Page 20 - Studio International - July August 1974
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which replace a 'sense of community' which   I have not the honour of knowing Ms     Matiushin wrote more than one text during his
     was part of the original conception of a higher   Douglas, but I ran  not resist the temptation to   long life ? Mrs Compton's title and date are
     state of consciousness, and which played a part   create for myself a personalized image of the   quite correct. I can add that there are several
     in subsequent Russian theories of art.    writer of this vehement philippic. Ms Douglas   versions of the same text, all written during the
       This essay probably appeared when it did   intrigues me, for observing her style and the   winter of 1912-1913. If Ms Douglas wasn't a
     as the result of the exigencies of the publishing   rigidity of her scientific principles I feel   victim of hasty exigencies of the publishing
     business. Written in haste and without    obliged to refute her juvenile sophomoric   business she would complete her research on
     sufficient time for research, it will now assume   monologue. I see this image of Durenmatt's   the subject and perhaps use more reflection in
     a life of its own and perpetuate its errors. It is a   Indignant Old Lady seated in front of the   her criticism. There are pages and pages of
     sad fact that the growth of literature about   classical colonnade of her Texas temple of   documents on this subject.
     Malevich and about this period of Russian art   knowledge; she knits her impeccable shawl   I would rather ask Ms Douglas if she has
     history in general seems only to multiply the   of scholarship, quietly sipping her   read the texts of Malevich, if she dare pretend
     mountains of dubious scholarship which already   positivistic glass of iced tea. With her patient   that there are 'suprematist works with
     is making it difficult to separate reality from   spider's weave and her immaculate conception   representational elements'. Is she not confusing
     wishful thinking. One wonders whether it will   of scholarship, she breaks the web of silence   the a-logical experience with the suprematist
     ever be possible to fight our way clear of the   around Malevich. She enlightens us with the   stage ? For Malevich repeated since December
     morass of error, half-truths and faulty reasoning   ultimate TRUTH on the Victory over the Sun.   1915 that the superior stage of matter —
     now in print.                               How very lucky we are ! Finally we know   Suprematism of pure colour, etc. — manifests
     CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS                          there was no Black Square in Victory over   itself only through non-objective forms. Or
                                                the Sun.                                  does Ms Douglas challenge Malevich's theory
     I must thank Ms Douglas for the information   Now that our eyes have been opened we   of Suprematism ?
     that Voloshin's translation of Du Cubisme   impatiently await a cascade of new revelations.   Already 16 years ago, James Ackerman* was
     into Russian contained all of the illustrations in   All the morass of error that these ill-argued   warning American art historians against the
     the French original. However, Matiushin's   European art historians have produced will   danger of positivism which is hidden behind
     interpretation of Gleizes and Metzinger's text   disappear in the sunlight of a new dimension   the sophisticated façade of the predominant
     in the light of C. Howard Hinton and      of thought (not to be confused with P. D.   American conception of factual art history
     P. D. Uspensky preceded this translation and   Ouspensky, 1909).                     that prohibits creative imagination.
     no doubt coloured the minds of those who    But to amuse ourselves, let us play the   Unfortunately, Ms Douglas's letter is one more
     subsequently studied it for themselves. I am   devil's advocate. Is it not possible to suppose   confirmation of Ackerman's pessimism.
     sorry that Ms Douglas does not choose to go   that Ms Douglas's letter is a psychological   A. B. NAKOV
     into details about 'the Russian translations of   projection of her own method. Is she not   •COn American Scholarship in the Arts', College
     Hinton published before 	(Concerning      ignoring for the sake of her arguments an   Art Journal, vol. 17,1958.
     the title of this exhibition Ms Douglas should   existing drawing by Malevich for Victory
     look again at my footnote and see that I wrote   over the Sun where it is written by the   Pamela Cohman Smith
     `MAY stem . . . '). The 1970 edition of    painter's own hand, 'Square'. Perhaps she   I am doing research for an exhibition of the
     Uspensky's 'Tertium Organum' is a reprint   doesn't know it ? which I cannot believe for a
     (not a revision) of the translation by N.   person with such a highly ethical conception   work of the American-born artist Pamela
                                                                                          Colman Smith (1877/78— ?) who took up
     Bessaraboff and C. Bragdon of the second   of art historical scholarship.            residence in London in 1899. A painter and
     edition of the original. (It may be of interest to   Or, as for the problem of Du Cubisme,   illustrator, she was associated with William
     point out that in his introduction to the   Matiushin published an article on Gleizes' and   Butler Yeats, Jack Yeats, Arthur Symons,
     translation, written in 1921, Uspensky singled   Metzinger's book (without illustration) in   Lady Gregory, Gordon Craig, and Walter
     out Claude Bragdon's 'Man the Square' (1913)   March, prior then, to Voloshin's translation in
     as having reached him 'a number of years ago   July.                                 Crane, among others. She dropped out of sight
                                                                                          about 1915, and her contribution has been
     in Petrograd').                             Unhappily, the knitwork of Ms Douglas is   largely overlooked. Considering the prominence
       I find the assertion 'There was no Black   made of synthetic fibre and we know very well
     Square in Victory over the Sun' as        how fragile these imitation products are;   of her associates and the striking originality of
                                                                                          her work, she deserves further recognition and
     unacceptable as Ms Douglas's interpretation   unfortunately they are lacking the qualities of   study. I would be pleased to hear from any
     of Livshit's description in her article on the   fine wool (an Englishman apprehends   readers who have information about her later
     opera in 'Art in America' (March-April 1974).   immediately the difference).         life or who own her works.
     I could equally assert: there were no       That is why the dignified brilliancy of
                                                                                          WILLIAM I. HOMER
     `freestanding geometric shapes onstage' nor any   Ms Douglas's letter is reinforced by
     `mobile lighting', but such unqualified   arbitrary suppositions and finally comes to a   University of Delaware
     statements would help neither Ms Douglas   very pretentious lecturing in her own morass   Newark, Delaware
     nor any other serious students in the field.   of error. This vestal of scholarship could
     No doubt, interest in publishing both our   have chosen better arms than banal mistrust.   Sauce
     articles was stimulated by the recent      She is asking herself where Malevich saw   In the last issue of Studio International there
     exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum; we   Hinton's (Charles and Howard together)     was plenty of garnish, I mean if you like fish,
     must look forward to the development in print   illustrations. Apart from the press, Hinton's   then I suppose it was great, but if you get
     of Ms Douglas's tantalizing footnote: 'After   books were part of Matiushin's library in 1913.   Studio for its 'art' content then the last issue was
     "Victory over the Sun" Malevich made      Does Ms Douglas not go so far along the path   a joke, but a joke at our expense. I mean it cost
     sketches for another opera by Kruchenykh and   of research to know this simple fact ? Wishing   90p which is two tubes of paint, not that I mind
     Matiushin "Victorious War" ' even though it   to parade her extensive knowledge, the   the money if I get some `art-language' for
     was never completed.'                     indignant knitting lady teaches us ex cathedra   which Studio is famous — that is something else.
       I hope this is not too long — 'Art in America'   that the text of Matiushin, 'The Sense of the   Shall I renew my subscription ? Yeh I think I
     appears not to publish letters so I have taken   Fourth Dimension', was written 'after the   will, cause I don't think Studio is that stupid.
     the liberty of referring to it here.      Revolution' and that the title given by Susan   PABISHOP
     SUE COMPTON                               Compton is inexact. Does she not know that    c/o The Slade, London
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