Page 45 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 45

Multiple exercise

                                                           William Allan

          Fishing has been an art form, a means of   When I was seven, my Uncle George took me   Young Rainbow Yuba River 1973
         gathering food and almost everything in   steelhead fishing on a winter river. The fish   Watercolour on paper
         between. Lately it has been sputtering toward   were not taking and I walked downstream to   Over a period of years my friend, Robert
         a kind of natural science. I have always been a   see if anyone was catching fish. On returning I   Hudson, and I have developed a standard of
         little suspicious of science, because most of the   saw a large Dolly Varden on the bank. It was   stream etiquette, for the first spring fishing
         phenomena explained are separate from the   the most beautiful fish I had ever seen. My   trip. I am less patient and can tie my tippits
         person giving the explanation. The greatest   Uncle told me it had been caught on my line —  and flies faster and usually take the first pool.
         phenomenon is usually the viewer.         so, it was my fish. I was thrilled, but imagine   The first half-mile we alternate pools, being
           Horrible though it is, I have to pay as much   how it was mine if I wasn't there. Uncle George   careful to pass each other at a distance, as not
         attention to the 'prize catch', filled with seven   sensed my hesitation and set about convincing   to put the fish down. If this is impossible, we
         marshmallows, twenty-six pieces of corn and   me that it was truly my fish. I wanted to   wait and watch the other fish his water out.
         fourteen salmon eggs, as to the 4 lb native   believe him.                            The next mile sees the slow start of minor
         brown, won on a tiny fly and slipped back into                                      hysteria. Less caution, occasional rocks rolled
         the stream.                                                                         into the other's riffle. Toward the end of this
           I have probably had more conscious variety                                        stretch — two shadows streaking through the
         of experience as a fisherman than if I had                                          woods, occasionally making a wretched dab
         followed any other pursuit. From the                                                with the fly. The next half-mile sees an
         meat-fisher to perhaps occasionally a gentleman.                                    immense change. Whoever has had the most
         Fortunately a lot of years have mellowed the                                        luck, or feels the most guilty, takes on an air of
         lower desires.                                                                      magnificent benevolence and wishes his partner
           What breed of trout inhabits certain streams                                      an excess of territory, flies, unhooking from
         becomes insignificant when compared with the                                        the bushes and a cheer for every move.
         fact that each stream, each strain of fish is
         unique and not duplicated elsewhere. This also
         dictates how we should treat them. The
         difficult part is that we pursue, with great
         multiplicity of need and intent, a rather
         singular phenomenon.
           Talking with a friend about our tendency to
         move to grander and more distant waters, when
         we had exhausted our interest in the familiar,
         I wondered if it would be possible to make
         different uses of the familiar — or better, to
         make multiple uses of ourselves.

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