Page 53 - Studio International - March 1974
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organized for an English tour. In the   Is visibility a defining prerequisite to   'art for art's sake' idea or of a   their temporal separation in the
         painted 'trames' one can trace the   the visual arts ?      hermetic art activity conducted in   display.
         prototype of his stainless steel web-  Barry as with the best conceptual   deliberate isolation from other human   Barry's latest work similarly
         frames shown in kinetic exhibitions in   art of the late sixties, posits   activities. It is by encouraging   stresses this though the object
         the 60s. Morellet's Groupe de   problematical extensions of existing   a minimalist scrutiny of problematic   elected (the circle) is not
        Recherche d'Art Visue/collaborated   norms ; if not to discover some latent   extensions of minimal art (i.e. as things   characterized by the words which are
         freely with technicians on light   boundary, then certainly to extend   for consideration in themselves)   presented in sequence. The verbs,
         projects and ballets, accepting   existing ones. However, it is   that the roots of the dilemma in the   representing actions, seem to
        impersonality. Despite the occasional   characteristic of American conceptual   l'art pour l'art tradition is covered up.   characterize what one might call
        unforeseen and pleasing constellation   art, in contradistinction to certain   It is this aspect which clearly   'response' to the situation presented,
        of lines in his own paintings of around   areas of British conceptual art, that   distinguishes it from its British   as though the verbs from sentences
        1960, generally Morellet's work   problematic conjectures are not used   counterparts. The gravitation of   describing the work, or response to the
        proved less arresting than Kelly's.   as a basis for the necessary theoretical   the avant garde to extremities in the   work, are isolated individually as signs
        According to E. C. Goossen, when   redefinition of art-activity which one   twentieth century is a way of finding   for the work itself. The work might
        Kelly was asked if he employed   might say is prima facia warranted by   borderline cases and thence   be regarded as a more traditional
        systems such as geometry he replied   the nature of the entities which Barry   natural parameters for art. The   readymade situation, or at least one
        that he 'never wanted to do anything   and others can admit into the realm   difficulty comes when one discovers   which is at variance with the
        that was open to everybody !'   of art. Instead the entities are   in incessantly extending outwards   nominalism of American conceptual
        Catherine Lampert              forwarded for consideration in an   that there are no natural borders—  art, since the object characterized and
                                       entirely deadpan and formalistic way   they are conventional. If the same   elected to the status of an art work
        Robert Barry  at the Jack Wendler   as objects for critical inquiry in   traditional modus operandi is then   is present in the form of the circle.
        Gallery, London, 4 — 28 February.   themselves and apart from external   retained in the absence of an object   My impression of Barry's new activity
        Robert Barry is a member of the   connotations.              of discovery in art, it can only serve   is that if previously he could have
        American conceptual art grouping   At approximately the same time   the mere extensions of existing   been called an explorer of boundary
        (not group) composed otherwise of   as the 'Inert Gases Series', yet   conventions. But there are boundaries   regions in the sense indicated above,
        Joseph Kosuth, Lawrence Weiner   another entitled 'Radioactive Series'   even to convention — language.   then his new work might be regarded
        and Douglas Heubler, who showed   was used to pose similar problems.   It is therefore not surprising that   as a move inland.
        together in New York from about 1969   The problematics of 'Inert Gases   perpetuators of the tradition should   Rosetta Brooks
        and represented the first manifestation   Series' seems to be linked nominally   gravitate to this parameter.
        of conceptual art in America.   with the ontological problems posed   Robert Barry's new work at the
          The starting point for Robert   by the latest developments of particle   Jack Wendler gallery is like his
        Barry's work was in the physical object   physics, at least with regard to the   previous phrase specifications, and
         /art object factor of minimal art. His   idea of a 'physical object' and more   is similarly presented on a rotary slide
        initial engagement in work which has   importantly, as before, with regard to   projector, issuing one word at a time
         been termed 'conceptual' was in   the 'physical object of art'.   with a blank slide intervening,
        developing radical extensions of   Like Weiner and Kosuth, Barry has   presumably to eliminate the possible
        minimal art's innate presuppositions   evinced his new metaphysical   'narrative' effect of a more continuous
        through a similarly radical and   commitment as a polemic against the   temporal sequence. His phrase and
        problematic extension of the species   physical art-object and 'object art',   words text pieces, since about 1971,
        of physical objects, entertained   the art-work being taken to reside in   have often been deliberately diverse
        conventionally as art-objects. The   the specification for a real object   and sometimes paradoxical nominal
        identification of the art-work and its   rather than in any particular physical   characterizations of a single entity
         physical artifact in minimal art   object conforming to the description.   (the object elected to the status of an
        conforms to the formal types of   It is exactly the same specification for   art work). The work published in   Andy Warhol Mao Tse Tung 1973
        painting and sculpture and formally   the art-object as is made theoretically   'Konzept Kunst' defines abstractly   Black crayon, 36¼ x 36¼ in.
        stable objects. However these formal   by Richard Wollheim in his 'Art and   the limits of what can be elected
        types are rendered indistinct by   Its Objects' in the revised 'physical   nominally as an art work. 'It can be   Andy Warhol: new drawings of
        virtue of the form of scrutiny   object hypothesis' where the   presented, experienced, defined,   Chairman Mao at the Mayor
        encouraged in apprehending minimal   'connotation' of physicality in the   placed, first, last, changed,   Gallery, London, February
        artifacts, which are of natural or   art-work is insisted upon, but where   described, interpreted, integrated,   There are eight Warhol Maos,
         physical properties. The painting as a   the art-work is specified as a class   sustained, clarified ...' It is in itself   whether drawn by Warhol or not
        three-dimensional object is as much   (class description) of physical objects.   a sort of self description, which is to   (they are not signed on the front, yet
        a sculpture within these       Thus the art-work resides in the   say that the work is a particular for   the director I spoke with assured me
        specifications. The last convention   nominal specification, the kinds of   which the phrases are universal. The   they were by Warhol ; I asked whether
        to go in the forwarding of the simple   objects admitted are restricted in   work has the status of an   he'd got them from Warhol ; he
        'ready-made' art work was the   conceptual art only to the limits of   abstraction by virtue of what it   responded 'I never met Warhol in my
        conventional generic distinction   language. Thus Barry cites states of   connotates and the status of a   life.' That wasn't much of an
         between painting and sculpture.   mind and thoughts.        particular by virtue of what it   assurance.). They're each about
         Morphological instability of the   Total extensionality or all-  embodies (as an art work). The latter   3 by 3½ feet square. They seem to have
         physical artifact became the   inclusiveness in art attend the   is simply included in the former.   been drawn on to a projection from
         manifesto of 'going beyond painting   tautologous dead-end of radicalism   The operation of Barry's new work   Mao's portrait by use of an
         and sculpture', the development   in that art-works are, under this mode   is in one respect different from the   epidiascope, through projecting the
         being termed collectively     of consideration, simply things which   works which immediately antecede it.   photograph on to sheets of paper
         'conceptual art'.             are called art-works. ('If someone   There are no descriptions in the new   upon which the artist then sketches,
          Robert Barry, in 1969, with his   says it's "art" ; it's art', Don Judd.)   work, nor is there a nominally   with pencil, vague shapes to
         'Inert Gases Series' went still further,   In one sense Barry might be regarded   specified subject. The specification   correspond with the projected image.
         making the object, inert gases, not   as a celebrator of the uncompromising   made is a good deal more esoteric.   The quickly sketched in pencil
         only formally unstable (defying   nature of the 'dead end'. But wiping   The work consists of a list of verbs   markings are not like Twombly's
         formal identification), but also   the slate clean (to use a cliché) is   displayed as slides being interspersed   delicate intuitive lines subsumed to a
         indetectable by ordinary sensory   only necessary and useful as a   firstly by a blank slide, secondly by a   rigid, controlled mental framework.
         means (the group of inert gases are   preparation for writing something   slide of a faint ultra-violet circle and   These lines are not explorative,
         so-called because of their chemical   new. There is little sense at this time   finally by another blank slide. Like   procedural corrections and
         inertia, invisibility and non-toxic   in idly celebrating the emptiness of   his previous list of words, the words   re-corrections of an artist's attempt to
         nature). In other words, Barry appears   the 'slate'. Otherwise the danger and   themselves evince no direct   re-present an image. These lines are
         to be questioning whether there is   dilemma of American conceptual art   semantic inter-relations. In the work   merely filling in space, straight
         anything which can prevent his   is that no scrutiny of the roots of the   cited earlier, the relations of different   efficiency drawing, and map-like
         introduction of wholly invisible   tradition which yields such   universals applied in a sequence are in   outlines making of the areas enclosed
         entities within the minimalist   problematic oddities is ever made and   the manner in which they   stencil-like shapes. Each section is
         suppositions which dictate that any   thus the tradition is perpetuated. In   characterize the asserted art object,   thus flattened out even more through
         physical object can be nominally   fact, conceptual art is perhaps the   'it'. The indirectness of association of   simple outlining, and the whole
         afforded the status of an art-work.    most extreme manifestation of the    the emitted words is emphasized by    portrait ends up looking like a huge
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