Page 70 - Studio International - July August 1974
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time will make the perspective come true,   generous English collection appears.    fourth side which is somewhere out beyond
       knowledge can meanwhile be advanced by      I should add that the texts are not stuffed with   Tony Wedgwood Benn but not as far out as
       assembling and ordering all relevant material.   revelations or startling insights. Matisse   the International Socialists. Within these
         Publication of Matisse's views on art has   himself emphasized repeatedly that 'a   boundaries, he delivers his argument in three
       been overdue. Jack D. Flam begins his book   painter's best spokesman is his work'. His many   main sections : three chapters of critique of
       with the words, 'The purpose of this book is to   direct and indirect statements present much   modern 'Hard' technology, three chapters on
       present the collected writings on art of   the same basic attitude, reiterated in much the   `soft' Utopian and Intermediate technology,
       Henri Matisse', and he goes on to point out   same words (it is striking that Matisse, who   and a summing-up chapter entitled 'Myths and
       that only a very slight anthology of them has   frequently reasserted that his art was intended   Responsibilities' in which he returns to his
       so far appeared, and only in German. It is no   to refresh rather than disturb, abandoned the   opening position that only basic political
       fault of his that while his volume was at the   much-quoted armchair analogy after his first   changes can bring the fundamental changes in
       printers a French paperback appeared devoted   use of it). There is in fact little sense of   technological practice he deems necessary. This
       to the same purpose: Henri Matisse, écris et   development from the 1908  Notes of a Painter   is a defensible (if contentious) position, and he
       propos sur l'art, edited by Dominique     to his last texts of the early 195os - but then in   sustains it convincingly—though his style seems
       Fourcade, Paris 1972. But it is his fault, or his   1908 he was already 39 years old.   to quench that fire in the belly that makes
       publisher's, that, in comparison with       This attitude of his is, if you like, a   many of his authorities, like Chomsky or
       Fourcade's, Flam's is much less complete,   conservative one: art is expression and   Mumford, such stirring and infuriating reading.
       incomparably less fully or conveniently   justifies its existence by truthfulness. Matters of   Unfortunately, this political structure is made
       annotated, far less usefully indexed, and   content or function are at best secondary to the   to shoulder a load of technological bits and
       altogether less stylishly and simply presented.   coolly correct display of one man's warm   pieces that don't grow out of it organically, nor
         Index: material of this sort is by nature   responses to life. There is no hint of concern   reinforce it polemically. His three middle
       shapeless and discursive. The titles given to the   for others (unless it be for young painters);   chapters, like all writing on Alternative and
       various texts (sometimes original, sometimes   no awareness that economic and social forces   Intermediate technologies, are just a round-up
       editorial) give little guidance to the matter in   are changing the world (Matisse's only   of devices, gadgets, brainwaves and handy hints
       them. A thematic index is therefore essential,   noticeable reaction to modern technology was   - which they must be because that is the nature
       but Flam indexes only proper names and    a notion that it would be marvellous to fly   of the subject matter. Not for nothing is the
       Matisse's works.                          right round the globe). Matisse had no doubt   only comprehensive work on the subject called
        Notes : Fourcade annotates on the page, and   at all of art's continuing validity. Like Klee   The Whole Earth Catalogue, because the Soft
       in his notes provides a wealth of additional   he saw art as an activity natural to man, and man   Technology approach is a simple plurality of
       material by and about Matisse. Flam makes the   as part of nature.                  one-at-a-time alternatives to established
       mistake of relegating to the back of the book   Or, if you prefer, Matisse's basic attitude   technological procedures, and the argument is
       everything but his own comments on each   expresses the quintessentiality of artistic   still in the condition before 'technologies
       text; even basic bibliographical data has to   creation, unmitigated by thoughts of a   become Technology' to quote Henryk
       be fumbled for.                           particular time or place. He may turn out to   Skolimowski (a surprising omission from the
        Completeness : when interviews,          have been the last (and only ?) totally   bibliography). Nor does the blanket concept of
       journalistic accounts and recollected     convincing romantic artist.q              `Utopian technology' mend this confusion;
       conversations are to be included - as both   NORBERT LYNTON                         Robin Clarke's 'Utopian characteristics of soft
       editors include them - then it is unlikely that                                     technology' quoted in extenso, again simply
       `the collected writings' will ever be achieved.                                     asserts one-for-one contraries of the supposed
       There is too much material in diverse places.   Received opinion                    deficiencies of hard technology. Like most
      Nevertheless, Flam omits too much and gives   Television: technology and cultural form by   Utopias, it hopefully reverses the polarities of
       no explanation to his preferences. It seems a   Raymond Williams. 160 pp.           the status quo; like most Utopias it is, as
       pity, for instance, to exclude Dorothy Dudley's   Alternative technology and the politics of   Francois Choay (among others) has pointed out,
       interview with Matisse on the subject of the   technical change by David Dickson. 224 pp.   a finite, one-shot proposal, conceptually similar
       Barnes   Dance   mural; it was published in 1934   Fontana/Collins. Technosphere series, edited by   to the 'neat engineering solutions' of established
      and in English and could thus well have been   Jonathan Benthall. Paperback. 45p and sop.   hard technology.
       rescued from inaccessibility in a US magazine                                         Ultimately, Dickson fails to demonstrate any
       called Horn and Hound.                    Neither of these books is as flashy nor as   necessary connection between his politics and
        Among the virtues of Ham's book are that   portentous as their cover-art suggests. Both   the multifarious aims and ideologies of the
      his commentary and introductory essay are   in fact are compendia of received opinion -  Alternative and Intermediate technologists. He
      sensible and useful, and that in translating he   received  progressive  opinion, but not radical.   has simply documented the present state of the
      has chosen to stick closely to the French. On   Their exact intellectual standing is neatly   art in a respectable Open University text that
      occasion even too close: 'The decorative for a   certificated by the fact that one is already an   might have been assembled by any of a number
      work of art is an extremely precious thing' is a   Open University text, and the other can hardly   of socially responsible scientists.
      quaint and almost meaningless sentence. The   avoid becoming one soon.                 Nothing of the sort can be said of Raymond
      only complaint I would press on this front is   To begin with the one that flies the Open   Williams on Television; in so far as there is
      that the French ton should not be translated as   University symbol on its cover like a Good   received progressive opinion on that subject,
      `tone' when 'colour' or, more strictly, 'hue' is   Housekeeping Seal or Design Centre swing-tag,   Williams has created it almost single-handed, so
      meant. The distinction between tone and hue,   David Dickson's   Alternative Technology   will   that anything he publishes is slightly ahead of
      just beginning to be understood outside the   hold few surprises for those who have kept   the progressive concensus. Sometimes he seems
      studios, is worth a great deal and needs   moderately abreast of the   Ecologist and the New   even to be slightly ahead of himself - as I read
      reinforcing. I'll admit that Flam here follows   Scientist,   read the quality Sunday papers and   the text of this newest offering, its proper
      a familiar habit. For those who want Matisse's   maintain a paperback acquaintance with Levi-  subtitle should not be Technology and
      words in English and are glad of relevant   Strauss and Roland Barthes. That list by no   Cultural Form, but something more like
      black-and-white illustrations close at hand, this   means exhausts Dickson's reading, but it   Culture forms Technology. Almost without
      is, then, a useful if disappointing book; it will   roughly indicates the intellectual 'envelope'   trying (or noticing, it seems) he demonstrates
      presumably be quite some years before a more    within which he operates - provided you add a   in the first chapter that TV is not the product

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