign them to 'abstract metal   demeaning it. Those who in fact make sculpture   the same word, which by virtue of being the
        construction' and 'stone religious carving' and   have used the term for what they do, and not   same word always carries the alternative
        leave them irrevocably apart.              without pride. Donatello was as much, perhaps   meanings in reserve. I have considered how the
           What is it these two random examples have   more, a modeller than a carver: Rodin's whole   word 'work' can carry and focus thought when
        in common, that they can be thoughtfully   enterprise was founded on modelling: David   used in the context of sculpture. 'Sculpture'
        comprehended under the name 'Sculpture'?   Smith carved only a handful of pieces. Yet all   itself is nothing like so powerful, so containing,
        Or, more appropriately, what is it about the   considered themselves 'Sculptors', whatever the   a term. But its persistence has meaning, too.
        name 'Sculpture' that can continue to      process or material.                      The inappropriateness of the precise craft
        comprehend both these examples, and remain   We might ask why the term 'Modelling' has   description conceals and contains the more
        an active, rather than a generally descriptive   never gained ascendancy in English or the Latin   general, energetic significance present in the
        term? After all, we can and do refuse it as when   languages, when it is specific to much of the   word.
        one says: 'That's not sculpture,' of an object   best work of the Renaissance and of the revival   Martin Heidegger, tracing the meaning of the
        that manifestly is sculpture, and imply thereby   of sculpture in the nineteenth century 	   word 'truth', notes the derivation of the Greek
        a signal disapproval. Even to give it, to award   There seems to me something soft about the   word we translate as 'truth', aletheia.  This
        the name 'Sculpture' to an object, may in some   word, appropriate enough to the process and   comes from the prefix a-,  meaning 'not', and
        circumstances then be regarded as a positive act,   material, but hardly to the artist as `modeller',   lethe meaning 'darkness', 'hiddenness'. So truth
        an inclusive welcome.                      or to the finished work as 'model' — here indeed   is literally, what is discovered, disclosed, revealed,
           If we use the word for more than the sake of   one enters a vast network of confusing   brought, even torn from darkness into light.
        convenience, what is it that makes it positive   associations — the model as the subject of the   It is then not something constantly obvious and
        and energetic? Like 'Painting', 'Sculpture'   work, and as copy or reduction of it, and so on.   apparent, but requires work, effort, from those
        describes both the activity of making, and the   'Model', 'modelling', are as over-specific, and as   who want it. Nor is it absolute and permanent,
        made thing itself. We talk of painting as a   distracting terms for sculpture as we found   otherwise there would be no need to seek it
        profession, and of a painting; of the painter,   'construction' to be.               more than once. 'The establishing of truth in
        who paints. Likewise, 'sculpture', 'a sculpture',   `Sculpture' fulfils the need for a word that   the work is the bringing forth of a being such as
        'the sculptor' — but 'to sculpt?' The verb has   would give the art space: that will bring a   never was before and will never come to be
        never gained wide currency, and I suspect the   tradition through the present, without defining   again,' writes Heidegger. Each time truth is
        reason is that the active tense recalls the actual   past or future work in terms of a present mode   revealed it is different, 'in the light of the work
        meaning of the word too precisely for comfort:   or technique. 'Poetry' is another such word,   by which it is revealed. The comparison between
        because sculpture literally means carving,   which has perisisted as long as 'Sculpture', in   what I take to be the central core of meaning in
        engraving, and we can't say 'we sculpt', when   spite of, perhaps because of the gap between its   the word 'sculpture' and Heidegger's conception
        we regard what we do, with the same confidence   basal meaning (Greek poiesis,  'making') and the   of 'truth' seems to me strangely compelling. [2]
        that the painters can say 'we paint'.      conventional image of poetry as 'possession', an
           Moreover, in recent usage 'Painting' has   uncontrolled, inspirational lyricism, from Plato's
        become a closer and more apt description for   Republic on.
        what painters have actually been about, with   Finally, what is there in the word 'Sculpture'
        the concern for the physical constituents of   itself rather than its association and usage that
        their art, paint as colour and as substance, the   modifies, even determines what it is we do,
        nature of the ground, the dimensions of the   thinking of ourselves as sculptors?
        support and so on. During the same period    'Sculpture' is a hard, precise word, suggesting
        'Sculpture' has been used deliberately and   the resistance of the material, as definitely as
        perversely to describe natural phenomena,   modelling suggests softness, pliability. Sculpture
        dramatic events, photographs and so forth, and   is carving, cutting into; modelling is moulding,
        this has been possible under the heading of   manipulation, modulation. Sculpture is clear,   [1]   Wallace Stevens: 'Notes Towards a Supreme
        sculpture, where painting would have been an   irrevocable decision; modelling is modification,   Fiction', part I 'It Must be Abstract', from 'Selected
                                                                                             Poems', London, 1953
        impermissible title, because sculpture was   addition and subtraction. Sculpture is pure
                                                                                             [2]   Magda King: 'Heidegger's Philosophy', Oxford,
        already in common use to describe an activity   subtraction. But it is not just taking away: it is
                                                                                             1964. Martin Heidegger: 'The Origin of the Work of
        whose connection with the word was apparently    taking away in order to reveal what is there.    Art', in 'Poetry, Language, Thought', New York, 1971
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