Page 56 - Studio International - February 1974
P. 56
posters and memorial plaques were formation of both these categories. art history into historical categories, Selected Gallery
selected at random and presented for The art periods of the past present a so that we would then have
the sole purpose of making an picture of uniform creativity at that pre-art history and art history.
artistic statement, it is possible that time. I do not consider that they are History begins with the appearance
(Galleries who wish to be included
we might also question the data true pictures of these periods, for of the alphabet, so that we only
in the March gallery guide should
received earlier through similar equally present in human nature is the know pre-history through the
send information to Thelma Watt,
channels. The moment we begin to desire and wish to create that which objects that remain. In some way,
Studio International, 14 West Central -
doubt the a priori value of corresponds to existing situations we know the art of the past through
St, London WC1, not later than
information offered to us, we and forms, it is our nature to oppose art objects, i.e. objects which could
11 February. During the power
necessarily create a criterion for them. (I am convinced that at subsequently be freely interpreted
crisis it is advisable to check that the
accepting it. In a wider sense, this least one artist during the Rococo and, in consequence, lay the author's
exhibitions scheduled are taking
new criterion makes for a new period appeared with the aesthetic intention open to misrepresentation
relationship with our environment concept of primary structures, but and erroneous explanation. Today
and results in a different sort of remained unknown because society we are at the point of discovering the LONDON
behaviour and activity. was not prepared to accept his ideas.) 'art alphabet', or, we could say, at the
Achim Moeller, Ltd, 8 Grosvenor St, W1.
Applied to the field of art, these Whether or not an idea is absorbed at a beginning of art history. By 'art 493-7611. European and American 19th &
ideas emerge from the understanding certain moment in history depends on alphabet' I mean the practice of 20th century paintings, drawings &graphics,
Artists include Rothko, Brancusi, Schwitters,
that art is a result of history and the acceptability of the idea. A freely interpreting our own ideas, Davie, Ernst. Through February.
tradition, and it is important to society's intellectual level acts as which, if nothing else, prevents the Acoris, The Surrealist Art Centre,
31 Brook St, W1.493-3480. E.L.T. Mesens.
understand the role played by the filter. author's intention from being Through February.
system of information, in the It would be quite possible to divide misinterpreted. Agnews, 43 Old Bond St, W1.629-6176.
101st Annual Exhibition of Watercolours.
It is interesting to observe the
Artists include Rowlandson, Turner, Cotman,
mechanism which creates art Palmer & Lear. To 22 February.
history, the methods of selection, the Alexander Postan Fine Art, 10 Swift St
SW6. 736-0466. Specialists in 20th century
influence of information systems, on British Art 1905-50. Also European
the creation of concepts and names. Constructivism.
Angela Flowers, 3 and 4 Portland Mews,
Using the same forms of D'Arblay St, W1.734-0240. Derek Boshier.
presentation I have deliberately 54 Drawings. To 16 February.
Annely Juda, 11 Tottenham Mews, W1.
emphasized the element of chance
580-7593. Anthea Alley. Sculpture. To 16
in selecting subjects for my February. Jorge Stever. Paintings 20 February-
monuments, memorial plaques, 16 March.
Anthony d'Offay, 9 Dering St, W1.
photographs etc. The purpose of 629-1578. Lucian Freud. Pages from a
these activities is not to make some Sketchbook of 1941. To 20 February.
Bards Gallery. Traditional Persian paintings
people famous, but rather to point on glass, and
out the relativity of criteria for Bedford House Gallery, 106 Kensington
Church St, W1.229-8156. Vespijniani.
promoting some individuals/ideas
Drawings and paintings. Through February.
instead of others. Camden Arts Centre, Arkwright Rd, NW3.
The aesthetic and visual 435-2643. Exhibition of students' work in the
area of fine art, under the categories of
characteristics of the means I employ painting and sculpture.
to realize this programme are DM Gallery, 72, Fulham Rd, SW3.
589-8208. Richard Smith. Prints and several
unimportant .This work can be drawings .7 February-2 March.
presented through any form of Drian, 5/7 Porchester Place, W2. 723-9473.
communication, and its idealistic Tim Russell and John Cavanagh. 5-23
February. E. Maxwell Fry. Drawings and
intensity is increased through paintings 26 February to mid-March.
repetition. Editions Graphiques, 3 Clifford St, W1.
(Above) Casual passer-by I met at 1.10 pm. London 1 972. Courtesy Situation Gallery Braco Dimitrievic 734-3944. Permanently Art Nouveau and Art
(Below) Casual passer-by I met at 6.24 pm. Düsseldorf 1972. Courtesy Galerie Konrad Fischer Deco. David Remfry. New drawings and
paintings. Through February.
Electrum, 21 S. Molton St, W1.629-6325.
'Contemporary Jewellery '74', and drawings
to illustrate the designs.To 30 March.
Erica Bourne, 14a Temple Fortune Parade,
NW11. 458-7551. Mixed show of gallery
artists. Through February.
Felicity Samuel, 16 Savile Row, W1.
734-8557. Nigel Hall, New sculptures.
To 8 March.
Fischer Fine Art, 30 King St, SW1.
839-3942. Leon Kossoff. Paintings and
drawings. To 15 February. Ceri Richards.
Relief constructions and drawings from 1932/
39 period. 20 February until mid-March.
Form International Showroom,
Whittington House, 19/30 Alfred Place,WC1.
Olivier Strebelle. Belgian sculptor. To 20
Garage, 52 Earlham St, Covent Garden.
836-9701. Stephenie Bergman. Colour
abstract paintings. 12 February-2 March.
Gimpel Fils, 30 Davies St, W1.493-2488.
Sam Francis. 5 February-2 March.
Grabowski Gallery, 84 Sloane Ave, SW3.
589-1868. Pedrga Neskowic. Paintings.
Yugoslavian artist. Second one-man show in
London. 5 February-1 March.
Hayward Gallery, Belvedere Rd,SE1.
928-3144. Edvard Munch. 74 oil paintings.
150 drawings, etchings, lithographs and
woodcuts lent by the Munch Museum in Oslo.
To 3 March. Lucian Freud. First major
retrospective exhibition. To 3 March.
Hoye Gallery, 228 Fulham Rd, SW10.
352-3281. Anthony Whishaw. Recent
paintings. 5 February-5 March.
ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts), 12
Carlton House Terrace.839-5344. ALCOA
Collection of Contemporary Art. Comprising
works by international artists between 1949-
1973.19 February-10 March. Hans
Dorflinger. Watercolours - reinterpretations of
tarot cards, wall hangings and banners. 5-24
Jack Wendler, 164 North Gower St, NW1.
387-7163. Mario Merz. Through February.
Leicester Galleries, 22a Cork St, W1.
437-8995. Caricatures by H. M. Bateman
(1887-1970).14 February-14 March.