Page 58 - Studio International - February 1974
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Katamachi, Minato-ku. 03-584-6339. 2-21 February. Torres-Garcia. 9 February- conscious or unconscious? have both elements or it's dead. But
Pablo Picasso. A complete set of the '347 2 March.
series' done between March and October Kornblee Gallery, 58 E. 79 St, N.Y. 10021. Because it has been common I must say that I think a lot of what we
1968. To 25 February. (212) UN 1-4245. William Schwedler. Acrylic knowledge that 'women are inferior' call logic and rationality is a male-
Yoseido Gallery, 5-15 Ginza 5-chome. on canvas. Through February. and women artists trying to transcend focused, male-invented code. So-
03-571-1312. Morozumi Osamu. Woodblock Martha Jackson Gallery, 32 E. 69th St,
prints. To 19 February. This artist won a prize N.Y. 10021. (212) 988-1800. John Hultberg. that in their work sensibly don't want called logic is often insanely
from Japan Print Association, and received the Recent works. To 20 February. to identify with inferiority. So why
Nichido Award in 1972. New York Cultural Center, 2 Columbus illogical, but it's still called logic
VALENCIA Circle, N.Y. 10019. (212) 581-2311. Belgian not aspire to 'maleness' ? because it works within its own
Galeria Punto, Avda. Barón de Cárcer, 37. Symbolists and Surrealists. Almost 100 works But now that everybody knows system. Like formalist or minimal art
21 46 23. Calvo. Through February. by symbolists of 19th century such as
VENICE Khnopff, Mellery, Delville, De Nuncques. Also women aren't inferior? is popularly supposed to be logical
Galleria del Cavellino, San Marco 1725. Magritte and Delvaux. 2 February-17 March. Ha ! Everybody hasn't gotten the because it looks like it should be,
(041) 20528. Aldo Boschin. 4 February to Paula Cooper, 155 Wooster Street. (212)
mid March. Italian sculptor working in the 677-4390. Joel Shapiro. New work. message yet. Anyway, it still holds in while work with a more obviously
plastic medium. 9 February-6 March. our generations, through psychological basis is called illogical.
VERONA Poindexter Gallery, 24 E. 84th St, N.Y. conditioning. It's in the back of our I'd like to see those terms forgotten
Studio La Citta, Vicolo Samaritana 10. 10028. (212) 628-2844. Ernest Dieringer.
(045) 25728. Igino Legnaghi. Through 5 February-2 March. minds, as fear or as rage, even when and have people look at everything
February. Pasadena Museum of Modern Art, the rhetoric's on our lips. according to a new set of criteria,
ZURICH Colorado and Orange Grove Blvds. (213)
Galerie André Emmerich, Todistrasse 40. 449-6840. Elsworth Kelly. Retrospective. Not in the back of mine, it isn't. criteria that don't imply value
01 2503 00. Al Held. To 16 February. Survey of work from 1949/'73. To 3 March. You're lucky, then. Another reason judgements through the use of
Robert Natkin. New paintings. 23 February- Also Kasimir Malevich. Previously at
23 March. (February cover 1974 Studio Guggenheim and mainly from collection of women don't like their art to be seen certain code words or phrases. When
International designed by this artist). Stedelijk Museum. To 24 March. though their bodies is that women I write that something is illogical in
Annemarie Verna, Obere Zaune. Don Judd. WASHINGTON D.C. art, and I like it, I have to add
To 21 February. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 17th St, and have been sex objects all along and to
Kunsthaus Zurich, Heimplatz 1. New York Ave. NW. (202) 638-3211. let your art be seen that way is just 'marvellously illogical' or it will be
(01) 3217 22. 'Colour and Shape'. Chinese Shiela Isham. Retrospective. Jules Olitski. falling right back into the same old seen as a putdown. Not so with logic,
pottery and bronzes. To 24 February. 'Life and Drawings. Mark Power. Photographs.
Art'. Pomeji. 17 February-14 April. 7 February-10 March. Anne Truitt. rut. which I often think is 'merely
Retrospective. 23 February-7 April. Not once attitudes are changed. logical'. R. D. Laing pointed out the
UNITED STATES AND CANADA Not once you can be proud of being a same thing about subjective and
Isaacs Gallery, 832 Yonge St. (416)
923-7301. Gar Smith. 'Letters'. To woman. objective ; he said it was always
Museum of Fine Arts, 479 Huntington Ave. 19 February. Michael Snow. Mixed media. Nobody whose consciousness has 'merely subjective'. I'm constantly
267 9300. Horacio Torres. First major 20 February-12 March. been raised wants to be seen as just called illogical, and I don't care,
exhibition of works by this contemporary Gallery Moos, 138 Yorkville Ave. (416)
artist. Also 'Face and Figure'. Various 922-0627. Rita Letendre. Acrylic on canvas. a vagina, an interior space, a cunt. because for me it's logical, according
interpretations of the human face and figure by This artist has done several outdoor murals for to my own system.
artists such as Picasso, Pearlstein, Diebenkorn Canada and the USA. 9-28 February. You're hardly doing women a favour
and Hockney. To 24 February. Print Galleries. Pollock Gallery, 356 Dundas St, West. by laying that kind of restriction on Crazy lady.
BUFFALO (416) 366 8861 Cathy Senitt-Harbison. them. Maybe, but I know that a certain
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1285 Elmwood Naive paintings. Through February.
Ave. 716-882-8700. The private collection of It's not a restriction. It's a basic kind of fragmentation, certain
Martha Jackson. The exhibition is a survey of element to our own identities we have rhythms, are wholly sensible to me
major trends in American an including works
by Pollock, Hartley, Moore and De Kooning. Six to come to terms with. Did you hear even if I can't analyse them. I find
To 17 February. yourself say Just a vagina' ? Anyway, that fragmentation more and more
LOS ANGELES Is there a women's art? I didn't say that sexual or biological often in the art-written and visual -
Claire S. Copley, 918 N. La Cienega Blvd.
(213) 652-0900. William Leavitt. Through What do you mean-an art by identity was the only factor in of women who are willing to risk
February. Work concerns itself largely with women ? women's art. But to make art that is something, willing to let more of
locations or sets. He also uses film and
videotape. A lot of women do art, but is there together, unified with the maker, that themselves out, let more of themselves
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, an art made only by women ? too has to be acknowledged instead be subject to ridicule according to the
5905 Wilshire Blvd. (213) 937 4250. 'Islamic
Art'. The Palevsky-Heeramaneck Collection. All women ? of apologized for. And it's there. I prevailing systems. Part of the energy
To 3 March. Tapestries of Grau-Garriga. No, just an art, no matter how little looked at the New York Women's that emerges from that impetus is
Retrospective exhibition of tapestries of this Art Registry - something like 2500 sexual. Part is intellectual in a new
Spanish artist. 25 tapestries. To 19 April. of it - not a style and not a
NEW YORK technique, but something broader - slides of women's work ; I saw them way. Of course there's still an endless
André Emmerich, 420 W. Broadway, N Y. that's done only by women. with a man and he kept saying 'a man stream of art by women who are
10012. (212) 431-4550. Peter Bradley.
Lyrical colour abstractions. 2-20 February. I don't know. Is there ? couldn't have made this work'. It copying the old way, who are scared
Barney Weinger Gallery, 41 E. 57 St, N.Y. Well, there should be. Women's wasn't necessarily a compliment, but to alter the mathematics or geometry
10022. (212) 752-6930. Group show of
paintings, sculpture, graphics and drawings. experience -social and biological - in it was a fact we could both see. A or logic or whatever it is they're
Boden, Katz, Kwan, Rombola and Winiarski. this and every other society, is huge amount of the work, especially interested in towards a new and
To 28 February. the more naive or funky (and perhaps more vulnerable model. I'm
Fischbach Gallery, 29 W. 57 St, N.Y. 10019. different from men's.
(212) PL-9-2345. Yvonne Jacquette. And every person's experience is therefore often more directly inside certainly not saying that any of those
Paintings. To 14 February. Joe Brainard and different from every other person's. art, less affected by bandwagon art things should be taboo for women's
Arlene Slavin. Paintings. 16 February-7 March.
Guggenheim Museum, 1071 5th Ave, N.Y. Art is individual. world numbers) did have blatant art. But I'm convinced that women
10028. (212) EN 9-5110. 'The Graphic work It's still possible to generalize about sexual subject matter, and so did a lot fee/them differently and that either
of Kandinsky'. Major survey of 75 key prints
1903/42, lent by Städtische Galerie. To it. Black experience is different from of the work made by women who does come out or should come out in
24 February. Selections from the permanent white. Poor is different from rich. deny that subject matter even when the art. Like the way so many women
collection. 15 February-24 March.
Knoedler Contemporary Art, 19 E. 70th St, Child's art is different from adult's. it's visible, by saying 'oh, I wasn't artists are using geometry or the grid
N.Y. 10021. (212) 628-0400. Ludwig Sander. And women's is different from men's. thinking about that so it isn't there.' primarily to blur its neat edges, to
But art is a mixture. Art is Sex is bound to be a factor in alter its meaning, to subtly screw up
androgynous. women's work precisely because the kind of order that runs the world.
Sure, artists are probably more women have been sex objects and are The most convincing women's art I
androgynous than 'normal' people. much more aware of their bodies than see, of any style, is very personal, and
Like male artists, no matter how men. Men are aware of their pricks. by being very personal finds a system
macho they are (or because of it). Women are aware that every of its own.
have more of the woman in them movement they make in public is But you're so vague.
than some other men in other supposed to have sexual content for I know . On one hand I don't want
professions. God knows women the opposite sex. Some of that has to to draw any conclusions. I mistrust
artists have traditionally had to have come out in the work. When it's conclusions because they get taken
some 'male' in them to get the hell up absolutely absent, when it isn't even for granted and stop the flow of things.
and create something on the primary suggested, I wonder. On the other hand, even if I wanted to,
level - or rather to have it seen as such. But that's like the cliché about I couldn't draw conclusions on this
Eva Hesse once described the female 'women are irrational and men are subject now because I don't know
part of her art as its sensitivity and the rational ; women are illogical, men enough. And because society hasn't
male part as its strength. Hopefully a are logical.' You're taking women radically changed yet for women, so
year later she would have realized it down to the level of mere bodies, what we're seeing is a mixture of
could all be unified, that strength is while men can repress that and are what women really want to do and
female too. allowed to make art with their minds. what they think they should do - in
Why will so few women admit to No. No, not at all. Just that good either direction, toward male
using their own bodies or biological art by either sex no matter how values or toward female values.
J Torres Garcia Estructura en Tierras
Knoedler Contemporary Art experience as subject matter- 'objective' or 'non-objective' has to Lucy Lippard