Page 72 - Studio International - July August 1974
P. 72

to pacify themselves (he suggests yoga, etc)   by-passing the complex relation of text and   Quarterly, December 1973, a special issue on
       there are 'teachers' to do the job: chemicals,   illustration that makes the book such a powerful   number patterns in architecture. Here the
       electrodes, etc. Then he passes from the   instrument. The first showing of the     emphasis was on the meaning of number in
       individual to society; according to Cage it's   exhibition on which the Language of Pattern   medieval building — and there is a remarkable
       electronic technology that enables us to draw   is based was at the ICA, part of a month of   analysis of the Rose Window of Chartres
       parallels between individual and social   Islamic art and ideas. As such it was only   Cathedral. It shows how the mystical numbers
       experience ' . . . for we have, through electronic   marginally relevant, but the impression of a   are woven into construction, which then
       technology, extended the central nervous   somewhat unsatisfactory explanation of   becomes a potent carrier, through its
       system (Marshall McLuhan). Mind, formerly   Islamic pattern has remained.           geometrical elegance, of a whole apparatus
       housed in each person's head, is now also   In fact the book, slightly more clearly than   of philosophical meaning.
       exteriorized, at home outside (nature, society)   the exhibition, is only marginally concerned   In this sense our buildings are shallow and
       globally, and, more and more, outerspatially,   with Islamic patterns. It tries to show (by   barbaric, based on repetitive grids and
       that is, universally ("God" made "definite" —  taking certain Arabic patterns as a base) how   ignorant of deeper meanings. The current
       Buckminster Fuller).' Before it was the   a complex geometry can be built up from the   interest in number and pattern, to which this
       Pan-American, now it's the Pan-Galactic   primary forms and solids. Some of these games   book is a valuable if somewhat flawed
       Conscience! So: 'Global (at least) Mind must   were used in Islamic decoration, but that is not   contribution, is an indication that we know that
       be pacified. This will not be accomplished by   really the point.                   much is missing in our culture. We are
       means of politics,' so don't get any wrong ideas   First, however, to describe the book itself:   searching for meaning, and for symbol
       about engaging in political activity. What we   four-colour dust-jacket illustrating Islamic   (perhaps as an antidote) at a time when
       need is a healthy dose of fascist genetic   patterns, then, on rather thick paper, 112 pages,   concepts are immediately current world-wide,
       engineering: 'population stabilized (birth and   half of which contain two-colour drawings,   and only too rapidly used up. This is
       death rates changingly balanced) and upgraded   black and blue, though the latter is referred   particularly true of words (remember
       (eugenics)'. Now, now, don't get angry:   to as red in much of the text which faces them.   `redevelopment', 'communications', 'pollution',
       Nothing's accomplished in the way of Global   This simple exhibition format makes for a   `environment') but it also applies to forms.
       Discipline by being angry.' Here Cage takes   stupefying monotony, not improved by the   They, too, are parroted around the world —
       the opportunity to slander the militant   sans-serif type. As an explanatory manual it   pilotis in Aberdeen and Abidjan, curtain walls
       student risings of 1968: they should not have   communicates with difficulty, and the terse   in Stockholm and Jeddah.
       struggled, according to Cage, because 'de   jargon does not help either.              Perhaps they can be made more
       Gaulle's position (was) subsequently        But with perseverance a great deal can be   significant by a universal geometry, an
       strengthened'.                            dug out of this book, which could be valuable   `integrative pattern . . . now within our current
         And so it goes on. But all his squirming   and possibly life enhancing. We do need a   cosmology' but it seems unlikely. In the end,
       gets him nowhere; in the end he has to admit:   pattern language to complement our barren   buildings are most acceptable when related to
       `There'll be violence . . . , but attention placed   architecture, though whether a 'scaleless multi-  their site, neighbours and social requirements,
       elsewhere will minimize it (Daniel in the   dimensional continuum, seen as complex,   which extend the quality of what is already
       Lion's Den).' Cage can safe-deposit his   appearing almost random, often sensed rather   there. But that is quite another ball game.
       `attention' in the deepest vaults of the Bank   than known, a projection of our common   THEO CROSBY
       of Heaven and it won't prevent the        experience (knowledge)' is what we require is
       reactionary violence of US imperialism    debatable. But it's a valid line of enquiry, which
       collapsing ignominiously before the       relates to other research into the magic of   Brain drain
       revolutionary upsurge of the world's people.   numbers. Here the Vedic Square is explored   Edvard Munch in the male brain vol. I by Gösta
         Cage's political line has not changed. But   as a mechanism for generating pattern and a   Svenaeus. 356 pp with index and notes. Also
       the situation in the world has. The decline of   vast number of stars and shapes are produced   vol. 2, 325 pp, 618 illustrations in black and
       US imperialism is reflected in the difference   from this extraordinary numeric construction.   white with notes. Published by The New Society
       in style between the two articles. The    There follow some more complex constructions   of Letters at Lund. Printed and translated from
       succulent phrases of 'Other People Think'   in two and three dimensions, culminating in   the original Swedish with the assistance of the
       have degenerated into the fragmented      two buildings by the partnership based on the   State Humanist Research Council, Lund, 1973.
       burbling of 'These Days.' If anyone believes that   geometry of deformed cubes.
       I have manipulated Cage's views by cleverly   These buildings, though illustrative of the   Gösta Svenaeus, a Swedish scholar, who for
       stringing together quotations, they had better   power and fascination of geometry, also   more than twenty years has been obsessed by
       buy the book and convince themselves. For   demonstrate the fatal self-regard of much   the personality and the art of Munch, the
       the rest, the material in this book is of   modern architecture. Architects concerned   leading Norwegian painter and the initiator,
       academic interest only. q                 with geometry, such as Buckminster Fuller, or   together with the later Van Gogh, of
       CORNELIUS CARDEW                          Frei Otto, or Soleri conceive their work in   Expressionism east of the Rhine, presents in his
                                                 isolation. The buildings do not relate to any   most recent book the final version of his
                                                 existing structure or city, so their authors tend   studies on this artist. Munch himself was a man
      Numbers game                               to invent a more suitable philosophy and way of   obsessed by ideas which had their roots in
       The Language of Pattern by Keith Albarn,   life with which to animate their inventions.   certain tragic events of his early childhood.
      Jenny Miall Smith, Stanford Steele and     The philosophy is always 'holistic' (a word   They exercised an emotional impact on him
      Dinah Walker.   112 pp, illustrations.     invented by J. C. Smuts to describe his own   throughout his private life and on his art. These
      Thames & Hudson, London. £3.5o.            vague over-view of world problems, and under   ideas of Munch's — in particular those about
                                                 whose cover he was to construct the South   death, anguish and womanhood — were
      A book based on an exhibition is subject to   African social system) and because claiming   steeped in melancholy and pessimism.
      many disadvantages. The illustrations tend   a total view, is therefore exclusive. And often   Together with the idea of the fin de siècle, its
      to oversimplification and the writing to a   intolerant.                             decadence and its revolutionary tenets,
      compression which sometimes becomes simply   However, the numbers game is of enduring   psychological as well as social, they form the
      unintelligible. The inevitable panel system   intellectual fascination and readers might also   seed-bed out of which grew an art so powerful
      translates too readily into the page layout,    care to look at the Architectural Association   and novel that it created a spiritual climate on

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