Page 46 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 46

I spent a summer on Cape Cod. A boy my age,   Laying on the bottom of a lowland stream one   Spawned silver salmon
    who swore more than any person I have ever   morning — my left arm holding a large rock,   Photo: William Allan
    met, had a repertoire of twelve words which he   my right trying to keep a length of garden hose
    continually used in different combinations. His   above the water line. After a time, the small   The tideflats on an island off the
    dedication was so immense it suppressed   rainbows settled into tentative positions in the   Washington Coast. At low tide the flats lay
    mimicry or morality on my part. He took me   current. Each position dictated by current   exposed for three hundred feet — at high tide
    to his favourite tidal stream. On our bellies we   strength and the natural lines food would come   there is a depth of six to eight feet. As the
    inched up to the bank and peered over. A school   to them.                          water recedes the rays leave the flats, starry
    of fat silver minnows were suspended in the   The suckers and squawfish resumed their   flounder, then the schools of perch. The higher
    dark water. We lay there watching for about an   muddling on the bottom — seemingly mindless   sandbars are now appearing, with small rivers
    hour — my friend's cursing rising and falling   routs — sometimes placing them in unproductive   between. Last to leave are the schools of baitfish,
    like the wind.                            areas, sometimes fighting unnecessary powers;   which rush into the mouths of the sculpin,
                                              but always in excepting, providing.       laying like logs on the river's flood plains. The
                                                A large carp started its vacuum cleaning run   bullheads remain in the tide pools.
                                              from the tail of the pool. Drifting through a   When the flood has reached a depth of two to
                                              back eddy opposing the flow, selecting. As it   three feet, the flounder glide up the dropoff.
                                              approached the head of the pool, its head   The baitfish and perch following their school
                                              turned into the current, the weight of the water,   instincts, appear on their own time. Last, the
                                              effortless, changed its course downstream to be   great rays. For the bullheads a larger pool.

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