Page 40 - Studio International - July August 1974
P. 40

Red Pink Cross 5973
    Acrylic on canvas, 66¼ x 89 in.
    Andre Emmerich Gallery, Zurich

    at the outset and work to that size. The way   the foot of the picture, while the other shapes   hand side of the picture — all this might still
    Bush brushes on his colour comes out as a   diminish in size and drift to the right, leaving a   not have been enough to fix these shapes on the
    greater dependence on drawing. When, for   large triangular area of ground at the top left.   ground and into the format if they had been
    example, Olitski puts colour at the edges of one   There was a companion painting on show,   brushed on in Bush's usual unbroken fashion.
    of his fields, he is inflecting the total area in   pretty well identical in every respect except   The reason is that the configuration of Bush's
    much the same way as Pollock did when he   colour. Its grey ground is darker and its shapes   brushed-on colour usually looks born, to a great
    added another session of work to his allover   are all painted the same red. The latter painting   extent, of the impulse I remarked on, to
    paintings. For Bush, placing is more important.   is punchy and makes the varying of the colours   declare the axes of his format. The
    With it he brings out the sinews of the picture   of the shapes in the former seem superfluous   configurations in Red Bird and Green Bird are
    rectangle. It is only his works that come close   and debilitating. The intricate, cut-out-  generated more externally to the painting.
    to Olitski, such as Jac 4, that are regularly   looking profiles replacing Bush's usually   And if these therefore less abstract shapes were
    amenable to cropping. The brushed-on colour   baldly-brushed colour are strong enough   embodied in Bush's usual, unbroken, brushed-
    is bunched in one small area leaving an expanse   without the colour coding.         on paint, they would court the danger of flying
    of ground, the rather modular streaks of which   Although they have such inscribed edges,   right off the painting. Because of the scumbled
    suggest natural points at which to end the   reminiscent of the late Braque and Matisse,   paint, Red Bird has a meatiness I have never
    canvas. What Bush has to do is choose the best.   these shapes in Red Bird and Green Bird are   seen before in Bush. It is more aggressive than
      The other disappointing painting was the   scumbled on roughly enough not to cover the   lyrical: not making one of the very best
    79 x 47½ inch vertical Green Bird. On to a   ground completely. The grey keeps breaking   paintings in the Zurich show but nevertheless
    broken ground of greys and some tiny specks   through, which helps identify the frankly   a good, if an odd, one.
    of blue are brushed, in ascending order: a blue   referential shapes with the ground. In spite of   Summer Lake, although from 1973, relates to
    shape like a bird's spread wings, an olive-green   the strong interrelation of the shapes, in spite   those paintings of 1972 in which more or less
    silhouette of a bird in flight, then a broad   of the way they carve out strong negative areas   straight, brushed bands of colour that have
    orange and finally a broad pink circle. The   from the grey base coat, and in spite of the way   been masked along their two long edges mark
    bottommost wing shape stretches right across   they are stacked up against the foot and right-   unhesitatingly the length and breadth of the
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