Page 32 - Studio International - December 1974
P. 32
Human Dust viewed in three perspectives; from inside the man, man as statistics and re man from outside the Universe 1973
Study of Dust
Investigation of an inevitable state involving the philosophy of change; mental and physical; to pass from one
form to another as from something live to something dead; sudden change or slow evolutionary modification;
the various aspects of transitivity; changing direction or course; innovation.
DUST has various connotations, including something that beclouds or dulls, something that is left after the
substance is gone, a state of disintegration, reductions, transformation, modification, variation and mutation.
DUST implies alteration and change — the way of life and art.
Examination of types of 'dust':
terrestrial extraterrestrial
volcanic meteoric
metallic moon dust
Human Dust including commuting and read 4100 books. He a chair while hanging one of his paintings. He served
He was an artist. He died of a heart attack. He was attended college for one year. His aspirations were in the marines, was shot at several times but never
born fifty years ago, which means he lived half a to be a great writer or a great artist. He wrote about wounded. He had relations with 27 women in his
century, or appr. 2/3 of his expected lifespan. His 1/2 million words and painted 48 paintings, all told. lifetime and ejaculated 3858 times. He voted in 24
father was a tailor and his mother a housewife. He In his lifetime he earned $160.000.00, was fired elections and knew his opinions changed nothing.
had 4 brothers and 1 sister. He was in love 3 times, three times and held 17 positions after maturity. He was not a popular man — he had honest but
married once, fathered 2 human beings, thus He was unhappy and lonely more often than not, uneven beliefs. His work was good but not great,
beginning a chain of 60 or more human beings added achieved 1/10,000 of his dreams, managed to get his and the last 10 years of his life he resigned himself
to the world population within 4 generations opinions across 184 times and was misunderstood to this fact. He had 4 friends at various times in his
(counting up to 2000 AD). Taking genetic and 3800 times when it mattered. He believed in a god, life and was loved by 17 people, including his parents.
environmental factors into consideration, 4 of these was fairly religious at the beginning and toward the He was liked by 312. His brain contained 1010
will be doctors, 2 will write, 34 will bear children, end of his life and could be considered superstitious. neurons and it received 109 electrical impulses from
6 will be engineers or teachers, 1 will have an unusual During his lifetime he consumed 4800 lbs. of bread, his own sense organs, to each of which he responded.
talent, 1 will be a politician, 1 will collect garbage, 3000 gallons of water, 140 gallons of wine and 360 He smoked 210,000 cigarettes and tried drugs twice.
8 will be unskilled labourers, 1 will go to jail and quarts of whiskey. He ate 56,000 meals, slept 34 people remembered him or spoke of him after his
two are uncertain. 146,850 hours and moved his bowels 18,548 times. death and his remains shown here represent 1/85 of
During his lifetime he visited 18 countries and He was sick 23 times, caught 31 colds, pneumonia his entire body.
spoke 2 languages. He travelled 55,000 miles not once, 7 virus infections and broke his leg falling off