Page 51 - Studio International - May 1974
P. 51

Portable fish farm survival piece no. 3, Haywood Gallery, London

        Each new work begins as a simulation of an   did not blend well ecologically. The   at that time, 'The grounds of Art have to
        existing situation. Process, rather than form, is   developmental time was too brief. (In Lagoon I   change . . .' This appears to be true for the
        represented. It is redone many times in drawing   learned to blend fresh water and salt water.)   grounds of sociology, architecture, politics or
        form. Small parts are redone many times to gain   However, since the Haywood Gallery staff and   food chain research: in fact, this appears to be
        familiarity. Considerable time is spent on the   director were supportive far beyond the call, the   true about the grounds for 20th-century
        original site. A work generally does not form up   structure worked and the ritual and feasting   behaviour in most self-selecting elitist
        until I am in intense intimate relationship with   aspects were altogether successful. Enough lead   disciplines. This is inevitable since the western
        the operations in it.                     time elapsed so that when the fish farm was   world view is atomic in nature. Obviously, post-
          Portable Fish Farm was first conceived to sit   re-constructed in Brussels at the Palais de   atomic sensibilities are developing. Is there to be
        outdoors. It used earth and water pastures with   Beaux Arts it was done as a storage system for   found a categorical imperative, Kant's
        minimal support systems. Lack of time and   carp, tench, rudd and bream. The work then   intellectual grail, a magical, alchemical question
        funding problems reduced it exclusively to   became efficient and acted as a proposal for live   that can be asked before committing to an
        water pastures for the indoor gallery. The tanks   food distribution.               action, that will tell if that action is moral ? By
        had to be redesigned to hold less water in order   At the time of the show, I remember attacking   moral I simply mean congruent with a
        not to stress the floor supports. Using less water   art in its present condition as sterile, a closed   collectively conserving ecological world view,
        required more elaborate life support systems.   system, stiflingly self-referential — that the yield   congruent with self-support and small group
        The idea of combining salt water, a storage   per quantum of effort was pitifully low.   coherence, integrated with the larger bio-
        system for molluscs and crustacea, and a fresh   Although I still hold that position firmly, it no   systems and referenced at the level of art into
        water breeding and growing system for catfish    longer seems valuable to me to attack art. I said    human interaction. q

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