Page 58 - Studio-International-January-1974
P. 58

Museum of Modern Art by PASTA /
         FIVE/ LUCY LIPPARD                                           MOMA, its professional and   obviously out to break the union.
                                                                                                    None of the strikers has gone back in,
                                                                      administrative staff (everybody except   though the museum predicted that
          Aside from the Women's Movement   a flag becomes a dove and so on.   management, which is heads of   they would start straggling back after
          I've been politically pretty apathetic   Despite a certain level of abstraction,   departments and miscellaneous   a week, as of 4 December it's been
          for the last two years, and I've had a   the paintings were found to be both   'supervisors' often thus classified   eight weeks. Some of the employees
          lot of company in the art world. This   legible and effective as far as mass   against their will, and guards or   have worked there for twenty years or
          fall, time and energy are again being   education was concerned, and   workers already in other unions ;   more; they are determined. Right
          consumed, futility subsumed. Two   recently there had been some   only the projectionists walked out   now they are living on $15 a week
          issues have come up, widely separated   indication thatthe Chilean branch of   with PASTA.) The MOMA staff is the   from the strike fund, and to get that
          in breadth and effect, not so much in   the international art world (which   first museum group in America to   they have to picket 28 hours.
          cause. First and farthest reaching is   the brigades viewed as colonially   have unionized. Director loving   The strike issues are, briefly, the
          Chile. The New York Times gives   imposed, non-indigenous taste) had   broke a similar move at the   following : (1) Money: the
          slanted and sparse information ; the   begun to be affected by their work.   Metropolitan by firing the organizers,   curatorial staff is paid far below the
          Washington papers are better and   Art students sometimes helped with   but unionizing continues in Chicago   standard for university employees to
          the facts emerge : massacre of   the walls and the surrealist Roberto   and rumbles are heard elsewhere,   which theirqualifications can be
          workers and left-wing affiliates;   Matta, Chilean by birth, worked with   especially as other staffs see the   compared. Their wages are even lower
          books and art burned ;a Marxist folk   the BR P on a wall near Santiago. All   brutal way their locked -out   than the currently striking NYC
          singer executed ; an entire leftist   this, of course, is over now. One of   colleagues are being treated by   hospital workers. 54 per cent of the
          ballet troupe executed ; an American   the Junta's first actions was to order   MOMA. Director Oldenburg, backed,   bargaining unit makes less than
          film-maker executed; Neruda's   the destruction of all the public art in   or pushed, by his invisible but   $8,000 per year; top management

          house sacked as soon as he died of   Chile as a primary step in 'reforming'   omnipotent Board of Trustees:   salaries have doubled in the last
          cancer a few days after the coup ;   the ideology of the Chilean people.   refuses to negotiate and has come   decade, while salaries of the staff
          the Museum of Solidarity (works   The group of artists in New York   under press and establishment   have increased by less than one third.
          donated by foreign artists in support   this fall decided to recreate a 100-  criticism (a Times editorial, senatorial   (2)  Feminism : More than 75 per cent
          of Allende's Chile) closed ; total   foot section of the Ramona Parra   support, etc.) for refusing even to set   of the professional and administrative
          repression of the arts. Since the US   Brigades' most ambitious project,   up a fact-finding panel. Meanwhile   staff are women ; more than 75 per
          government and industry were   which ran a quarter of a mile along   the strikers, eighty per cent of them   cent of the top management are men.
          instrumental in greasing the ways   the Rio Mapocho in Santiago. It was   women, are on 24-hour picket lines   (3)  Status and policy-making :
          back to fascism, the consciences of   drawn to scale in a studio on twenty-  to keep the audience at the museum   although the museum refuses to pay
          American artists are, or should be,   seven eight-foot-high laminate   down by day, and in sleeping bags   'professionals' (i.e. anyone doing
          more involved than usual. A group of   panels and then painted in the streets   through the cold nights to keep   anything vaguely important or
          Chileans and other Latin Americans   of SoHo ona Saturday (gallery-   garbage-collecting teamsters from   connected with scholarship, which
          met with the remains of the Artists'                                                      is presumably the real heart of the
          and Writers' Protest and the Art                                                          museum) overtime, but they are not
          Workers' Coalition to decide on an                                                        'professional' enough to participate in
          action that would bring some                                                              policy-making. There is no staff
          attention in business -as-usual                                                           member on the board of trustees,
          New York to the events taking place,                                                      just as there are no artists and only
          still taking place, in Chile.                                                             one active art historian. There are no
            The most important Chilean art for                                                      merit increases, and as an ex-
          the last three years has been the                                                         exploitee of MOMAs, I can attest to
          ubiquitous murals executed all over                                                       the use or lack of use to which bright
          the country by the Young Communist                                                        young people are put. (4) Support of
          Ramona Parra brigades, named after                                                        the public as opposed to the blue-
          a young worker heroine shot down in                                                       chip elitism of the trustees, who see
          the 1946 nitrate strikes. The brigades                                                    the museum as a collection first and
          are groups of untrained, though                                                           foremost —their collection—with
          certainly not unskilled, artists,                                                         public benefit a slow second. Only the
          usually in their teens. They began                                                        staff has stood up for a free day,
          painting walls with slogans as hit-                                                       lowering the astronomical
          and-run communication with the                                                            admission fee ($2.00), senior citizens'
          people, since the mass media were                                                         discounts, some vestige of political
          closed to them and to their ideas.                                                        conscience, in short, for making the
                                        Chilean mural outside a shanty town. Photo: B.R.P.
          Speed and inexpensive materials                                                           museum a place one goes not to drop
          dictated style, which soon included   going day) in an effort to engage   crossing the lines. Attendance has   names and meet people of one's own
          pictures as well as words, and   public attention and press coverage.   been cut drastically, but an amazing   social and cultural status, but a place
          developed into a sophisticated and   The mural's bright colours and black   number of people, art world included,   to receive pleasure and provocation.
          hard-hitting visual-verbal image   contours were striking, and a   continue to cross the strike line. An   Here lies fundamentally the most
          derived from, but not inspired by,   celebratory air prevailed, somewhat   editor of Artforum has done so twice   important issue: is this partially
          Cubism. When Allende was elected   out of whack with the grim news   (though the magazine has published   taxpayer-supported institution to be
          the murals became the official art,   accompanying it. The next Saturday   a long interview and petition on   allowed to exploit both its workers and
          and the brigades went to factories,   we carried the panels up Fifth Avenue   behalf of the strikers). It has been   its public? And will artists, who
          housing developments, parks, as well   to the Chilean National Airlines, which   noted that 'the hipperthey look, the   should be the most interested parties,
          as to any wall in street or countryside   locked its doors when they first saw us   more likely they are to go in'   continue to be disinterested because
          that presented a conspicuous surface.   and then opened them again. Just as   (Another footnote : the French   of self-interest in the narrowest
          Painted collectively with a strict   business continued unabated in the   rarely cross the line, the Germans   senses? The situation in Chile and
          de-emphasis on individual style or   art boutiques of SoHo and the mural   usually do ; no generalizations have   that at MOMA may seem polarities at
          credit, the brigadistas' work ranges   process melted into the atmosphere   emerged about the British.)   the moment. But for how long ? The
          in style from rather conventional   (it might have been made for the   Sympathetic artists, few enough of   opposing mentality is the same in
          1930s mural modes to a flowing   tourists), the giant images on Fifth   them, can stand at the door and ask   both cases.
          interchange, almost punning, between   Avenue had little effect on passers-by   people not to enter; or go into the   Footnote: Should anyone want to
          images, which, as Eva Cockcroft has   doing their Christmas shopping on   bookstore and ask people not to buy.   respond to or support Chilean
          pointed out in a detailed first-hand   27 October. Press and TV coverage,   The strikers are not allowed past   refugees (US Committee for Justice
          article (Towards Revolutionary Art,   despite active PR, was minimal to   police barricades, so confrontational   in Latin America) :150 Fifth Ave.,
                                                                                                    room 311, NYC 10011 ; money is
          San Francisco, no. 4, 1973),   the point of invisibility and the   methods are dependent on outside
                                                                                                    needed at this time since their
          transform whole walls into complex   protest is now relegated to the art   support. So far, the museum hasn't
                                                                                                    headquarters was destroyed by a
          metaphors, 'much in the way that   magazines, where it may, at least,   suffered much. The first major show —
                                                                                                    bomb on December 4th.
          words are joined into sentences and   inform and nudge a conscience here   Duchamp, ironically— is now being
                                                                                                      The museum strike was settled the
          sentences into paragraphs', forming a   or there.           tentatively held up, but they are   first week in December; PASTA/
          new language in which a fist becomes    The second issue is the strike at the    saving salary money and are    MOMA received only the pay raise.
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