Page 53 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 53

seven spinners is in a straight line one above   You then lift the next part of the main line   (Top left) Crummock Water. Rods in position
          the other.                               hand over hand, coiling it on the seat or into the   (Top centre) Tackle box. Home-made spinners of
           The time has now come to light a cigarette,   box, until you come to another ring. Place it   fused silver, gold, brass and copper standing in the
                                                                                             niches of the rack
         have a drink or look around the fells. The bells   over the nail taking hold of the secondary line   (Top right) J. M. W. Turner. Buttermere Lake with
         may ring at any moment, but on the other hand   very carefully. The fish may be on this line and   Part of Cromack 1797. Oil on canvas, 35 x 47 in
         you may be waiting for them to ring for several   ready to fight. If there is no pull or weight of   Coll: Tate Gallery, London
         hours. The fishing now depends on the weather,   the fish on the line bring it in quickly, but also   (Bottom left) Two copper rings with vertical copper
                                                                                             wire and free-moving strut
         the man on the oars, and whether the fish are   very neatly, coiling it into the box or on to the   (Bottom centre) Bell clipped to rod end
         in the right mood. The oarsman must keep the   seat. Set the spinners in the special niche in the   (Bottom right) Lake Buttermere; Highstile,
         lines at an angle of between 3o and 45 degrees   box, or in a row on the seat, continue to do this   Red Pike and Melbreak prominent
         so that the boat is at the correct speed for char   until you find a line with a fish on, play it
         fishing. All he needs to do is to paddle; if the   carefully and bring it towards the boat. Have   perhaps catch an odd fish. Let the sun shine,
         weather gets rough then he has to work quite   someone ready with the net which is placed   and there must almost certainly be char for
         hard.                                     under the water, draw the fish over the net, and   supper. My strangest char day was when we had
           Fish can sometimes be found all over the   have it lifted at the right moment. Fish in my   fished all morning in cloudy weather without
         lake by keeping the boat on a straight course.   experience are usually taken on the lower   success. For two hours in the afternoon the sun
         One of the few skills of char fishing however is   spinners and so there is a fair amount of weight   shone through gaps in the clouds and the bell
         to find a shoal, pinpoint where it is on the lake,   lifting to be done. Although most fish come   rang twenty times in two hours. It looked as
         and return again and again to the same place.   from deep down in the lake there are times   though 'a Windermere' was possible, and then
          If two shoals are found about 40o yards apart   when char can be caught by someone fly   the sun hid behind a cloud.
         then you make your way from one to the other.   fishing for trout.                    It has been known for salmon or large trout
         This distance is necessary because with two   Fish can be caught on both lines at the same   to take a spinner. If this happens one hopes
         weights and two sets of seven spinners it is very   time, even so each line must be dealt with in   that only one spinner will be lost. There is a
         easy for the lines to tangle together in a way to   turn, or there will certainly be a tangle.   story — perhaps apocryphal — of a salmon
         bring dismay into the heart of most       Instead of being twenty feet or more apart   taking the bottom spinner, swimming to the
         enthusiastic fishermen. If the lines twist   there is only the width of the boat between them.   surface, flinging itself out of the water, followed
         together the weights are not able to do their   I have had two fish on one line and three on the   by the weight, doing a perfect arc.
         work. On one memorable occasion the whole   other at the same time, and the most I have   Char is regarded as a delicacy. Records show
         squalid mess of lines and spinners had to be   caught in one day is eighteen. Some of the char   that for two hundred years they have been
         taken ashore in order to undo the tangle. This   experts from Windermere catch as many as   potted, or made into char pie and sent to
         took two and a half hours, and it has never   seventy in one day.                   London. To me there is only one way they
         happened again. I hope it never will!       As I am able to fish the Derwent, the finest   should be eaten. Cleaned, sprinkled with pepper
           As a fish strikes so the bell rings, and the   salmon river in the British Isles, it is possible   and salt, fried for two minutes on each side in
         resting period is over. A quick look at the end   to have the best of two worlds. On dark days   butter. My memory is not as good as it should
         of the rod confirms that a fish is still pulling   fish for salmon, and when the sun shines fish   be, I forget who first used these words about
         on the line and so work starts. Taking hold of   for char. Bright weather is needed so that light   trout, but they fit a char perfectly: 'A char
         the lazy line you draw the main line to the side   is reflected on to the spinner deep down in the   should swim three times in its life, in water, in
         of the boat, letting the lazy line fall on the floor-  water.                       butter, and in wine.'q
         boards, and place the first ring over the nail.    You can row all day when it is cloudy and   GEOFFREY WHITE
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