Page 57 - Studio International - March 1974
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idolater at heart, but it is equally   represents truly cold weather. This   open just at the moment when the   Montezuma himself. The Indians
        preposterous to assume that he is not   dance commemorates the hunt, and   rising sun is exactly centred on the   themselves enjoy it but some feel it
        a sincere Catholic. Only he assigns   celebrates the relation of the tribe to   doorway; it comes pouring   should be abandoned because it is
        to each belief a certain field of action,   the buffalo, elk, antelope, deer and   in on the dancers, almost blinding us,   not really theirs.
        and has minutely circumscribed   mountain sheep that once sustained   and they disappear into its brilliant
        each one.'                    it. The Indian religions maintain no   nebula.              San Juan Pueblo, December 26,
                                      dichotomy between higher and                                the Turtle Dance: It begins at sunrise
        Taos Pueblo, Christmas Eve:  Huge   lower life. 'All life forms and natural   One sees these dances almost by   and proceeds through the day in many
        bonfires light the snowy stream-split   elements interrelate and interact,   accident, no matter how determined   appearances, with intervals in which
        area between the two ancient many-  with no part being more or less   one is. The guide books rarely agree as   the dancers disappear into one kiva
        storied buildings; through them   important than another.' Thus any   to time and place, sometimes because   or another to eat and perform private
        winds a procession of masked and   animal is man's equal in the over-all   these are secretly and suddenly   rituals. A long 'chorus' line of some 40
        feathered Indians carrying the   scheme of life, and the hunting   determined through the stars or other   male dancers, from children to old
        Virgin Mary enthroned on a canopied   dances honour the game so it will   omens by tribal elders. Nor is there   men, dance in step and sing. Their
        platform ; when she is taken into the   cooperate and allow the people to   much in the way of specific   bodies are painted grey, and they
        church, the dancers disperse.   take what they need for food and   information in the literature about   wear white costumes with bright
         Santo Domingo Pueblo, later that   clothing.               these ceremonials. (An exception to   decorations, turtle shell leg rattles, and
        night: A simple mass in an Indian-  Cochiti Pueblo, 5'oclock Christmas   some extent, because of its great   elaborate head-dresses of spruce
        decorated mission church, the interior   morning:  The church, humbler than   complexity and consistency, is the   branches, feathers, and a painted
        open, with a continuous stone   that of Santo Domingo, is near the   Zuni Shalako Festival, which we saw   circular plaque, each different, one
        bench around the edge. A rather   old kiva, heart of the dark village.   last year, and could understand   even containing a photograph of its
        patronizing sermon by a white   Gaiety and anticipation, young   passably well with the help of the   wearer in his youth. Now and then
        priest, some wavery carol singing,   Indians, friendly and informative old   homework we'd done; the Zuni   the group at one end of the line turns
        psalm reading by an uncomfortably   women, and some earnest and   religion being one of the best   sideways, shaking its hand rattles
        dressed-up Indian ; twice during the   respectful Anglo tourists.   preserved and best documented.)   vigorously until the next group turns,
        service the thunder of drums, and   Suddenly muffled drums are heard   Some of the dances we saw this   and the next, until the end of the line,
        from time to time, piercing birdcalls   and the doors fling open tothe dancers,   year have been written up and   like a gust of wind blowing across a
        from small boys in the balcony.   who enter in full regalia, full tilt.   'explained' frequently, but each   grassy plain, or a mutter running
                                                                    account differs so from the others,   through a crowd. While they dance.
                                                                    and from our own experience, that   two impressive masked turtle figures,
                                                                    one can only guess at the 'meaning' ;   one in white, one in black, circle
                                                                    provided, that is, that the meaning   around them, snapping whips and
                                                                    can ever be accessible to our   feinting at the audience and the
                                                                    Western culture. This is of course the   dancers. Afterwards these two
                                                                    way the Indians want it and have every   participate in a comic interlude
                                                                    right to maintain it. We felt lucky to be   during which Anglo spectators are
                                                                    there at all. Visitors are tolerated,   dragged into the arena and good
                                                                    usually ignored, sometimes    naturedly forced to take part in a
                                                                    welcomed, sometimes roughly teased   narrative which they cannot
                                                                    and put in their places.      understand.
                                                                    Taos Pueblo, Christmas Day : The   The most moving aspect of these
                                                                    Matachina Dance : Ten lithe young   experiences was the wholeness,
                                                                    males in white slacks, pointed boots,   the natural flow of events from
                                                                    bright silk shawls and kerchiefs over   mythology to reality, woven into the
                                                                    their shoulders, bedecked in   people, surroundings, and overtones.
        Matachina dance, Taos Pueblo 25 December 1973. Photo : Charles Simonds
                                                                    multicoloured ribbon streamers.   The environment itself is a
        Hours after the mass, the church is   Another Buffalo Dance, but not the   Their curious head-dress, shaped like   participant. Vincent Scully has
        filled again, this time by a mass of   same as last night's. Two Buffaloes; a   a bishop's mitre, is velvet, with   pointed out that the architecture of
        swaying bodies, red-feathered and   Buffalo Woman, a Hunter, about a   black fringe falling over the face ;   the pueblo village is directed outwards
        gourd-rattling — men, women,   dozen small boy 'deer' in antlers,   rhinestone necklaces, brooches,   to the natural landmarks around it
        children of both sexes—so many   spruce and canes, and the older   earrings are pinned across it, as though   (the contours and directions of the
        that some must dance outside the   men's chorus. The dance is restrained,   on display in a jewellery store, some   mountain ranges, mesas, buttes and
        doors. A field of waving plumes,   very solemn, rising in intensity and   in the form of faces ; each dancer   rivers) as well as inward to the
        drums and singing by a band of old   then smouldering down again ; they   carries a three-pronged stick with a   ceremonial needs of each
        men wrapped in blankets as the   move back and forth, heads up and   cross on it. Other participants are the   community, with these ceremonies
        crowded bodies dip and straighten,   down, in and out around each other,   malinche, a little girl in white   reaching out again in turn to the
        faces solemn, heavy jewellery   occasional counterpoint provided by   communion dress, the monarca,   natural deities whose propitiation
        thumping the men's bare and painted   the herds of deer skittering across   or leader, and a guitarist and a   is desired. He attributes the
        chests, the women's embroidered   the space. Powerful buffaloes — men   violinist, who provide a gay 'country'   development from the closed hive-
        blouses, as their moccasined feet   with stocky muscular bodies and big   whine. The movements are haughty   like network of prehistoric single-
        thump the floor. A gentle but   solid stomachs, bodies painted,   and intricate, resembling a Central   building pueblos and cave dwellings
        persistent dance, the steps more   ankles hung in bells, the rainbow   European folk dance, except for the   into the increasingly open settings of
        complicated than they first seem.   serpent painted on their costumes,   activities of the three masked clowns,   the Chaco Canyon dwellings, with
        Another interval, excitement rises ;   great hunks of ancient silver, shell,   who shamble around the edges   isolated ritual grounds and great kivas,
        the Buffalo Dance : buffaloes in   bone and turquoise around their   teasing the audience and are clearly   into the present-day pueblo structures,
        horned and woolly head-dresses,   necks, rattles in their hands. The   Indian. At one point the Matachinas   to an increasing drought long in the
        short buckskin 'kilts' ; several adult   woman, in fine white decorated   dance around a portable maypole,   past, which 'led to a more intensive
        deer simulators, with head-dresses   buckskins, her hair down, is the   moving gracefully with their   attempt to draw more of the earth and
        of antlers and spruce branches,   symbolic mother of all animal life in   colourful woven streamers to braid   the sky, as well as more of the larger
        leaning on short sticks or canes so   the region. The hunter is dressed in   them up, then reverse and let them   human community, into the web of
        they hunch over and move like four-  skins, an animal head wagging   free.                ritual.' Thus the sacred Truchas
        legged creatures. Outside it is dark   rakishly off one hip. Later a similar              Peaks determine exactly the
        and very cold. The church is a haven   dance with different performers, two   The Matachina is a fascinating   orientation of the long axis of San
        of warm light and intense energy,   women, and the hunter this time an   blend of many cultures, and is not,   Juan's major plaza, and 'when the
        the rarely experienced energy of   older man, truly frightened by his   as we suspected while watching it,   long files of dancers fill in that space,
        deeply-felt religion.         participation, whose disorientation   genuinely Indian. It originated in   the architectural pattern is
                                      gives the whole performance a curious   Europe or the Middle East, was   complete—the natural and the man-
        The buffalo is medicine animal   cast. (Everyone in the pueblo   brought to Mexico by the Conquerors   made together frame the human ritual
        for moderate weather and is   participates in the dances periodically)   or by Philipine missionaries, and to   act.'
        associated with snow ; the deer    It ends with the doors again flung    the Pueblos, tradition has it, by   Lucy Lippard
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