Page 27 - Studio International - March 1974
P. 27

weapons is launching a rear attack on a smaller,   Another large canvas, A Possible System, is   in relation to the complex identification system
        weaker figure who, unsuspecting, is sitting at a   again arranged in two parts. Hemmed inside an   of the picture.
        meal. Opposite this group towers an outsider,   enclosure are, on the right, a group of people   In the 1965/6 pictures Penck develops an
        displaying what he knows is a copy of the figures   turning with great emotion and (as shown on a   energetic language of forms liberated from all
        in conflict and making a gesture of instruction   tablet they display) 'motivation' towards some   compromise, and — naturally indissoluble from
        with one hand. Behind him is a cross, standing   fighting men, who are hacking limbs off one   the new language — the courage for a thesis-like
        on a hill shaped like a crowd of people, which   another with axes. The group on the left is   objectivity, perhaps a sort of corrected 'social
        perhaps again indicates the capturing     turning back towards one of the diagrams held   realism'. The language as signs that Penck
        (knowledge) of the outcome of the conflict — and   up by a 'man of knowledge' — the opposite of the   developed at that time turned against pseudo
        is also reminiscent of the early pictures of   fighters — who stands outside. A small   realism on the one hand, and on the other
        Penck's friend Georg Baslitz6. The symbolic   accompanying figure is dancing with joy.7  At   against the tendency, strong in the 195os,
        figures conjure up certain basic attitudes and the   the extreme right and left two figures flank the   towards decorative self-sufficiency in tachiste
        events they lead to with astonishing individual   action. One of them holds a tablet announcing   painting. The point of departure was, however,
        clarity.                                  'A= me, me = B' he is worried about his identity    not primarily the art situation Penck found at

                                                                                            Group, 1966
                                                                                            Oil on canvas

                                                                                             the time but the search for concreteness within
                                                                                             an abstract and mechanized society. Because of
                                                                                             his need for a broad basis Penck took up several
                                                                                             theoretical and practical disciplines as a
                                                                                             passionate dilettante; and he remains a
                                                                                             convinced amateur as an artist to this day. (Cf.
                                                                                             Jacob Burkhardt in his 'Force and Freedom,
                                                                                             Reflections on World History' written in
                                                                                             1868/9: 'If [the specialist] is not to forfeit his
                                                                                             capacity for taking a general view or even his
                                                                                             respect for general views, he should be an
                                                                                             amateur at as many points as possible, privately
                                                                                             at any rate, for the increase of his own
                                                                                             knowledge and the enrichment of his possible
                                                                                             standpoints. Otherwise he will remain ignorant
                                                                                             in any field lying outside his own speciality and
                                                                                             perhaps, as a man, a barbarian'.) In about 1965
                                                                                             Penck wrote to his friend Baselitz, 'I have moved
                                                                                             away from things artistic and am applying
                                                                                             myself to mathematics, cybernetics and
                                                                                             theoretical physics, for what is in my mind is a
                                                                                             sort of physics of human society, or society as a
        Six of 15 sheets of the serigraphic portfolio                                        physical entity'. Cybernetics (the theory of the
        End-Ur- Standart, 1972* Each 70 x 7o cm* Published                                   processing of information, codification,
        by Fred Jahn, Munich, and Michael Werner, Cologne                                    learning systems, rules of games, etc.) came to
        (Above)                                                                              the fore and Penck thought the cyberneticist
        Five of about 3o brush drawings, which can be                                        Ashby 'the most spiritually productive man' of
        combined in different ways, used in a film; they are
        shown in two possible positions.                                                     our times. Along with such theoretical interests
        Each sheet 29*5 x 42 cm.                                                             it seemed to Penck to be necessary to practise
         Galerie Michael Werner, Cologne                                                     the forms of expression offered by the dance, to
                                                                                             play endless improvisations on the piano, to
                                                                                             develop a bellowing sort of singing and to write
                                                                                             poems. And in art itself, with its relative quality
                                                                                             of lasting and validity which he was presumably
                                                                                             conscious of all the time, he avoided
                                                                                             professional finesse and false exactitudes from
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