Page 25 - Studio International - March 1974
P. 25

What is a sin ?
                                                                                            Is that action the sin that causes suffering ?
                                                                                            Is that action the sin that causes no change ?
                                                                                            Is there anything at all that you can call an
                                                                                            action, would it not produce a change, and is
                                                                                            its existence provided to decrease suffering ?
                                                                                            Are you punishing yourself because by self-
                                                                                            punishment you accept the punishment of
                                                                                            self-punishment and by this you release the
                                                                                            punisher from the punishment that is not worthy of
                                                                                            action: the sin ?
                                                                                            Do you feel particularly exposed because you
                                                                                            cannot see to whom you are talking ?'
                                                                                              Of the acting groups two gained
                                                                                            prominence, Kassa Studio (led by Istvan
                                                                                            Bálint and Peter Halász) and the Neumányi
                                                                                            Ensemble. The Studio Group lately lost its
                                                                                            public venues, so most of their performances
                                                                                            take place in private houses. Neumányi and his
                                                                                            friends are luckier as they are attached to a
                                                                                            youth club in a Budapest suburb, Ujpest, and
                                                                                            also appear at the University Theatre. The plays
                                                                                            acted by the Kassa Group are less direct than
                                                                                            Szentjóby's actions I described earlier. Peter
                                                                                            Halász performs a one-man 'puppet show' for
                                                                                            which a lyric text was written by Peter Lajtai.
        Tamás Szentjóby                           and the outside world. On the wall he displayed   This is played from tape. Its title, The Upper
        Budapest postcard 1971                    questions which visitors were invited to put to   Road, the Clearing, the Lower Road and the
                                                  him:                                      Precipice suggests the agony and
        same law that states that one person cannot be   I. You can ask from the self-sentenced anything   defencelessness, the worries and hopes which are
        killed twice, one must put distinguishing marks   and                               further expressed through the acting of Halász.
        on those who have been warned (as Goering   II. You can ask the following :         During the summer of 1973 Kassák Studio
        recommended in the case of the pacifists).   Are all life-styles immoral which exclude even one   performed at Balatonboglár. They showed
        This way one can avoid notifying one person   other human being ?                   King Kong, an original tale containing
        more than once, while leaving others without   Can one form a community with another person   biblical quotations. King Kong turns against
        information.                              without being free oneself ?              the traditional moral norms, against one-sided
        9. If everyone marks just two people without   Is culture's real purpose to make one conscious of   truth CA furious tiger is wiser than a well-
        using institutions or the mass media for this   the identity of one's fate and history ?   trained horse'; 'You cannot tell what is enough
        process, in a short period of time all    Is it the most important thing to discover and   until you know what is more than what is just
        inhabitants of the world can be notified and   realize what is needed by life ?     enough').
        they will be capable of defending themselves   Is it true that those who bear the unbearable know   Halász's group aim to analyse the conflicts
       together.                                  nothing about life ? Know nothing about that   between performance and environment in
        10. Let's fill the dead numbers of statistics with   interdependence that is contained in life ?   psychological relations and impulse reactions.
        life !                                    Can he bear himself without us, or is everything   The Neumányi Ensemble touch on similar
          The first Happening in Budapest dates from   hopeless ?                           problems but in more topical forms. They deal
       1964. It was called Lunch and it was carried   Can the blockade of the present be broken only   with the manipulation of information, the
        out by Tamás Szentjóby (St Jauby), Gabor   by anew attitude ?                       coincidences of differences between effective
        Altorjay and Miklós Erdely. Since then    Is the realization of the future in the present an   happenings and their interpretation. These
        Szentjóby and Erdely — sometimes together,   acceleration of our lives ?            plays reveal the psychical power that performers
        some other times alone — organized several   Because historical time applies to the totality   have over the audience, and also the fact that
        actions in students' clubs, at the University   and not to the individual, would you try to live   by the authenticity of certain assertions one
        Theatre, on the streets and in Balatonboglár   the facts of the present and your future desolation   can gain a trust which later could be
        where a converted chapel has been used for the   simultaneously ?                   catastrophically abused.
        purpose. One of Szentjóby's street happenings   Is this all to manifest difference and therefore   This short account cannot deal with all the
        was in 1972, when he sat down on the pavement   there to activate a potentially different matter ?   many experiments of young Hungarian
        in a busy spot in front of Hotel Duna     Can the changeable also be unfinished ? Is the   artists, such as experimental films or art-and-
        Intercontinental and stayed there for twenty   unfinished to be changed ? Is constancy: suffering ?   music combinations which began under the
        minutes with his mouth gagged. In Budapest   Is unfinishedness : suffering ?        influence of the Fluxus Movement.
        such a sight cannot remain unremarked.    Do you hope that you can make interdependence   The many-sided picture may give a false
        The motto of this action is : 'Everything that   conscious by demonstrating that we are all at each   impression of a large scale movement
        is forbidden is art. Be forbidden.'       other's mercy ?                           unfolding in Hungary. Unfortunately this is not
        Szentjóby organized his 'punishment-      Does your action include the punishment ?   so. The scope of action is narrow. Young
        preventing autotherapy' at Balatonboglár   Does your punishment include the action ?   intellectuals, however, show receptiveness and
        during the summer of 1972. He sat down in   Is action a sin ?                       although they cannot provide adequate finance,
        the room with a bucket over his head. This   Is punishment a sin ?                  the existence of this reception is a heartening
        brought about a special psychological state of   Is sin action ?                    healthy sign. q
        defencelessness which existed between himself    Is action punishment ?             ANIK CS. ASZTALOS
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